Always feel free to comment on my columns. That makes be better in the long run.

March 24, 2012

Life good but tough.

There was a time so long ago, yet still within my thoughts, of how it was to live in the days after the depression, and the start and ending of the World War 2. As a youngster still depending on Mom and Dad to chart our paths so that when it came time to leave the nest, we would be prepared for whatever would stand in our way of achieving a goal that would set us up for the rest of our lives. That was a goal that we ourselves had to want. We learned from the best because they wanted the best for us. We knew that life was not free, nor was anything needed to make that life a good one. We were taught that if you wanted something bad enough, you would make the effort to get it as long as it was in a honest way and not gotten through bad actions.

Rations were part of our early life and without the ration stamps, you did without. Many things were on hold as the war was taking most of the things that we were used to having. But that is where Mom and Dad did their part in making sure that there was warmth in the winter, food on the table, and love in the family. There were times when you could see the wear and tare on Mom and Dad because they wondered how much longer this problem would be a part of our lives.

There were nights when the sirens would blow and all lights had to be put out because of a possible attack by the enemy. That war lasted from 1941 to 1945 and ended when our President took it upon himself to send the plane with the big bomb and instructed the pilots to drop it on Japan who got us into the war because of what they did at Pearl Harbor. That was the day when the USA decided that that war was going to be over. A lot of good men and women, gave their lives in that war and many families to this day still mourn their loss of a family member. It was thought that WW2 would be the last war that we would ever have to fight, but still there are those countries out there who will still try to take someone over.

In 1945 at the age of 8 years old, I can remember seeing those wonderful men and women coming home in pieces but proud to be able to set feet back on American soil. Many went back to work in the factories and the women who held down those jobs went back to the kitchens and the children they loved. But some women wanted to remain as part of the working class and they stayed in the factories doing jobs that were left after the men went back to work. Many of those women still kept up their homes as well as putting in a day’s work in those factories.

As time went by, it was the older children in the family who had to do more at home and even get a job somewhere else. Money still was hard to get and life did not stand still for you to get on for the ride. At the age of 12, I went to work passing The Kokomo Tribune which was an evening paper then and did that for 3 years come rain or shine , sometimes in the coldest days of the winters, but we got the job done. After that I went to work as a soda jerk at Mills’ Drug Store and then as a stock boy at Krogers. It wasn;t a hard life for me because I learned responsibility and dedication to whatever job I had.. So in today’s world, at the age of 75, I find that life has been a good one and the rest will be welcome for me to experience. I hope that whatever I learned from life, I passed it on to my children with the ride of their lives. I hope that life has been good for you also. GOD BLESS.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day

March 31, 2012
"Then To Now"

I was doing a little shopping for food and those other things needed to take care of the old home-place and I thougt about the changes that we have had since I was just a little guy. Back then the food was kept in an icebox to keep it from spoiling. You had to tell the iceman to bring you some blocks of ice cut to size so that it would fit in the box which was above the food area. On hot days there was a rule that you did not hold the icebox lid open too long because the ice would melt faster. Of course in our large family there wasn’t much to leave in there except those times when mom would get some ice cream for us kids. The clothes were washed in a washing machine that had a wringer on it to wring the water out before hanging on the clothes line which was outside propped up by a pole with a notch on the end. On rainy days clothes were hanging everywhere all over the house just to get them dry before folding them up and put away.

I remember that we always had an oil-cloth for our kitchen table and Mom kept it clean enough to eat off of. But we used plates. At our kitchen table there were six chairs so some of the family had to pull up a stool or something to sit on, because we did not take food to another room to eat. After a certain time each evening, no one would be eating food because that was what breakfast, dinner and supper was for. We had a cook stove that had four places to cook on, plus there was an oven to bake goodies in. On the top there was a warming section where mom kept her biscuits and pies as well as cakes there until ready to serve to all. No one in our family got more than the other as mom made sure that her kids were fed equally. And no one reached across over someone else to get an extra piece because that was not fair to anyone. Mom always thought that to look nice, the clothing should be ironed so that there was no wrinkles and she always put creases in our overalls because it made a bad pair look good. Mom always told us that whenever we went anywhere, we should always be clean and that meant the under clothes too.

Our house in the winter was kept warm by burning coal, wood, and corn-cobs in the heating stove which always would be in the center of the house so that all areas got some heat. In the hot summers, you used a hand-fan that you waved back and forth to cool off and by spending most of the time outside. And of course there were the toilets that at one time were outside but later plumbing was put inside so that you did not have to brave the cold air that the outside ones had. So it was rough in those days of old but we kids did not know it was rough. Life has gotten better each generation because there are those who wanted something better for their children. We now have big refrigerators, electric or gas washing machines, and dryers, and you hardly ever see a clothes line in any neighborhood. Mom heated her iron on the cook stove where today we just plug it in and iron.

As for that outside toilet, that had to be the best improvement of them all as you just don’t see them anymore, although they would be nice whenever you are working out in the garden and time is so important. Yes, today is great but we have it because of yesterday. The thoughts and inventions of a few have meant a lot to everyone. Now if someone could just invent a way to get something done in Washington and get rid of the two stinkers at our state level we might be a lot better. That goes for their buddies too. Yes they have some faults too.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


April 7, 2012

My Family

Going back to those wonderful days of old, is getting through to my readers as they are asking questions about how I was when just a little tyke being in a family as big as ours was. Well, to be clear so that no one gets a picture of lots of money, big home and fancy cars, I will ,this week, open my door a little further so that you can step in and get a closer look. In our family of 14 kids, I really only knew 2 brothers as the ones before them were called Home at a very young age. So the stories of them are ones told me by our mother as she knew them only a little while herself. Mom was a hard working lady who loved her children with all her heart and having them for just a little while and then having them called Home laid deep within her heart and she missed them as much as she loved them and now she is with them in Heaven.

Of the ones that I knew, Ernie know as “Bud" was the oldest and so he was sort of the one I wanted to follow and be like. He was my big brother and I knew him until he was 49 when he was called Home. Bob, who just about everyone knew as “Happy Jack”, was just 2 years older than I was and he too was called Home at the age of 49 years. So for 3 years, there was just the 3 of us, before Deloris was born, and then 2 years later Mary came on the scene and the family was growing fast. Along came Neva and then Wanda before there was another boy born in our family named Russell. All these kids was born at home with the doctor doing house calls. Then there was John who was born in the hospital and that rounded out our family of 14 kids born from the love of my 2 favorite people, Mom and Dad.

So even though we were a large family, we also were a family that did not know all of the family because of passings at an early age. So you can see that Mom and Dad had a rough life, not being able to experience the whole family at any one given time. And the rest of us could only imagine what our brothers and sisters who were called Home so early, could of been like. Margaret Lois , Betty Lou, Christine Maxine, Everett, and Clyde were their names and yes it would of been great to have known them as our brothers and sisters. Just think how hard that must of been for Mom and Dad to lose their children so early in life. Our children are supposed to bury us, not the other way around. But I know that God knows what he is doing and we rest our thoughts on that.

So as our family grew and went their own ways we experienced losing some of them. Deloris and Mary were called Home a few years ago and we miss them too. That is what big families do, they grow up, they set off on their own ways to make their own children and the path gets more traveled as life is the one thing that is so precious to all of us. What we do in our walks is what we want to do and many times we meet those blockages in front of us and we have to step over, walk around, or move that blockage so we can continue on until that day when we get the call to the Promised Land. Life at times does not seem fair but we were never told it would be easy, and we take it one day at a time, ready to make the best of sometimes a hard situation. I have to say that I have been able to continue on even though there has been many things in my way. So to you out there, love one another, help when needed, and experience the harmony of life with love for all of us

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


April 14, 2012

Time to have fun.

The one thing I look forward to each spring is working in my garden, where there is just me there listening to the birds singing, and the wind making it’s musical sound as it goes by and lingers there waiting for me to talk back at it. Some think I am a little cracked up to say that. I talk to the wind and the birds as they wait for the thoughts that I have at that time. And what a wonderful place to just sit down at and have that little talk with God who is there for me no matter why I am out there.

