Time to wake up.


I usually don't really know what my next topic is, but today I have to let it all out and give you , my readers, a real sense of what I am, and what I believe in. And before I start, I have to admit to you that this is my second attempt on this particular subject. The first one had hate in it because I was really mad. Nothing positive is accomplished by the use of hate, and some of the bad side of me was coming out. Yes, I have a bad side as well as a good side, just like everyone else. Knowing  how to keep that bad side from rising out is a result of my training as a child.
Top on the list, is that I believe that there is a GOD and I have been the recipient of His Greatness. Several times in my life of three score and four years, I have been close to death, only to be given another chance by The Great Father, who is the builder of the greatest invention in this world, and that is you and me. HE gave us a body to live in, and HE gave us the knowledge of how to live in His Greatness. HE gave us a brain to think and reason with, and HE gave us a soul, with a concience to know which is good and which is bad. Many times we don't use this gift, and we stray away and go through hell ,before we come back asking for forgiveness from HIM. And we get it, because HE is our FATHER and HE loves us. And HE wants us to do some good, while we are still on this earth, that HE gave us to live on. And so I wouldn't be worth my weight in salt, if I didn't say what I have to say to you today.
We ,as a country brought together as one , are being subjected to the hate attitudes of those, who would want to tear down all that we have worked for since this great country was discovered by the pilgrims. Actually, this country was never lost, because the Indians were already here. But that group, who came here to set up a country using the laws of the land, and some new laws that would protect all of us who live in this great land, took thier lives in their own hands to establish a country ,where all the people could live without fear from their former government. That group worked to allow the thirteen colonies to form a government with the rights of all to be the rule of the land. As time went by, they had to use wars to maintain and keep those rights. In time, The Bill of Rights came to be, and as the states came into the Union, they accepted the laws set down by a government of the people. This was all good, as those who were living during those times had sometimes to use force to keep what was given to them as the laws of the land.

But what has gone wrong with what we as citizens of the greatest country, have thought was ours to have without fear of it being taken away from us? Let me tell you what has happened. We are sitting on our backsides while the scum of the earth are tryng to take us down. We are allowing those who are offended by all that is right , to attack us in the very place that has been part of the roots of our government. I am speaking about THE TEN COMMANDMENTS, and yes, I am very mad. As a matter of fact, I am disgusted with our courts who are being used as pawns, by that terrible scum of the land. They are representing them against all the rest of the people. Isn't it sort of odd that we don't hear the names of that scum, who are being represented by a group of lawyers who were banded together to protect us.? The scum of the land who are always trying to make us take the TEN COMMANDMENTS off of public ground and out of our government offices are only pawns in the hands of those forces that want to see this country fail. If you know anything about taking a big building down , you know that to do it you start eating away at the bottom roots and soon it will come crumbling down.
That, my friends, is what is happening  to all of us  now. We are being uprooted and we could fall, if we don't stop it now. The very idea of taking down THE TEN COMMANDMENT's structure to appease a few is hard for this old man to take. If they don't want to see it, then they should look the other way. For that small group of misfits to take away our right to have THE TEN COMMANDMENTS placed in our public grounds, it tells me that we need to bond together and tell them that we are not going to take it anymore. If they, as a group feel the way they do, then let's deport their sorry behinds to one of those countries that will not take their efforts to destroy what is good. To use the reason of separation of church and state, to try to make their goal of taking down the sructures, makes me really mad. These creeps are of the lowest of the land and they will always be hiding under some crack waiting to make thier move to take this great country down. What do we as Americans do about it.?
If the Supreme Court, whose building has the TEN COMMANDMENTS posted , does not back us up, then maybe we as Americans need to find our own ways to protect one of history's greatest set of rules. That in itself is one answer. THE TEN COMMANDMENTS is part of our history and thus is of historical background. That should qualify it as a historical object and thus should be protected as such. Another idea is that community standards in each town and city should be revised and have the laws of each town and city to include THE TEN COMMANDMENTS as part of our heritage and thus not be subject to someone being able to tear it down. In another sense, what about what another city has done , where they have made efforts to post THE TEN COMMANDMENTS in thier front yards. There are many ways that we can protect our rights of having  that wonderful set of rules posted , without fearing that the roaches and their lawyers will tear it down.
As you know, I really don't like to fight, but sometimes we have to stop turning the other cheek and start stomping what is wrong. To sit back and let the supreme court and those filthy roaches take us down by digging at our roots, would be to admit to the world that we are afraid to fight. To stand up to them and say that they are not going to push us around anymore would be my idea of saying thanks to all those who have fought and died to keep this country safe and free of those who would take us down.
As always, this is of my opinion only and not neccessarily that of the newspaper who allows me to visit with you each week. Although I know that are many out there who agree with me, I make this statement because I am tired of being pushed around by those who want to destroy my country by digging out our roots.
I hope that you out there will get on the bandwagon and start making some noise about how you feel about the taking down of what I know to be one of the best set of guide rules ever posted. Let me know by e-mail and let the Tribune know too. It was great once more for you to allow me to visit with you, and I thank you for the time. You can e-mail me at uncleray@writeme.com, and catch my web page at www.geocities.com/kokomoman/
 See you later and GOD BLESS.             Ray "Uncle Ray" Day