 This year, I have decided to just put out a garden big enough to take care of us and not to fill the freezer with. I still have lots of peppers and onions from last year and that will last us for what ever comes up. This year though I am going to make sure that all the cats from the neighborhood don’t park in my onion patch. If you have cats, then find a way to keep them out of my garden. They will park in there waiting for birds and by laying on top of the plants, the onion plants are cheated out of sunlight plus they mash down the tops and there you are with nothing to show for the work put in planting them. This year I did not order any onion plants from Washington State because of those cats. I will go out as soon as I have time and dig up the plants and replant them. Many times you can do that and get some size to them. As for what else I will have out there is up to what I can find at the places who sell them. I will always plant tomatoes and bell peppers because both are good for you and I like to see how big I can grow them. Cucumbers are nice to have on a hot day mixed with sugar, vinegar and a little dressing.

I don’t plant corn because of the room it takes plus the amount you get from planting it. Cabbage just does not grow too good for me so I stay away from it. A few flowers next to some of the plants will make it look good and smell good too. It will take me a little longer to get my garden ready to plant and then I will be crawling around on it to get the plants down and ready to grow. The old prayer bones just aren’t what they used to be, but while down on them, I can pray that the plants do good and we will have a great time sending them to our stomachs.

The biggest problem I will have this year will be trying to get as much out of my hands as they are pretty bad because of working all those years without gloves to protect them. I guess we learn from experience. So if you see me lying down on the ground, don’t worry about it as I will be trying to get enough strength to get up. Oh, the memories of past gardens lay heavy in my heart. One year I tried to walk though the garden after a heavy rain and got stuck , so I had to crawl out of the shoes and walk barefooted out of the garden. Another time I fell out there and couldn’t get up so I crawled all the way to the fence and pulled myself up. Another time I was picking green beans and looked up to find a large pit bull slowly walking toward me. While watching him,I slowly backed up until I got to the gate and then high-tailed it to the back porch. Man, I was really scared that time. But it was and is worth it to be able to go out to that wonderful place where it is just me and God and all those great things he helped me to grow. How about you experiencing the things I do while having a good time doing it?

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


April 21, 2012

Time is precious.

As one who took on a second vocation late in life due to the mill closing, I had the teaching of some great sales persons and that teaching made me a very good salesman. It got to the place that customers would ask for me as soon as they came in the door.They knew that I knew my product and they also knew that I would not sell them something they did not need nor know how to run said merchandise. For 17 years I had a great group of fellow salespeople who knew their job and you could trust them to tell you the truth about what they sold and how to get the very best from their purchase.

Each week it was up to the evening crew to get the sale items out and marked so that when the customer came in they did not have to look for it. When that customer came through those doors, you wanted to have everything ready so that they could get what they wanted and make the most of their time while in the store. You prepared for the customer and when that customer left the store they were happy with their purchase because you took care of them. One of the salesmen who helped break me in told me that it did not matter if the people who came into the store had suits on or torn overalls, because that was a sale you could make just by acknowledging them and greeting them with a “May I help You”. If the customer was just looking, you let him or her know that if there are any questions, you would be glad to help them. No one wants someone following them around and watching their every move.

So, that said, here are my words for this week. Have you ever gone into a store and go right to the spot where you knew an item was and it had been moved? Have you asked where an item was and was told that it was in another aisle? That folks, is what many of the big shopping centers are doing. They think that by looking for something you want, you will see something else and buy it along with what you wanted in the first place. In other words, your time is not as important as their’s. My thought is that if I found something I wanted right away, I might look some more and buy more items that what I went in there to get.

The other day, I was in a superstore that I buy a lot at and there I was looking for something that used to be there but now in an aisle two lanes over. I was not the only one there and my thoughts were the same as theirs in that why did they move something to an aisle that had no reference to the item I wanted.. One customer said that they always move things so that you can do a lot of looking and that is thought to be great planning on the manager’s part. I say that with the training I had as a salesperson, that is defeating the whole idea of taking care of the customer. My question is this. Is the customer’s time important to the stores sales staff? Wouldn’t it be better use of the staff to walk the aisles so that they could answer the questions of the customer who wants to make the best use of their time? You put all paper products in an area so that it can be found right away. You put can goods where they can be found as to what you want it for.

To the owners of these large superstores, I say that if I want something and I find it right away, then I am going to take a good look going to the registers for maybe something else that I might need. It shortens the time that I have to do my shopping and that can be more money for the store as I am satisfied with my visit and will return again to buy more

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day


APRIL 28, 2012


Remembering the past and knowing that our future might be a result of that past is a wonderful way to spend those hours when you have nothing else to do. When I write about my parents and grandparents, I do it from deep within my heart. Just remembering the little things like Mom making bunches of flowers using crepe paper and a pair of scissors, and playing her piano and Dad trying to get some rest after working a double at the mill. He very seldom slept more than a few hours because there was always something that needed fixed and he was the only one to know how to do it. When he had the time, he showed us how to do those things, when he was at work, but we didn’t learn too fast and so he had to finish up after he got home. Mom was always finding something to do like cleaning house, ironing the clothes and talking to her friends over the picket fence.

In time, we kids learned how to keep the house clean, and the outside chores such as bringing in the coal and wood for the cooking and heating stoves. And there were always ashes to clean up out of the bottom of those two stoves so that the fire could breathe better and keep the warm heat going. And we had lots of time left after homework was finished and we used that time by listening to the radio and our favorite shows. We would sit around the radio and look right at it like we were actually seeing what was going on.. The Friday Night Fights were a favorite for Dad and we boys ,and we listened to The Lone Ranger, Gildersleve, The Green Hornet, and Arthur Godfrey, among other great shows. Sitting there on the floor with Dad sitting right by the radio, we enjoyed the togetherness that all families should have.

 In today’s world there are several televisions in the home and the family in different rooms just so they can watch their favorite programs. Yes, we here in our home are like that as we have different tastes in programs. People don’t go on picnics anymore as they seem to always have to stop at a drive up to get food for dinner and supper. Not too many homes have that special time like supper time where all are home sitting down to a great meal cooked by that wonderful lady we all call Mom. And how many times has it been that all the family took just enough time to help Mom with the housecleaning? It seems that everyone is just too busy to pick up anything and they act like they don’t see what should be picked up. Leave it for the next one who walks by to pick it up. Yes, folks, we all are guilty of doing that .

When did we start doing these things that are contrary to what we use to do to help out or just to clean up our own messes? Have we changed that much or is it our attitude that has changed. Our priorities have taken a different turn in our everyday lives. We block out the past, live only in the present and we don’t worry about our futures. Will we pass this on to our grandchildren? I hope not as our grandparents and parents are the ones who gave us the know how of getting off to a good start in life and maintaining that watchful eye on us as we matured into what we are now. Thanks to them, we learned how to take care of ourselves later on in life and how to bring up our children so that they were able to get by.

All those little hugs, and those night time kisses went a long way in making us the lovable group we are now. I would say from deep in my heart that in the days of old, we were very fortunate to have been born in a family where love was an everyday experience that gives and gives every day for the rest of our lives.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


May 5, 2012


As a Hoosier who loves the game of basketball and all sports, I each year, voice my thoughts about that time when those 5 men down at ISHAA took away from us the opportunity to have a single state champion. They stuck the knife in so deep that the pain lives on the the game of basketball at that time when the sport took a nose dive into a puddle of wishes that it had never happened. Sure, it is great that there are many champions according to the size of the schools, but what did it say to each school as to the greatness of having that championship? What it did was to make a school a champ among champions and it told them that they won it because they did not have to play any schools larger than them. It told the players that they have their own championship that could not be won under the old system. It told the fans that here you are, back your school because the chances of winning a championship have been made better because they were not good enough to play the big schools and have that chance to win it all. And if you look at the attendance count in basketball games since the system was changed, you will see that it has gone down a lot and so the schools suffer from low ticket sales.