"We do have a choice"

Once again, as I start this column, I must say thanks to all those readers, who let me know that they like what they read from my articles. As long as I know, that they are out there waiting for the next one, I will have the stamina and the willpower to write another one. I really do get a lot of enjoyment ,from writing about the old days, and once in awhile, something about what is going on in the present.  Like I have stated many times, it was hard to make it in the old days, but everything that we have today, is a result of what we had to work hard for in the past. There is a great feeling of pleasure ,to know that without the proper training and the discipline from our parents and grandparents, we would not have the luxuries of today.

I get a lot of calls and e-mails with questions about myself and my brothers and sisters. Most of them are questions asking more, about how it was to live back then, and I really get a kick out of answering them. But sometimes, there are those who are just people who want to meddle in mine and my family's affairs.

 I recieved a call the other day, and although he would not give a name, I listened to some of the questions put forth ,by what I consider a meddlesome person, and I let that person have it with both barrells. The caller first asked me if I believe in GOD. I stated that I did. The caller then asked why did I believe in GOD. I then thought that this caller probaly was asking for assurance, and so I answered that I have been close to death twice in my lifetime, and prayer to The Great Father was the only thing between life and death. In both cases, I was able to pull through and live my life here on earth for a few more years. I truly believe in GOD, and me being here now, is plenty of evidence that HE does exsist and that HE still has work for me to do before HE calls me home.

Then, that caller asks me if I go to church, and where do I go, and I asked  him why he wanted to know, and his answer to that was that he wanted to invite me to his church, so that I would really find salvation and be truly saved. That is where this old man draws the line.  It is no business of anyone, to ask anyone else, where he attends a place of worship. I made my answer very clear to that caller ,that it was none of his business of my religion, and of my church. I will state right in this column, that my heart tells me what to do, and my concience makes sure that I do it. If you belive that GOD can forgive, and if you can believe that Jesus is your Savior, and that he died on the cross for your sins, AND if you have been to the mountain top two times, what more can you ask for. I have heard many people say that the only way to make sure that you will be on that stairway to HEAVEN, is to attend thier church. That is fine for those who need that re-assurance of salvation, but I, like many good  GOD fearing people, don't feel that being a member of any church group, gives you the right ,that you can knock another for not being a member. You can pray anywhere, and HE can hear you. It really gets me ,when at a viewing of a loved one that has passed away, a visitor will ask if he or she has been saved. How do you think that makes the survivors feel? Once again it is no one's business, as to the beliefs of others. Our country was based on the rights of freedom of speech and freedom of religion..

And so, this old man let that meddlesome caller know very nicely ,that it was none of his or anyone's else busisness, as to my preference of beliefs. For me to really verbally let him know what I thought of his question ,would make me as bad as he is. I believe and I do in the ways that The Great Father wants me to. And I want to make this very clear that this rude person does not represent all the good people who attend the church of thier choice. I know many ministers, and they know what I am, and how I think, and they know that I am very happy with the way I worship. What else can you ask for.

Now, in no way, am I saying that being a member of a church group is of no benefit, because for many good people it is a place for them to really     come together and feel close to God. And the togetherness, that the group gives to each other ,is a function of the idea of worshiping together . The right of anyone to join, and be a contributing member of any church, is what this nation was built on. In no way, do I try to alter anyone's right to worship. What I do attempt to do by this article, is to proclaim my right to how and where I worship. God will let me know when and where he wants me to worship. At this present time, my place of worship is in my heart and all of my body. As I have stated earlier, it doesn't really matter where you worship, as long as you do take time, to give thanks to our creator for giving us all the chance to feel His presence.

The same thing goes with questions asked by some people as to who I am going to vote for. It is none of thier business. I vote for the one ,who I think is going to represent me and all the others while he or she is in office. I have many times stated that once a person  is elected to office, he or she then works for the people. He or she should not represent the party, and /or special interests groups. Too many of our elected officials use thier position to get furthur up the ladder to a better position. Many of them will leave an elected position to take a better and/or more money  job. My feeling is that when you are elected by the people to represent them, either in the local, state, or national level, then you should be bound to serve out that term ,except in the case of death or extreme illness or recall by the people. Ask that question of those who want to be your voice in government, as to what thier intentions are in completing the term, that they asked me or you to give them. And remember those who deserted the voters ,who elected them to office, and who left for a high profile position, that will put them in line for the top position in our city. Would that same person desert them again. Sure they will ,if the ladder is there for them to climb. But then that is your vote to do with what you think is best. I have mine to do what I think is best for me and all the others .

Now ,if  I stepped on some very tender toes, then I am sorry that you hurt, but as I stated earlier in this column, we live in a country founded with the rights  of "Freedom Of  Speech" and "Freedom Of Religion". Our country is made up of all colors , and all of us were made in the "Image Of God". What else can we ask for in the greatest country in the world? Try writing this column in the other countries, and see how long it is before you are arrested, killed or almost stoned to death. I wrote this column for you and me, because I love everyone and I do love GOD.

I, like always,  welcome  your comments and I know that The Kokomo Tribune welcomes them too. Let this paper know that you either agree or disagree with me. And as always, this and all my other articles are posted on my web site at  http://www.geocities.com/kokomoman/ . You can email me at uncleray@writeme.com  .May GOD BLESS each and everyone of us.

Ray"Uncle Ray" Day


Go ahead and sit down and we will remember these things we had in the past. Memories are to me, like gold was to Midas. As long as I have my memories and I have the chance to share them with you, as part of the older generation and of the younger generation, I have my gold. For many of you, these memories will bring back thoughts of what you went through in the olden days, and how you as a survivor came through it. For the younger generation, there will be thoughts of how much of it is true and how much is just an old man's version of his life. Well, let me tell you this, my young friends, what I say in this column is the truth, and I am a survivor from the days of old ,that has seen a big change between those days and today. If you, as a youngster, just take the time to ask those who are still here, how it really was in the days of old, before they and I leave this earth to be with "The Great Father", you will be enriched with history that has not been printed in any book.

Memories are a history of what each person went through in thier early lives, and many times the memory is only in that person's memory bank. Sometimes some of these memories are written in the family bible, or are on pieces of paper which are laid to the side only to be found years later , by those who are left behind. Upon reading these notes, you wonder why they didn't  tell you about this. And so this sort of gets you wondering just how much you don't know about that person ,or how hard it was for that loved one to get by.

The best way to know how it was, is to ask about it. And you need to know now, instead of waiting until we are gone before asking. The history of our government and of famous people has been written for all to read, but the history of those in our personal lives is transmitted to us either by mouth ,or by some notes scribbled on paper, not knowing if they will ever be read. That is where you, as the person of today, can make sure that the history of your family lives on. Do some research, ask questions of those folks who have been there , and write it down in places where you know that it will be preserved, so that the youngsters of tomorrow will have the facts of what it was in the days of old.

Thinking back to my days of old, I remember how there were different kinds of great tasting and smelling foods in Kokomo. Of couse in my mind, the best cook in the whole world was my mother. And just about everyone else my age will say the same same about thier mothers. And they should ,because each and everyone of us had mothers who loved us and took us under thier wings , nurtured us, sort of spoiled us with thier love, and who personally fixed food that they knew was good for us. How many times have you gone home to see your mother and dad, and have gone to the fridge to see if there was some of mom's good cooking there for you to savor? My mother and father  have gone to be with The Great Father, but the memories are still with me. Bless thier hearts for taking care of us all and doing without ,so that we could survive to be able to give you , the youngsters of today, a sample of what it was  to be part of the life in the days of old.

Now, to go to the taste and smells of yesterday, how many can forget the smell coming from the bread factory uptown. You could smell the bread's aroma, and if you could put on weight from just the smell, we would all be larger than life? How about the donut shop on Washington Street? Man, those donuts would sort of melt in your hands, and they would fill your bellies just as well. There was a place on Markland Ave that had baked hamburgers, that were really fit for a king. And how about the coneys that you could get on Union Street? He would line those buns all the way up his arm and fill them with those weiners, top them off with what ever you wanted on them, and send you off with some of the greatest food around. Dad always wanted his with lots of onions and relesh . Boy, he could  put them away, but only after he made sure that we got ours. Out on Markland Ave, you could get get probaly the largest tenderlions around and on south Union Street, you could get the best tenderlions as well as other short order foods that you needed during your stopover in south Kokomo. Of course, the place on Buckeye Street put out the greatest hamburgers and fries at a very low price, and the pickles there came out of a big barrell in the back. Go to the place on the corner of Walnut and Main, and you could get the biggest bag of popcorn around. Go north to the corner of Taylor and Main, and there was a wagon that sold bags of popcorn and bags of peanuts that were the best around. Up north of there about two blocks, there was a diner car that served some great food.