Will we ever get back to the one class system in Indiana. It would be great if it did but it does not seem possible to happen in our lifetime. It has only been a short few months since the season was over and the classes crowning their champs, but I would be willing to bet that half of the fans and sports writers as well as some of the players themselves can not tell you who won the final games this year. And probaly they would have to go to a record book to tell you who won last year’s final games. I can’t because it did not make that mark in our brains like it used to when we had only one champ.

So here is what I will say about Indiana ISHAA basketball and the future of it here in the basketball capital of the world. By going to the class system, we told our young high school children that they are not equal to those players at the big schools. We told our fans that we should stay within our boundries of school size and go only to games that can be won by that school. And we told our schools that if we want to be better, then we have to get bigger. And we told those 5 men down at the ISHAA that we don’t like the class system and want to return to what made us that basketball king that we were for so many years, but they did not listen. Now politics are sticking their noses into it when someone should of done the right thing and challenged it that first year.

I transferred to a small school in 1953 and I found out that the players on that team wanted to play the big school at tourney time because they felt they were good enough to take the big school down. You have 5 players on each team on the floor and all ten of them feel they are good enough to win the game. The ISHAA took away that thought and planted in those player’s minds that the size of the school made the difference and not the hearts of the players. You don’t tell the players that they can’t compete with any other team but those within a class according to size of said school. You don’t tell the parents that there children can’t compete because they go to a small school. What you can do is to tell each player and fan that once they are out on that floor, it is player versus player, heart against heart, and you play to win. You don’t tell them they can’t win the game.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


May 12, 2012


Tomorrow is Mother’s Day, and we use that day to let the mothers know what we think of them and in the way we show it. Many mothers will receive a gift from the son or daughter and it will be given with thanks for the way mother took care of us. We use that one day to give thanks and then it is back to the old routine of expectation that mom is here for one reason and that would be to born a child, raise it and get it ready for the outside world. Well, for me, Mother is the wonderful lady who gave birth to me, fed me, clothed me, and help prepare me for that outside world, without ever letting go on the apron strings, until she was sure that we could go forth into life and maintain a life of doing what must be done according to what we wanted in life itself.

I can close my eyes and see that wonderful smile she had on her face when she got us ready for school. Her laugh, when we said something funny, and her love she showed to each of us every day of our lives while she was still here with us. The times when we got hurt , and the loving way that she gave her hugs, and how she took care of our scratches and cuts in that tender way without making it hurt more. Mom always made sure that we were clean when we went out to play or go to a friends house, even though many times we got a little dirty before we got back home.

Mom could really scold you without hurting you because he did her scolding in a way that was constructive and clear. Mom could spank you but she would never do it in a way that made you hurt for a while. Her way of letting you know that you did wrong was to discipline you by telling you that you should not do it again. Mom always was there for you to tug on her apron strings when you needed that little hug and a kiss for her kids, that only a mother could give.

I could go on all day telling you what my mother meant to me but I guess you get my drift. In short, mom was there for us regardless what the situation was, and the love of mother to child was something that was far and above what was needed and she had lots more to give and give each day. I miss my mother very much but she did her time and she was rewarded with a gift of eternal life in Heaven. I write because of her and I know that anyone who knew her could verify that here was a lady who gave and gave again with love for us and the training that we use today.

So yes, Mothers’ Day is used each year to give respect to those ladies who gave their love to their children, but we need to realize that there are also those ladies out there who are mothers too and who did like our mother in that they gave their lives to raise their children so that they knew that a mother’s love is something that can not be taken away, as it gives and gives everyday. And there are those ladies out there who could not give birth , but they sort of give their love to other children. So think about taking more than one day to let those mothers out there know that they did their job well. All married couples have had the luxury of having two mothers to love, so it is double fold for them. and don’t forget the mother of your children because they have a place in our hearts too. So to put it in a nutshell, Mother’s day is very important to all of us because they were the ones who had us 9 months more that the fathers did. They carried us securely in their womb taking care of us that only a mother could do. Happy Mother’s Day

Ray “Uncle Ray" Day


May 19, 2012


There are times when I wonder just what is going on in our country USA. We live in a land that has a constitution, which allows us to elect the people we want to speak for us in our government. We expect them to deliver our feelings to the Congress as a whole and we expect Congress to act on them as soon as possible. But are we getting that across to them and also to our President of our United States? We sit by our televisions, listen to the radios, and we read our newspapers to find out if our leaders are at least acting on our voices through those elected to do so for us. We elect those people to go forth and act on our pleas but it just seems to not being done. Have we ventured into an elected government that acts on their own or have we just sat back and given them the power to do as they want or as that of the lobbying powers that wait in their roach holes waiting for the opportunity to sneak in long enough to infect our voice that was supposed to be trying to get something good done.

Now here is a statement that I thought I would never say but here it is. The other day, our President who I voted for, made a statement of his own when he said that there is no problem with same sex marriage and he gives his blessing to that union. In my opinion, I have to come forth and tell him that I am ashamed of what he said. I do nor discriminate against anyone, but marriage is a union blessed by our God between a man and a woman only.

How far do we take a statement like that? Do we ask our leader to change his statement so that we might be able to respect him. Like I stated, I did vote for him but the reason was that I was tired of seeing Bush destroy the people’s trust and getting us into wars where we should of never been in. Many of the things that Bush did, put our country on the edge of ruin. I thought that it was time to deliver the reins over to another party who seemed to have our country in it’s heart and soul. A young man who seems to want to get us back on our feet without putting us in a hole so deep that we would never be able to climb out of. I still think he wants to make us stronger, but the way that he is doing it will only make us worst. Our problem with the election of our leader this year is almost like that of the last election. There is nobody that we really want in office coming out of the other party. That makes it easier for one party to win over another when you don’t really have someone running that we fear does not have the stuff to lead us in case of another attack of our beloved USA..With what we went through this year in politics, we have no one good enough.

So yes, I am disappointed in what our leader and his vice president feels about same sex marriage. He should of kept his thoughts about that subject to himself. Everyone has a right to their opinions but they should not be used as a way to pull the gay people over to his side. Like I stated, I will never discriminate again anyone regardless of race or creed, but I will stand straight up against anyone who wants to take our country down.

I am a believer in our Lord Jesus Christ. I believe that God created our earth so that we might enjoy life in the ways that keep us free and with no fears of how we live according to His Word. Adam and Eve did not have anyone but themselves and was a union blessed by God in His Garden. That was a marriage of one man and one woman and that is the way it should always be.
Ray “Uncle Ray” Day

May 26, 2012

Footsteps of life.

We are born to a man and woman, who have been chosen to accept the responsibility given by God to love, train and instill, a pattern of life for the younger years of our lives. So for about 6 years, the parents take on that task by nourishing, potty training, walking and finally getting that child ready for a learning period of at least 12 years from the schools and teachers who try to get the very best out of each child through their system. Many times we fail in getting the job done because that first 6 years was not done in a way of caring what that child could turn out to be. Twelve years of schooling is needed by each child if he or she intends on going to college, so that a career can sustain a favorable way of life. But somewhere in that 12 year period, we failed in making sure that child was trained enough by not knowing how he or she was doing even though the report cards might of stated that said youngster was failing in getting the education by not attending classes, not participating in classroom activities, nor caring enough to ask for help.

Now here is where I ask whose fault it is that the child did not learn enough to make the move to the next level. Is it the parents who should of had all the early training done so that the child was ready for school ? Is it the fault of the teachers who’s job it is to teach that child the educational factors used by all people who made their through life step by step until they acquired the education they thought would get then ready for the outside world ?  Is it the fault of the youngsters who felt that they did not need that type of training and just did not do their part to get there ? Or is it the fault of the people on the outside looking in who are the taxpayers who are footing the bills of a good education for all ?