As time changed, so did the places that I mentioned before. There isn't too many of those places left as the people who ran them have taken their place with The Great Father, but there are a few. As time proceeds into the future, we wonder if the memories of these places will be preserved or will they only fade away? As you noticed as I wrote this article, I didn't say the names of those places that are part of my memory. I leave that up to you to dip down into your memory bank and bring out those memories. I leave it up to you to use those memories to let our young children know about the past. I also say to you to use your memory bank each day of your life here on earth, so that your brain does not lose it's power to store those memories. The brain is a wonderful thing given to us by The Great Father, and it isn't there to just dry up . You need to fill it up with all the facts that you can come across. They say that there are genius out there that can possibly be before their time, but my thought on that is that those people are using their brains to the best of their ability and that they are doing with it as The Great Father wanted them to.

So it is up to you out there , whether you want to leave some great memories for your grandchildren. You can forget the past and live on into the future, or you can relay the memories of the past so that the future knows what their next step is. As I have said many times , you have to look back once in awhile to see where you have been, before you know where you are going. Until the next time when we will visit, I leave you with one more thought."Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times, you grow." Think about it. See you later my friends.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day--

Our HonorTested

In my lifetime, I have seen many wars between the different countries this great world is made of. And in each war we have lost many great men and women who went to serve us in another country. World War 1 was before my time but it affected my life too. In World War 2, we were pulled into it because a country decided to take us out by hitting Pearl Harbor. That meant a lot of lost lives suffered by families, who never did a thing to hurt that country. Men and women of all ages put on thier country's firepower and went to war to take out those who would attempt such a terrible thing. Finally we had a president who said the buck stops here, and he sent a bomb to end it . Since that war ended, we the American people have rebuilt the country which tried to take us out. and as the years have gone by, we have suffered the loss of our jobs because we trade with this country in an un-equal way because they have the jobs at a lower pay-scale than we do. There-fore we are and will be paying for ending that war in the only way we could.

As we went through the fifties, we encountered another war where people were being treated as animals and so the good old USA decided to enter that war as part of a multi-group to end the dominance of the north over the south and take down the communism regime where the country is run under conditions not fit for any human. We did do something to help South Korea, and ever since Korea has been a dominant part of our sales pattern here in the states. Then we went to Viet Nam, where things would never change regardless of how many of our loved ones were lost. Our men and women fought a fight that they couldn't win, but they stayed and they fought with honor. Bless them for that. We went to Kewait to stop the taking over of that country by Hussien and our people once again fought hard and true to help the people in that country. . And now we have gone into the country of Afgans who no matter how many men and women we lose, will still be the same when we leave. This story all goes down to one fact. Those countries that we saved have never said thanks to the American people for helping them. Most of those same countries sell thier trade here in the states. And those heads that ruled the countries then have men of the same ready to rule now. So why do we go and protect other countries. Well, the main reason is that we are Americans and we believe in treating others right. And also if you don't fight it before it sneaks over to our country, it could get a toe-hold and then we would be fighting on our own soil. Rest assured though that if and when we ever have to protect our families and our way of life, we will respond with all of our power and with our faith in GOD. Another thing, if you out there hate the Americans so much, why not take your sorry backsides back to your country and suffer the rest of your life in fear. Now to give credit to those brave men and women who have protected this country from the rest of the world, I say "THANK YOU". Thanks for allowing me to go to bed at night knowing that you are out there to protect us. Thanks for allowing me to walk my road of life without fear. Thanks for making sure that we will if we have to , protect our shores and that we live with dignity. Thank you for being Americans. The rest of the world will continue to fight each other for power over others. With you to protect us, we will stay free. We do have scum here in America, who try every day to change the things that are part of our freedom. They try to take away out our Commandments, and our Pledge of Allegence, and if we don't stop them ,next will be our flag. Let's tell them that we are tired of them and that they can stick thier noses in some other country's business. Long live America for which it stands. E-mail me at arermdrd@netusa1.net

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day

"Our Loss"

Sometimes this old man is asked to help and sometimes I am just asked for advice. The other day, we were talking about life and death and the subject seemed to drift to the losing of a child and how to cope with it when the idea is to grow old and then when it is time, you are called Home by God. Now everyone will feel different when they lose a young child in thier family. No one is the same and we go about coping with it in our own ways. You hear someone say that they know how you feel, but do they? How can anyone ,who has not lost a child ,know how we who have, feel. And I can only relate to you how I felt and how I went on with my life without that child.

To start with we need to go back before the child was called Home and feel the joy of her being with us. We need to remember all the good times we had together, and we need to realize that that loved one might not be here one day. We need to realize that the day might come when that child is taken from us and sent back Home. Realize that today is all that is given to us and enjoy the love of that child.

I still have times when I question whether it ever happened and that if it is just a dream and I will wake up to see and hear that pretty little girl. I have even woke up from a nights sleep and the first thought is that it was a bad dream I had. I have been sitting watching television or reading the paper and I will look over to the other chair and see my daughter there. Am I going crazy? No, I am remembering all the things that this little lady meant to me. I am thinking about all the things that she did to make us laugh. Do I miss her? You bet I do. And so does her mother and her sister . Patty was a vital part of our family and the lost is felt in different ways. I can't tell you how Ramona felt when Patty died. Only a mother would know that and that is because that child was carried by her mother nine months before I or her sister saw her. I can't tell you how Deborah felt because only a sister would know. Those two girls were like peas in a pod. There were things that they discussed with each other and to no one else. They not only were sisters, they were best friends. So each of us deal with our loss in our own ways. I can only tell you that I deal with it by remembering all the good times and by talking about her whenever someone is willing to listen. My writing of my column is mostly because of Patty because the way she fought cancer inspired me. Her story is on the internet and at the last count it was over the 285,000 hit mark. Words of praise and thanks, from all over the world, have been given to me because through that story, it has made it easier to cope with cancer in those familes, who are victims of that terrible disease. If through those words and those through this column, someone is able to either beat the cancer or to be able to ease the pain, then Patricia would not have died in vain. I know where she is and she knows that daddy will see her one day, as will her mother and sister. So my words to you out there that either is going through a cancer, or is a family member of one, is that you never give up on life. Live today as if it is your last. Enjoy the company of those you love and most of all, never be afraid to talk about it. I have known many friends and family that have suffered through bouts of cancer and many of them have been called Home. Be not afraid of taking that trip to Glory Land, because then the cancer is gone. But don't hurry that trip because God has that date planned for you, and you need to make the most of what time you have here with your family. And I want to say thanks to Dan for asking me how I cope with life. Until next week , I leave you with this thought. Remember yesterday, live today and ask for tomorrow.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


Go ahead and sit down and we will remember these things we had in the past. Memories are to me, like gold was to Midas. As long as I have my memories and I have the chance to share them with you, as part of the older generation and of the younger generation, I have my gold. For many of you, these memories will bring back thoughts of what you went through in the olden days, and how you as a survivor came through it. For the younger generation, there will be thoughts of how much of it is true and how much is just an old man's version of his life. Well, let me tell you this, my young friends, what I say in this column is the truth, and I am a survivor from the days of old ,that has seen a big change between those days and today. If you, as a youngster, just take the time to ask those who are still here, how it really was in the days of old, before they and I leave this earth to be with "The Great Father", you will be enriched with history that has not been printed in any book.

Memories are a history of what each person went through in thier early lives, and many times the memory is only in that person's memory bank. Sometimes some of these memories are written in the family bible, or are on pieces of paper which are laid to the side only to be found years later , by those who are left behind. Upon reading these notes, you wonder why they didn't  tell you about this. And so this sort of gets you wondering just how much you don't know about that person ,or how hard it was for that loved one to get by.

The best way to know how it was, is to ask about it. And you need to know now, instead of waiting until we are gone before asking. The history of our government and of famous people has been written for all to read, but the history of those in our personal lives is transmitted to us either by mouth ,or by some notes scribbled on paper, not knowing if they will ever be read. That is where you, as the person of today, can make sure that the history of your family lives on. Do some research, ask questions of those folks who have been there , and write it down in places where you know that it will be preserved, so that the youngsters of tomorrow will have the facts of what it was in the days of old.