Well, I think most parents do get their part done and I feel l that the teachers do their part with what they have to work with. I do think the taxpayers should take a better look at what the cost is for a proper education is and also ask why we are doing all the changing of rules, tuition, and the tools used because some one wanted to bring in a new system of using computers by children just barely starting in the system.

OK, I have gotten to the place where I will try to make a point about the use of computers in the early grades of school. It is of my opinion that our children should learn the ABC’s of life before playing with the computer. What I am getting at, is that learning the early rules and facts of proper education is more important to the child in those first 6 years of school. Once the child has learned that 1 and 1 make 2 and the proper use of the English language has been placed in that child’s mind, then you can sort of use some computers to train them with. As far as the taxpayers are concerned, we need to tell the heads of our state instruction to quit using our money in changing an education process just because they feel it is what they think is the answer. In most of our school systems we have had success in getting our children a proper education without shoving the computer down the throats of our teachers who still use the proper way of getting our children ready for the outside world. I taught myself the use of a computer but it would not of been accomplished without the proper training I received in our public schools. Teach the classes with good teachers, not expensive computers. Give the child a chance to learn his ABC’s of schooling before making that foolish mistake.In my opinion, we need to learn how to  count, read, and write first, before using the computers.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


JUNE 2, 2012

"Life's Story"

I want to start out this week with a question for you and also for me. When you were little and you needed the care from your mother and father, just how would your life have changed if one or both of them passes away before you had time to learn something from them that would of enriched your lives so much more? Think about those who have been through that part of their lives without the love from their parents. Where would you or I be without the love that was given to us by our parents. We are not here forever, so if they are still with you, praise them and show your respect and tell them that you love them. If they have gone home to be with God, then praise their memory, and respect that memory by visiting their graves, and while you are there , tell them you still love them very much.

One day while this writer was part of a funeral procession of a friend and also a fellow steelworker, I observed the respect for one who has gone home. From start to finish, every car stopped and waited until the complete line of cars had passed before starting back up. That is respect in capital letters. I thank them for doing that. And think about this. Why do we wait until the person is gone before we tell them that they have been a big part of our lives just by friendship alone. Why do we stand at the casket and not know what to say even though there is a life that was there and now God has called them Home and the loved ones who are left are standing there waiting for someone to tell them that that person was a valued friendship and will always be remembered as one who said it like it was, and smiled while saying it? Is it sorrow in our hearts to lose one who meant so much alive and now has made the final passage into God's Hands. Do we as members of the human race respect someone more in death as we do in life?

The other day a long time friend and childhood neighbor who always was called “Mutt” by me and his close friends passed away and I was unable to attend his funeral because of sickness in my own home, but that did not mean I did not respect him as a friend and as one of God's people. Even though he is gone now per the Hands of God, he still is and always will be a memory in my heart and soul. Even though he was four years older than me, he was a neighbor in a family of 13 kids and all of them were my friends and playmates. There is only one left of that family who lived across the street from us and I will say that the friendship that our two families had was a good one. They are not gone, they have just taken a new address. That was what life was back in the days of old. Respect for each other, friends for life and here after. You don't see too much of that anymore as it is each man for themselves and who cares about them after they are gone. Well in my heart, I have memories so precious of those who we grew up with and how they have played such a big part in my life here on earth.

I hope that God will continue to bless me with a steady heartbeat, added strength,and more wisdom so that I can continue to let you know that I care about each of you even though we have never met face to face. As a result of being able to meet you each Saturday morning over a cup of coffee as you read my words, I have been truly blessed with new friendships from my readers, and those who are sent a copy to others in their families. We are family with respect for each other and blessed with memories of a time so long ago yet only yesterday.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


JUNE 9, 2012


I have been down the paths of agreement and disagreements according to the subjects written about.What I write sometimes steps on other’s toes and they let me know it. Maybe I get a little far out on my thoughts but I write on what I believe to be my true thoughts, and I will get many readers who will let me know that they like to read my column because many times I take them back in time to those days when life was tough but good too. You wouldn’t believe how many of my readers are in the eighties and nineties who have inspired me to write. One of my readers started writing letters to me each week and she would of been 100 years old last January. I received a lot of good information from her but God called her Home a few weeks prior to her birthday.

 Many of my readers have e-mailed me and informed me of things that I really had not checked into and I thank them for that. Some have told me that my thoughts need to be tuned in to what is really going on in America today and I thank them too. Writing this column has opened the doors to more friendship with people that I have never met but it seems like I have known them forever. I even get e-mails from groups who want laws changed so as to benefit the marriages of the same sex, and I do read their words and I do get back to them to let them know that I would be against that type of law. I will not run them down but I won’t acknowledge them either, because it just is not the way I believe. Like I have stated time and again, I will not run anyone down as to race or belief as long as they are not out to run my country down. America is where I live, and it is the place that I believe in and you can take that to the bank Jack. I was raised to respect all others and I try to do that . I believe in a family as being the backbone of this nation and as that family goes, so goes this nation. We try to live in peace but we know that there will always be those roaches lying in wait for that chance to take us over. There are times when we think our rights are being violated but many times it is the result of better precautions by our government to keep us safe.

 Being free means that we do everything possible to stay that way. If that means we need to step on some toes then so be it. You have to want to be free in order to stay that way. So in each of us we will find some hardships in trying to do the things we want to do as free people. We have a great country here even though there are many things that need to change and I think we are up to it. One of the best things we have is freedom of speech and this writer is proud to be able to write my thoughts down for all of you to see. And bless those people who let me know when I get off base because it gives me a chance to get back safely on base before being called out. Yes, you guys who put me on the coals, are very valuable to me as you keep me in line with what is happening today . I thank you for the ways you let me know your thoughts and your suggestions of what could be done to make us that much better. I am going to keep writing about the old days and also what is going on today and our hopes for tomorrow. Those of you out there who want to do so can email me with your thoughts on what and how I write my thoughts. Who knows, I might one day meet up with some of you and find out that we think the same way.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


 JUNE 16, 2012


We take one day to honor our fathers who helped bring us into this world and who were there to help our mothers raise us from children to adults. In my case, for the first 18 years, I found not only an tired old man, but one who kept me fed and clothed though my classroom years. After graduating from High School, and getting a scholarship to Indiana University, I knew that my family could not afford to help me with money to go with that award,so I hired on at Continental Steel, where Dad spent 37 years in the electrical department. Working at the same place where your dad worked, is something most fathers want from their sons, so there would be times when we would cross paths and sometimes that can be a little touchy between both parties. Dad would always introduce me to his coworkers as the son who would only be here until college started and only the summers after that. Dad got me off to the side one day and he said that he and I would be coworkers, and at the steel mill they didn’t play favorites. I guess that from then on, life at the steel mill was one that was a joy to be there and a joy to know that Dad and I , at times might be working together. I went from a yard laborer to group leader to foreman in that first year, and I gave up the scholarship, which many thought might was a mistake. Turns out in 1964, I moved to turn foreman then to assist. supertendent and guess what , my dad was the motor inspector , so there would be many times when I might have to tell him that something needed repairing and I did that.

One day he and I sat down during a break, and he and I had a little talk. He said that I was the boss, he was the worker and that is the way it is. Not once did I ever have to go get him because he was Johnny on the spot. He had a dangerous job and there were times when I wanted to help him, because he had bad legs but dad wouldn’t have any part of that. He said he hired in to work and when it was that time that he couldn’t do his job, he would retire. That was the man he was, and I respected him for that. It was a lot different from the first 18 years of my life when dad had to discipline me and the other kids for something we did wrong and Mom had to inform him of that. Dad was not a mean man, but he was strict and if there were more like him in this age, our country would be a lot better off.