Thinking back to my days of old, I remember how there were different kinds of great tasting and smelling foods in Kokomo. Of couse in my mind, the best cook in the whole world was my mother. And just about everyone else my age will say the same same about thier mothers. And they should ,because each and everyone of us had mothers who loved us and took us under thier wings , nurtured us, sort of spoiled us with thier love, and who personally fixed food that they knew was good for us. How many times have you gone home to see your mother and dad, and have gone to the fridge to see if there was some of mom's good cooking there for you to savor? My mother and father  have gone to be with The Great Father, but the memories are still with me. Bless thier hearts for taking care of us all and doing without ,so that we could survive to be able to give you , the youngsters of today, a sample of what it was  to be part of the life in the days of old.

Now, to go to the taste and smells of yesterday, how many can forget the smell coming from the bread factory uptown. You could smell the bread's aroma, and if you could put on weight from just the smell, we would all be larger than life? How about the donut shop on Washington Street? Man, those donuts would sort of melt in your hands, and they would fill your bellies just as well. There was a place on Markland Ave that had baked hamburgers, that were really fit for a king. And how about the coneys that you could get on Union Street? He would line those buns all the way up his arm and fill them with those weiners, top them off with what ever you wanted on them, and send you off with some of the greatest food around. Dad always wanted his with lots of onions and relesh . Boy, he could  put them away, but only after he made sure that we got ours. Out on Markland Ave, you could get get probaly the largest tenderlions around and on south Union Street, you could get the best tenderlions as well as other short order foods that you needed during your stopover in south Kokomo. Of course, the place on Buckeye Street put out the greatest hamburgers and fries at a very low price, and the pickles there came out of a big barrell in the back. Go to the place on the corner of Walnut and Main, and you could get the biggest bag of popcorn around. Go north to the corner of Taylor and Main, and there was a wagon that sold bags of popcorn and bags of peanuts that were the best around. Up north of there about two blocks, there was a diner car that served some great food.

As time changed, so did the places that I mentioned before. There isn't too many of those places left as the people who ran them have taken their place with The Great Father, but there are a few. As time proceeds into the future, we wonder if the memories of these places will be preserved or will they only fade away? As you noticed as I wrote this article, I didn't say the names of those places that are part of my memory. I leave that up to you to dip down into your memory bank and bring out those memories. I leave it up to you to use those memories to let our young children know about the past. I also say to you to use your memory bank each day of your life here on earth, so that your brain does not lose it's power to store those memories. The brain is a wonderful thing given to us by The Great Father, and it isn't there to just dry up . You need to fill it up with all the facts that you can come across. They say that there are genius out there that can possibly be before their time, but my thought on that is that those people are using their brains to the best of their ability and that they are doing with it as The Great Father wanted them to.

So it is up to you out there , whether you want to leave some great memories for your grandchildren. You can forget the past and live on into the future, or you can relay the memories of the past so that the future knows what their next step is. As I have said many times , you have to look back once in awhile to see where you have been, before you know where you are going. Until the next time when we will visit, I leave you with one more thought."Be thankful for the difficult times. During those times, you grow." Think about it. See you later my friends.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day--

Our HonorTested

In my lifetime, I have seen many wars between the different countries this great world is made of. And in each war we have lost many great men and women who went to serve us in another country. World War 1 was before my time but it affected my life too. In World War 2, we were pulled into it because a country decided to take us out by hitting Pearl Harbor. That meant a lot of lost lives suffered by families, who never did a thing to hurt that country. Men and women of all ages put on thier country's firepower and went to war to take out those who would attempt such a terrible thing. Finally we had a president who said the buck stops here, and he sent a bomb to end it . Since that war ended, we the American people have rebuilt the country which tried to take us out. and as the years have gone by, we have suffered the loss of our jobs because we trade with this country in an un-equal way because they have the jobs at a lower pay-scale than we do. There-fore we are and will be paying for ending that war in the only way we could.

As we went through the fifties, we encountered another war where people were being treated as animals and so the good old USA decided to enter that war as part of a multi-group to end the dominance of the north over the south and take down the communism regime where the country is run under conditions not fit for any human. We did do something to help South Korea, and ever since Korea has been a dominant part of our sales pattern here in the states. Then we went to Viet Nam, where things would never change regardless of how many of our loved ones were lost. Our men and women fought a fight that they couldn't win, but they stayed and they fought with honor. Bless them for that. We went to Kewait to stop the taking over of that country by Hussien and our people once again fought hard and true to help the people in that country. . And now we have gone into the country of Afgans who no matter how many men and women we lose, will still be the same when we leave. This story all goes down to one fact. Those countries that we saved have never said thanks to the American people for helping them. Most of those same countries sell thier trade here in the states. And those heads that ruled the countries then have men of the same ready to rule now. So why do we go and protect other countries. Well, the main reason is that we are Americans and we believe in treating others right. And also if you don't fight it before it sneaks over to our country, it could get a toe-hold and then we would be fighting on our own soil. Rest assured though that if and when we ever have to protect our families and our way of life, we will respond with all of our power and with our faith in GOD. Another thing, if you out there hate the Americans so much, why not take your sorry backsides back to your country and suffer the rest of your life in fear. Now to give credit to those brave men and women who have protected this country from the rest of the world, I say "THANK YOU". Thanks for allowing me to go to bed at night knowing that you are out there to protect us. Thanks for allowing me to walk my road of life without fear. Thanks for making sure that we will if we have to , protect our shores and that we live with dignity. Thank you for being Americans. The rest of the world will continue to fight each other for power over others. With you to protect us, we will stay free. We do have scum here in America, who try every day to change the things that are part of our freedom. They try to take away out our Commandments, and our Pledge of Allegence, and if we don't stop them ,next will be our flag. Let's tell them that we are tired of them and that they can stick thier noses in some other country's business. Long live America for which it stands. E-mail me at arermdrd@netusa1.net

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day

"Our Loss"

Sometimes this old man is asked to help and sometimes I am just asked for advice. The other day, we were talking about life and death and the subject seemed to drift to the losing of a child and how to cope with it when the idea is to grow old and then when it is time, you are called Home by God. Now everyone will feel different when they lose a young child in thier family. No one is the same and we go about coping with it in our own ways. You hear someone say that they know how you feel, but do they? How can anyone ,who has not lost a child ,know how we who have, feel. And I can only relate to you how I felt and how I went on with my life without that child.

To start with we need to go back before the child was called Home and feel the joy of her being with us. We need to remember all the good times we had together, and we need to realize that that loved one might not be here one day. We need to realize that the day might come when that child is taken from us and sent back Home. Realize that today is all that is given to us and enjoy the love of that child.

I still have times when I question whether it ever happened and that if it is just a dream and I will wake up to see and hear that pretty little girl. I have even woke up from a nights sleep and the first thought is that it was a bad dream I had. I have been sitting watching television or reading the paper and I will look over to the other chair and see my daughter there. Am I going crazy? No, I am remembering all the things that this little lady meant to me. I am thinking about all the things that she did to make us laugh. Do I miss her? You bet I do. And so does her mother and her sister . Patty was a vital part of our family and the lost is felt in different ways. I can't tell you how Ramona felt when Patty died. Only a mother would know that and that is because that child was carried by her mother nine months before I or her sister saw her. I can't tell you how Deborah felt because only a sister would know. Those two girls were like peas in a pod. There were things that they discussed with each other and to no one else. They not only were sisters, they were best friends. So each of us deal with our loss in our own ways. I can only tell you that I deal with it by remembering all the good times and by talking about her whenever someone is willing to listen. My writing of my column is mostly because of Patty because the way she fought cancer inspired me. Her story is on the internet and at the last count it was over the 285,000 hit mark. Words of praise and thanks, from all over the world, have been given to me because through that story, it has made it easier to cope with cancer in those familes, who are victims of that terrible disease. If through those words and those through this column, someone is able to either beat the cancer or to be able to ease the pain, then Patricia would not have died in vain. I know where she is and she knows that daddy will see her one day, as will her mother and sister. So my words to you out there that either is going through a cancer, or is a family member of one, is that you never give up on life. Live today as if it is your last. Enjoy the company of those you love and most of all, never be afraid to talk about it. I have known many friends and family that have suffered through bouts of cancer and many of them have been called Home. Be not afraid of taking that trip to Glory Land, because then the cancer is gone. But don't hurry that trip because God has that date planned for you, and you need to make the most of what time you have here with your family. And I want to say thanks to Dan for asking me how I cope with life. Until next week , I leave you with this thought. Remember yesterday, live today and ask for tomorrow.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day

Reasons to live.