Dad always wanted his meals on time, and he wanted rest time when he was so tired from working doubles at the mill, Dad wasn’t finicky about his food like I was but he did not want leftovers. He always believed that a hard working man should always have that good meal waiting for him after work . Back in 1979, Dad went down and my brother Russell had to go over and pick him up and to bed where a few days later he got his call and passed from this earth. I had a chance to go in and have a father to son talk between 2 steel mill workers and I could tell that the time was getting close, but he was not scared because he knew where he was going. Dad was not a church goer as he worked about every Sunday at the mill, but if you think that he was not religious, you have the wrong idea. Dad, like Mom suffered through the losing of several of their children, but that never did change his look on life. He knew that we are here for a certain time and then we get our call home. But you can’t follow the devil and get there. He was my friend, my co-worker & my Dad.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day


June 23, 2012


" Protect yourselves "

It seems to me that we are always reading about homes being broke into, ladies mugged when going to their cars after shopping, children can not play outside because there are creeps out there to harm them, shootings by people who are too young to realize what they might doing to their future, and our small stores having robbers coming in and taking what they want. What has happen to our society that causes us to just back off and let it happen.

As most know me as a man of peace, this will seem to them that I might lead a double life in how I think and how I act. First off, I am a man of peace who would rather get along with anyone regardless of their race, religion, and time spent in jail. But there is a side to me that gives me strength and direction anytime I or any member of my family is in danger. I have to tell you that I do keep ready just in case trouble comes my way. My contention when it comes to protecting my family and my home, is that I am ready with a ball bat in several places in my home and I would use it any time I felt it necessary to protect myself and anyone living in my home. You might say that anyone who tries to break in will be carried out.

We have great law enforcement people ready to do their job in protecting you and I and I wouldn’t hesitate to call them right away. But think of that split second between when someone breaks in, and the time to call for help. In that small amount of time, I or anyone there with me, could lose our lives and I don’t feel like giving the person breaking in that opportunity to do his deed and get away. So like I said, break in and get carried out. And I would make sure that the ones who try to break in gets a wound from that bat that makes anyone go down and stay down. Now, I am not saying that we should take justice in our own hands as I am a person who believes in our police, sheriff, and firemen. We have them there ready to risk their lives each day so that we might be safe, no questions asked. What I am saying is that we have turned the other way too many times, because if we try to go up against the bad guy, someone might get hurt.

People who work in a business are told they they can be fired if they go against someone trying to rob the store. I was told that many years ago and my answer then is the same one now. Being fired is a lot better then being killed or robbed. We need to have some sort of plan in case we ever come across a situation where a person wants to do us harm.. Teach all members of the family that they should notify the police if there is time to do so. In your home, do as I do. Have some sort of protection in several places in your home ready to use when needed. If you are shopping, always take a good look for anything that looks wrong and be aware of the area around you. Be very alert when you come home and start unloading your groceries from car to house. That split second that you leave the door open while going back to get more out of the car, is all someone needs to sneak inside and be ready for you when you come back in. Leave your area lighted during the dark hours. A little electric expense is better than a lump in the head. At times when you might have to be away for a while, ask a neighbor to keep an eye out for anything that does not look right. And please folks, get your kids into the house in those late hours. You can make your life and property safe by being ready to act as soon as possible.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day

June 30, 2012

"Just Memories"

There are times when I am glad to be here in the present time, because of all the old memories that I have in my in my bank of thoughts. But there are times also when I wished that I could still be back in those wonderful days of old when my parents and my grandmothers were still with us.

 Coming from a large family, there was lots of things to do and lots of parental love going around. Those times when we could sit there with our dad and listen to the radio or sitting back listening to mom playing her piano. And when Grandmother Sapp came to visit, we would sit back and listen to her stories about where she lived in the state of Washington. And those times when our pretty white haired Grandmother Day would come over and spend a few days with us.

 Here were two ladies who lived into their nineties, and you never did see either one of them feeling bad, as they would tell us stories about their lives as they lived it in the early years. Both of our grandfathers were killed in mobile accidents so we never did get to share our thoughts with them.

The people back then were much different than they are now. Respect of one to the other was the game and a handshake and a man’s word was as good as going to the bank. The food we ate was fixed by the great cook we called Mom but there were times wen Grandmother Sapp, when she was here, would help Mom cook and when we were not looking, she would hit the foods with a dose of garlic. At the time, I could of done without that garlic but today, I try to use as much as possible because I think it is good for me.

There were many times when Dad wasn’t around because he worked as much overtime as possible in order to get ahead some. And when he had a chance and a little extra change, he would stop at the store and pick up some candy bars for us kids. Dad seemed to never take a vacation from work, and many times he went to work feeling bad but he had a family to take care of and with Mom as his wife, he didn’t have to worry about how the kids were raised because he trusted Mom and that was good. But when he was around, there were times when he would play catch or hit some grounders for me to field.

Dad in his young days like to box and so I thought I might try it too. Boy, the first time the other guy hit me, I came home with a broken nose. So from then on, I did my boxing only in my thoughts not in my hands and head. Yes, times back then lay deeply in my heart and I will always remember those days when family meant a lot and honor among men and women went a long way toward respect and faithfulness. Brothers and sisters were closely bound by the love of a good mother and father. Back into todays world, we look both ways before we make friends because there is no honor , nor do we trust our leaders as far as we can throw that fifty pound rock. Is it the attitude of today that we need to change or do we just wait at the door of opportunity for the next big thing. Life is what you make of it. We are born and raised with a new beginning, but sometimes between then and now we let it all slip away. As far as this writer is concerned, I will live my life with the possibility of something nice coming along but if it doesn’t,. I have my upbringing to help me get back on the right track. For you out there while sipping that cup of coffee and reading this column, there is a whole day ahead with surprises ready for you to open that door of opportunity and see what you come up with.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day

July 7, 2012

"Steel Mill Remembered_Good People Kicked Out"

It has been 26 years since Continental Steel went down bankrupt and many good men and women were left out on the streets with no money coming in. Those who were lucky enough to get a pension had to get it through the government organization that guaranteed a pension if you were eligible for it. Think about this. A worker with 30 years and at the age of 62  received more than a worker with the same amount of service but only 49 years of age. Yes, that’s right. Even though you had the same amount of years worked, you received less than one who was older. And many of us supervisors joined an annuity group  but each one who was in it would receive only $17.52 each month. So, as far as service and pension for those who earned it, the boys at the top really hung one on us.

Oh, I know there were  many good people up in the main office who got taken just like we did and I know the others who followed the orders of their superiors did so to keep a job. So for 26 years now, the wounds still remain in our hearts and souls and we live day to day on a lot less money than what we should of gotten and that truth has taken a lot of good men and women to their graves a lot earlier than they should of have. All this while that top dog who before he started taking the advantage of many good people and only lived on a $39 a week pay as a bartender is having a good life down on the beaches. I don’t have to give names because his name is planted in the minds of all those who still are here on this earth. One thing is for sure. When he and his loyal henchmen stand before the God Almighty, I hope they get a quick pass to that pit of fire that awaits them.

Now you would think that people would of learned that there are those who will do anything for the big dollars waiting them as they sit at the top of a business doing their cuts of good people while gaining lots of money sitting there in that chair as the top dog. You would of thought that people would know that there will always be someone who will fill their pockets with money and wealth gained by cutting down the little guy. Or maybe we just don’t care if something like that happens to the other guy as long as it doesn’t happen to you. Think about how it would be if you lost your pension because you were too young even though you felt secure in the thought that it would be there when that time comes. And back to the people at the steel mill. If you owned stock like a lot of us did, how would you feel if you were told that $26,000 in stock was no good anymore. There were many good people both in supervision and the unions who live with that memory of a group of men who just did not care one bit about others as long as the pockets kept getting fuller.

You would think that the American people would of been very cautious about how all these big money men can go from unemployment to rich in just a few months. I know that any organizations needs someone at the top to make that big decision which way to go, but there usually is a board of men and women who should be watching where the money goes. Taking a big blow as we did in 1986, you would think that there would of been jobs for the men somewhere else but they had to have skill in a different field and so many headed back south to the fields and started over. Some like me had to learn a new type of work,and adjust to the situation but we made it. There will be a reunion in August for the gathering of good people bringing in good food.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day

JULY 14, 2012


I have written many columns through the years and I find that it has given me a good look at what is going on today versus what it was before my time. Think about not having the things like cars, trains, planes, and even bicycles to get back and forth from. Think about the conveniences we have today with all the superstores where you can get just about any thing to wear and eat as well as fixing things that are broken. Medicines are available in just about all those shopping centers. But the one thing that is always available are the foods we eat, the clothes we wear, and the cars we drive coming from overseas because it can be gotten cheaper and the stores make a great profit on all that they sell.
What happened to buying USA? Why are we going hungry over here in the states when we send money and food to those countries who one day will be strong enough to make another try at taking us out.
 I have never understood why we send our money over to those countries who only get what their leaders want the people to have.  Where in our constitution does it say that we have to be their keepers. Why should one child go hungry here and ten get to eat over there all compliments of the USA? The sweat shops where young children work twenty hours a day and make clothes for us to wear, have bosses who get to eat all they want and they reap in the money when we buy their goods.
Yes, I know that if anyone here in the states would just take a look at the labels on their clothes, they would find out that they are wearing clothes made by those children in those sweat shops. I have always said when asked how I felt about sharing the bounties of great institutions, that we need to take care of our own just like all families do. Feed our folks first and then share the rest with those who need it. I have always voiced my opinion about the wealthy in that they usually got that way by being smart with their assets and investments. But then those people give to others in the other countries before checking to see if we need it here in the states.
Sure we have those who would take advantage of the handouts because it is against their stature to work for a living. You are always going to find those people who don’t care about their children enough to go do some work to earn enough to buy food for the kids. But there are many who have lost their jobs, their homes and their families and they have no where to go except to the streets. There are women out there who have many children, each by a different man, and they milk the welfare dry. What do we do? Do we go ahead and help or do we tell them the cubbard is bare?
Just the other day, we found out that the IRS has been giving tax credits to men and women for kids that don’t even live here. They say that the loopholes allow that to happen and I say to them that the IRS needs to clean up their act and start filing charges against the offenders. Maybe we need to take a good look at those in the IRS as to whether they should even be working there.

All in all, the USA is a country that others take an advantage of and we look the other way. Let’s get back to what the country is all about and that is being free, and the best in the world. Bring the jobs back to our country and our workers. Feed our children first. Buy American whenever possible, and get people back in Congress who want to do those things. We can holler as much as possible but if no one is listening, who is going to hear our calls? Sometimes you have to climb down a hill in order to climb up it.


JULY 21, 2012

"Sitting back and staying inside."

With the hot weather during this spring and summer taking it’s toll on us older folk, the old television has taken a front seat to our time during the daytime hours. We usually go to the Hallmark channel, because you have less chance of getting profanity and scenes of the nature that we don’t want to see. We watch 3 hours of The Waltons and 3 hours of Little House On The Prairie, and then catch the news at the end of our day of viewing. I don’t usually watch much television during the day because I like to be outside in the garden or working in the wood shop. We don’t get out much because of the illness of both of us except to the store or maybe to eat somewhere. So time isn’t a factor in what we do or where we go.

But we are getting older each day and new aches and pains come to visit every once in a while and we learn to close our minds to them because there usually isn’t anything we can do about it. I spend a lot of time reading and looking up things on the Internet so that I can be well informed about things people might ask of me. There is a wealth of information out there just waiting for us to read up on and it doesn’t cost a thing to do the reading. I don’t use the Internet for things like finding a mate because I have the one I want and I am satisfied with my choice. Those who use the Internet to find partners are only taking a chance on life with headaches and heartaches, as they really do not know the whole truth about that one on the other end, My goodness, you can find a partner right in the town you live in and knowing about everything about them. Love should never be a thing of chance or luck. Love is a commitment of a man and woman who intend to make their lives better just being a part of said union.

Getting back to The Waltons, we enjoy watching the stories of that family during the good times and the bad times. The love portrayed between wife and husband, and them to all their children reminds me of the days of old when I was a child and I enjoy seeing how the family members go about their everyday chores doing things that we had to do. And watching “Little House” I like seeing the same thing but in a time so much earlier than what it was in my day. The same family love with a solid responsibility toward how the family is led by the father but with the awareness of the mother. The kids do get in trouble once in a while but the teaching from parent to child is at the top of the agenda because they prepare the child for what lies ahead for them when they leave home to take up a life about the same. These two shows do a lot toward showing where the responsibilities lay and how they are passed on to the children. So if you are old like me, or if you are a youngster about ready to leave the nest, it sure would pay to watch this type of television.

We learn every day and sometimes there are things laying in the back of your mind that will one day say, “hey, that is how our parents wanted us to be". So I guess we will be sitting in the old easy chair watching some very educational shows like the ones I listed and some on the Discovery Channel if you can catch some that does not have those beeps in it which they put in to block the profanity. And really there are a few shows that the family can watch without being embarrassed by the content. You might have to change a lot of channels. But then you could listen to the radio or sit down and read the newspaper like I do. It is all educational, and informing.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day

JULY 28, 2012

"The Whole Truth"

About a week ago I received an email from a young fellow of 12 years old asking me a question that others have asked over the time I started writing about my childhood and the years before . He wanted to know how much was for real and how much was just tall tales.

Well, anyone who really knows me will tell you that I speak the truth as to what my life and life before was like. I don’t just blow wind as if it isn’t true than you won’t see my name on it. I guess that the youngsters of today just do not believe that we could of come from such a time when life was tough but still fun.

The music of my time were songs that told a story about the things that happened to those who wrote and sang it. Work was precious to those who were able to find it. Respect in the family was supreme from the youngest child all the way back to the elders still with us. Those who had been called home were remembered each year by visiting the place where they were buried. A man’s word was very important to all he knew.

Mothers were always of high quality as to how they maintained the home while cooking, cleaning, and giving out of those wonderful gifts of love to each member of their family. Fathers knew that all depended on them to bring home the bacon and still be able to spend time with the family members. School was very important for each child to attend and learn the things that would be needed as they grew older in life and many times homework was brought home to do before bedtime.

Chores like cutting kindling, taking out the ashes, bringing coal in to last into the next day, and in our house , helping our mother do the dishes after supper each night before going out to play with our friends. For those who could afford it, food was kept in the ice box to save until time to cook and serve it. Food was prepared in a big kitchen cook stove which really would be nice to have here in modern times. Many still had the outhouse out back but there were many who were finally getting enough money to put in a water closet that in today’s time is just called the bathroom. Money was tight so if the youngsters wanted some money to buy something special, they had to find ways to do so.

Many, including myself found out that the junk yards paid good money for metals, paper, rags, and many other things. All you had to do was to have a wheelbarrow and be willing to do a lot of walking, poking around and lifting and then taking the bounty to the junk yard. Mervis and Harry’s junk yards were our ending places.

Then at the age 12, I was lucky enough to take a job passing the newspaper for the best people ever. Customers were very good to me and at Christmas time, my bounty was very good. At that time we folded the paper in a double fold which allowed us to take it from the bag, give it a nice throw and land it right on the front porch so it would not get wet. There were some houses that had no porch so I would walk it to the door for the customer. They liked that and come collect time, there were an extra coins waiting for this young fellow..

The kids always had fun playing “Kick the can” softball, basketball, and playing in the water in the streets when we would get more water that the drains could take care of. Mothers did not have to worry about their kids, because everyone did their part in helping watch all the kids playing. Our neighborhood during my childhood was a great neighborhood with lots of good friends for the kids and the parents too.I think that has changed through the years, as people just don’t have time to check on their kids let alone the neighbors.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day

AUGUST 4, 2012

"Meeting My Readers"

The other day, while doing my shopping for the week, I met another one of my readers who hollered “Hey, Uncle Ray” and introduced himself as the son of a fine gentleman I knew at the mill. Like his father, he seems to be a great person and that is good.

Through the columns I write, about how it was , how it is, and how it might be, I get to meet a lot of good people who tell me to keep writing because I tell it like it is and I don’t try to bring anyone down with my words. What a wonderful country it is for writers like me who have the freedom of the press and freedom of speech. You sure would not be able to write some of the things I do in other parts of the world.

 That is why I go back in time to show you the members of our families , who have been there and done that. It was people like them who through the years went through some hard times so that we today can enjoy doing the things we do now. We do have some who will take credit for things that had been thought of years before but no one would listen. If we just used the thoughts of others who seem to have a brilliant mind, we could just about solve any problem that should come up. It is no wonder that some of the most brilliant of all countries want to live in the USA because here we do listen and we do offer the opportunity to utilize the ideas that come from those people who have God Given talents to better ourselves in years to come. But there are some countries that will put the minds of their people into inventing weapons to take down another.

 I would venture to say that if we would make it a part of our growth to build factories to make things that we need here in this great country and sell the results to people who live here, our loss of good jobs would be less in one year's time. Our problem with our thoughts is that we pay attention to those countries doing this very thing and we just sit back and shake our heads. Hey folks, the early bird gets the worm, and the late bird gets only the hole it came out of. Why do we as a nation who many years before fought and won our independence from tyrany and high taxes sit back and let others get the jump on us? This country is one that has had to indure the bombing of Pearl Harbour, and the taking down of the Trade Center, and even had to solve the problems of slavery in The Civil War, before we took more action. But we send our good men and women to Korea, Viet Nam, Iraq and Afganiston to fight the wars of others just because our Congress and our Presidents can not keep their hands off the affairs of others. We still are having good soldiers dying over in the countries of our last two wars, even though we are supposed to be out of there. In Korea, we still have the North and the South talking against each other. What did we accomplish there besides the deaths of many good soldiers who’s families will never have them to enjoy. The Viet Nam Reunion will have its yearly stop in Kokomo this year and the memories of a time of pain will be there with them. I commend those who served in the wars because they deserve a thank you from us here in the USA. It is a shame that we can’t bring all of our dead soldiers bodies back home to be buried here. But there are so many and some of them are buried in memorial graves in the country they died in. As one who was never asked or told to fight in the wars, I take the opportunity to say “THANKS” to them and their families. They deserve that much,and much more. Long live the USA.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day

August 11, 2012

"Footprints of Life"

Sometimes, I  go back and wonder how I got this far in life, coming from a large family, and having great parents, and still able to grow up and make a family of my own. It is my time to give another generation the chance to come forward and make their mark in the tree of life and follow the footsteps of life to bring forward their family to once again make that step of life, one of greatness and fulfilling. I think that the step that Ramona and I made was a fruit-full one and one that we are satisfied with.  We were blessed with two daughters, Deborah and Patricia and our family was a happy one.

We lost Patricia in 1994 because of cancer and God said she had suffered enough and HE called her HOME, after 5 months of preparedness and she left on "the wings of an angel". I  remember the nights that I spent there at her bedside. Sometimes I would just sit at the window and watch the dusk change to dawn and that gave me an idea of what to say to her when she was able to understand. One night I told her that we would spend our night just looking at how God has given us some of the most beautiful sights there are. For several nights we would sit there and watch how it was dark in the sky and how it slowly turned to daylight.

One night I asked her if she knew what I was trying to tell her and she said “Yes, Daddy, you are showing me that no matter how dark it is, there will be light soon". I will tell you that here was one strong lady who went through some of the worst time in anyone’s life and she never gave up. On December 14, 1994, she went Home On The Wings Of An Angel.

Life, since then, has been hard at times but our faith has not been damaged. We know that we can’t forget our loss but we learn to cope and accept it. It is that way whenever we lose someone that way because we know where they will be for eternity. Patty ‘s daughter has a little boy and her son Matt has a son also. So the step of the footprint has been laid out for the day when those 2 children will start their families and that footprint has taken another step.

Life is like that in that it is a pattern of what will be and what it means to those on the horizon in the future years. Each step we take,we leave a footprint showing the path we take to make our lives one that will project the world to it’s being one of love and responsibility toward the next ones in line to come forward and make that next move . I like to say that as I go forth in life, I have encountered the footprints of many people who showed not only wisdom, but also a feeling of grace and humility. The main path of life started with The Creation, and the steps taken to insure our lives to go on until we get our call are part of our path to bring forth a life of love and togetherness.

Maybe it seems that others have an easier path to walk, because of the things they have to please them each day. But really, all our paths are about the same. They change because we do something that either slows us down or speed us up. We go to sleep at night, and we wake up in the morning. That time in between is not only our rest time but also the time when our body and mind adjust. The time between waking up and going to bed is govern by the actions we take and what the results are.

Did we do ok? Well if we didn’t, then the only time to do it right is from now to the end of our paths. You walk yours and I will walk mine. We might meet somewhere along the way.Take care.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day

August 18, 2012

"Enjoying the Games"

Boy, it was a great Olympics we had this year and I am proud of how our USA players did both in awards but also in the way they conducted themselves as representatives of the United States. It was great to see that they won a lot of medals and it was great to see the way they worked as a team to get them. Our Fab 5 in gymnastics did wonderful and they left a path for those to follow in 2016. And what can we say about “Superman” Michael Phelps winning all that gold and still able to be calm and a gentleman. You could see that the others looked up to him as a leader and that works for the next time in Rio. He says he is through with participating , but we will have to wait and see. Everyone wants to go out a winner even though they still have a little in the tank to take them further., Will his records hold for several years or will they fall because he left such a mark in history? And what can we say about the man from South Africa who although he was a double amputee, he had the guts to take his life to a higher level and compete with others who had near perfect bodies. He had to have a great mind set to show the world that he could do it and he did. He did not win the event, but he did win the hearts and respect of thousand of fans throughout the world.

And those darlings of the gymnastic world sure went out and got their gold. It sure looks promising to see so many youngsters waiting in the wings for their chance to represent us in the next four years. I feel good knowing that out there somewhere are the next leaders in sports and in representing us, they will turn a lot of heads in making us proud. About the only negative I have about the Games is that many times I don’t agree with the results made by the judges in the events where the winners are judged by opinion and interpatation by the degression of those judges. I watched wrestling and it was very clear that they had already made up their minds on who would come out the winner. We see a winner, they see a step in world diplomacy. That is my opinion only, and I am not always right, but then it still looks odd when you can see that something is almost perfect where they overlook that in favor of playing their ace game. And what a job the boy from Indiana did in diving. He was a hoosier to be admired.In all though the British did very good in giving us a great 2 weeks of great presentation.

Now, just a thought about what could be learned by those who are or will be our representatives in our government, and in business throughout the USA.Sometimes I think that from the way we have all this shooting, dope uses, and other crimes, we don’t have a promising future but these games have given me a lot more hope. Thank God for that. A note to you young people from Uncle Ray. Try to clean up your lives, and take that step in trying to show us that there is hope because they are there to make us proud, both in leadership and all around representation in our government and in other businesses that will bring us back to a promising future. We have seen the ways that our people in government go about their jobs and really they have not shown us that they are there to represent us. We need to take a closer look at them and refurbish our place in the world with those who are there to do for us without expecting the gold medals. After all that is their job and sometimes we have to let the rotten apples go before the whole tree is infected to the point that the only way to stop it is to cut the tree down. Trimming it might make it grow.

.Ray "Uncle Ray" Day

August 25, 2012

"Habits make victims."


I get a lot of feedback from my readers and one that got me to thinking came from a youngster who read the one about footprints of life, so I made a column about it for others to read too. He asked what my thoughts were about the habits of smoking, drinking and the worst of all, the use of street dope. First off I want to make it clear that I do not judge anyone nor will I interfere into their lives. Take a smoke and it will make you cough. Take a drink and it will make you dizzy. Take dope and you are hooked enough that you will go out and rob people just so you can continue to get it on the streets. Shoplifting is a terrible thing to do because you think that if you got away with it, you can do it again. Cursing does not make what you say so important to others, because like me, they block out the cuss words and in doing so they lose out on the importance of the message that could of been given in a polite way.

Now we go to the thoughts about my childhood. I did, one day, as a youngster, picked up a cigarette, took some puffs and started coughing and got a little ill, so that told me that smoking was something I could do without. I drank a beer once and besides the terrible taste it left in my throat, I wondered what was so good about it. I can’t say that I never used cuss words because I did way up into my adult life, although not so much after getting out of school. Cussing just did not fit me so I quit. No I wasn;t a perfect child or young adult but I am proud to say that my life of not drinking, not smoking, not stealing, and not using cursing to get my point across, made me a better man. I am not clean all the way through, but the path I walk is one that will please me and help me to please my Creator.

Now let me tell you a story about a friend of mind who also broke me in on a couple jobs at the mill. His name was Bob and he was a chain smoker and it was nothing for him to go through 2 packs in a short time. One day his wife went into the bathroom to find Bob choking on his own blood that was gushing from his mouth. The chain smoking took a victim and we lost a great man that day. In another story, I knew a man who always had a bottle with him and when he could not cope with his problems he took a drink. Turns out that one day, he just got tired with life and he shot a man about a half a block from us . So drinking took  2 victims that day. A friend one day, while with me and another friend, was in a store and we saw him picking up things and stuffing it in his coat and he said that he did it all the time. Seems that stealing got him a jail term and his life from there went way down hill. Stealing took a victim .

And many of my friends were always using cuss words and after a while you get tired of trying to block them out and you stop being friends. Now, as I said earlier, I am not a perfect man but I am proud to say that there will be no victims in this old man’s body and mind. I will not judge you because that is not what I am. I would try to help you if I could to get you off the habits mentioned, but really it is up to you to clean up your mind, body and life. You can get help, but it takes your whole being to make it worthwhile, so if you slip just once, you are back to being another victim of habits.Make your choice and walk the path given.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day

September 1, 2012

Clean up our elections

How do you feel about the coming elections? This time we elect the next president, the next govenor, and we put into motion our desire to be better,both in the elected position and as our representatives who should vote for bills that will make us stronger, make more jobs, and lower the unemployment rate. So what is wrong in the way we do it?

How many of you out there are tired of the way our candidates campaign? Instead of telling us what they will do for us, they put forth the strategy of telling us what their opponents have done wrong. You turn on the TV and see one telling us that the other guy is not good for the office instead of telling us what they want to do for us. This is going on in both parties and probaly will not change in the future. What is for sure, is that most of the time the candidate is just approving what the campaign groups are saying. Wouldn’t be great to see someone stand up and tell the truth instead of his worker’s words. And wouldn’t be great to know that the person who gets elected stays for the full term? Too many times we see our elected representatives start trying to climb the next rung of the ladder to a higher position. And take a look at how much time they actually are available for the votes needed to pass or veto a bill.

Our president has been out of office a lot since he was elected saying that he needs to visit other countries to show them that we are friends and not enemies. He promotes peace and even sits with those rulers that you shouldn’t trust to be your friends. The man who is running against him is out running all over the country telling people that Obama is hurting the country and then in the next comment goes about saying that he would do the very same thing that the president is doing now. And isn’t he supposed to be serving his elected office? Truthfully I am disappointed in how our country is doing because we need to get on the ball instead of  making an error fielding it.

OK ,what I am getting at is this. Let’s have clean campaigns and tell the people about yourselves. Also when a person is elected to an office, he or she should finish the whole term before trying to go higher up the ladder. You were elected to represent the people in your area, and you should not have your hat in another ring except the one to be reelected to the one you are on now. And for those who are our voices, you should not be swayed by the lobbyist that crawls out of their holes to get your support. It is no secret that the speakers in the house and senate will never get along so why do we need them? It is no secret that our President needs to spend more time here in the USA .and it is no secret that most of our candidates use the words of their campaign groups instead of their true thoughts. So this is what I would like to see. No slander remarks about the other guy. No more traveling except for the ones neccesary. Tell your representatives that they were elected to do the job or get off the pot. Stop the emails that are being sent with only one purpose and that is to get you to vote for their choices. Warn the rulers in the other countries that we have a government of the people, by the people and for the people. Tell them that we are united to fight back anything that is destined to take us down. But before we can do any of this, we need to clean up our own houses so that others will see how real democracy works. It is no secret that there are those out there who are working from the inside every chance they can, to keep us from doing that. Let’s get tough and vote for a cleaning.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day

September 8, 2012


You know, anyone who doesn’t like Kokomo has to have their thoughts scrambled so tight that they just do not appreciatte the things that have made this city one to be proud of. As my old fellow writer "Tom" has said so many times, “I love this town”. I can go back in time as he does and remember the things of our childhood that have made a mark in our memories for ever more.

The city of Kokomo got it's name, from it's founder, David Foster, who named it after an Indian Chief, named Ma-Ko-Ko-Mo. Mr. Foster built and lived in a log cabin, from which he traded with Indians. In exchange for stocked goods, he got furs. That cabin also served as the first to hold court and the first school and church. Mr. Foster also gave forty acres to be the site for the county seat. He was a great friend to the Indians, and often invited them in to stay over night. His portrait can be seen on the door of the courthouse. He and his wife had eleven children.. There have been many dignataries visit here, listing a few as follows. Benjamin Harrison, William Mckinley; Teddy Roosevelt ; William Howard Taft, Woodrow Wilson , Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Harry S. Truman , Richard M. Nixon , John Kennedy and Bob Kennedy. The information I give here can be found on my website at this address.

Kokomo is the home of many inventions, and thus is known as "The City Of Firsts".In 1893, Elwood Haynes,.with Elmer and Edgar Apperson built a “horseless carriage" in their Kokomo Machine Shop. On July 4, 1894, Mr Haynes made the first trial run. He first used a horse and buggy to pull the car out into the country on Pumpkinvine Pike, three miles east of the city. He then drove his car about six miles, at about seven miles an hour, making a successful run. . He also joined up with the Apperson Brothers, and formed the Haynes-Apperson Automobile Company, and started production of the automobile. This started others to form factories all over the state, and so Indiana has had 256 different makes of cars built in our state. He also invented the first stainless steel, and the first Stellite Cobalt-base Alloy, which is used today for blading the small turbines, which power the fuel pumps in liquid-propelled missiles, such as the Atlas rockets.

 The First Pneumatic Rubber Tire,invented by D. C. Spraker, at The Kokomo Rubber Tire Co. was made of strips of three-ply rubber, canvas, and other wrappings of vulcanized rubber, wound around a slender pole. The First Aluminum Casting,was made by William "Billy" Johnson.. The First Carburetor,developed by George Kingston. The First Stellite Cobalt-base Alloy, was discovered by Elwood Haynes, while searching for a metal to be used in producing tableware. And he also invented The First Stainless Steel..

Others are The First Howitzer Shell, The First Aerial Bomb with Fins, The First Mechanical Corn Picker, Dirilyte Golden Hued Tableware,.The First Canned Tomato Juice, The First Push-button Car Radio,,All Metal Life Boats and Rafts were built by Globe American Stove Co. The lifeboat in 1941, and the life raft in 1943, nicknamed the "Kokomo Kid". In 1947. The First Signal Seeking Car Radio,.and The First All Transistor Car Radio, got strarted here also.. Kokomo also has several landmarks that are great to see and visit.
The Stuffed Steer called "Old Ben",  is on exibit in Highland Park. Old Ben is a part of the history of Kokomo. Old Ben was the offspring of a registered Hereford bull, and an ordinary shorthorn cow. He came in at 125 lbs at birth in 1902. He had to rest on his knees to nurse, when less than a week old. At the age of four, he weighed 2 tons, and was quite a sight to see.tail, he measured a little over 16 feet. He was stuffed by a taxidermist in New York, and was displayed at the Murphy farm, until he was brought to Highland Park and is displayed there. Now that is our great city to brag about.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day