The recent mine disaster in Pennsylvania brings forth a thought in my mind how faith does get you through. Here were nine men deep in the mines who might of perished, but they were brought back to a life with thier families. How can this be that all of these men came out of this disaster safe. The answer is that all of these men were not through here and they still had work to do here on earth. Some of them will use thier new outlook on life to help others who need that someone to lean on. Some will take the things learned from this disaster to make it safer for others who will go down in those mines. Some will realize that there really is a God and that the new life they have now is to do whatever is needed to help others cope with severe illness, and tragedies. Such is what comes out of things that happen for a reason. In the case of these nine men, the result could be several different ways of helping others. The faith of those men who were trapped did not cease to exist. They united as one to take whatever The Great Father had in store for them. They tied each other into one to go together either up onto ground level or to the Heavens above. Now that they are safe, the faith of each can go on with life with the belief that things happen, but life goes on. My thoughts of relief goes out to all the families affected by that disaster. How many of those men will go back into those mines can only be answered by them, but if and when another problem arises in one on those mines, you can bet that they will be there to help those in need. Being close to death does that to those who are given a second chance at life. You feel that somewhere out there someone needs you and you wait for the day when you are called upon to assist someone who needs someone to talk to. It will come, my friends, a day when you will need that someone to talk to and he or she will be there. The other day, I watched Lance Armstrong do his thing at the sport of cycling, and here is a man who challenged the odds of death over life and he is a great example of courage and strength. I have known several people who have or are fighting a disease such as cancer, and I have witnessed that same courage and strength from each of them. Everyone is given a chance to help those in need, and the ones who have been struck down with some form of illness, always there in the last stages before they go Home, have that last option to accept God as thier Creator, and to accept death as we know it to be a trip to Glory Land. As I have stated before, I have been witness to the miracle of life and the vision of death. I have seen the light on the horizon, and I was given a second chance because I am not through here on earth. I know that whenever He calls me Home, then my work has been completed here on earth. I, like you, am just another one of God's children who was sent here by God to be nurtured and raised by two others who we call mother and father and who made the same trip here many years ago. Sometimes we spend many years here and sometimes we get called Home early. We don't question why this happens, and we don't live the rest of our lives stuck down in a hole mad at the world. We go on with the life given to us, making the most of it and by spreading our love of our fellow man. To give up on life is to give up on the belief of a much better place waiting for us, when God calls us Home. One such lady called Home "Sue Covington"completed her work here on earth and now she is safely at Home with God. To answer the question that was posted in Sound Off the other day, it doesn't matter which church I or you belong to, as long as we believe in God and all of His gifts. Religion is a personal commitment by you . Believing is a result . I finish with this thought. Do onto others as you would have them do onto you. See you next week.
Ray "Uncle Ray" Day-

"Looking back"

As I reflect back into my life up to now, I remember all the things that made growing up in the old days, a benefit to living in the world of today. When I was a youngster at about the age of four, I remember living up on North Courtland , and falling on some glass, causing a cut on my left wrist, that had to be sewed up. I remember my mother and my aunt Julia being there while Dr. Ramey sewed me up. This was in 1941 and there wasn't much they could do with the pain while you are being sewed up. But Mom and my aunt kept my mind busy while he did it. That scar is there to remind me that nothing can take me down unless I let it. And there is always someone there to help.
And then I remember moving to another home on Lafountain Street and I started school at Williard. I was in the first grade, and I remember leaving school one day and all the kids that I usually followed were already gone and I didn't know how to find my way home. I remember crying and I remember an old man who lived close to the school, asking me what was wrong. I told him that I was lost and I wanted to go home. The old man helped me get home. This taught me that the goodness of another's heart will help you find the way.

And then when I was in the fifth grade, I had a very terrible looking wart on my chin, and I wanted it to come off. My mother asked her friend to come see me and help me. He wasn't a doctor but he had the "Gift". He looked and he asked if I believed and I told him that I did. He proceded to rub his fingers around the wart, while never touching it and then he said the words. He told me that it will come off in a few days but I will not know when. I remember a few days later while in school, touching my chin and it was gone. This taught me that there is a God and that He does have certain people here on earth that can perform miracles as long as they go through Him.

During my younger years, I played and ran around with different races, and I found out that although we might look different and we might at some places be segregated, we are of the same . Many of my childhood friends still come up to me and shake hands or hug me, even though I might be of another color. This teaches me that under God's eyes, we are the same, made with love the same way that all others are. This taught me that friends are forever, and I really have a lot of good friends. I think that without them, this would be a very dull life. But they are there and I am there for them too.

So as I think back, I have to consider myself a very lucky man to have known all of these people. Many people go a lifetime being mad at the world, thus losing all that time that he or she might of been happier only if they had tried to love thier fellow man. That, in my case and in the case of my brothers and sisters, was from the wonderful training that our parents used, to make us a better person. If only in today's world, we could take the hand of another and give a hug to each other, we might find that happiness that is missing. We could at least try to get along. Let me say this and see if it works. If the day is cold, let's warm it up a little. If it is hot than cool it off some. If it is cloudy, then light it up some. You can do all this by just a smile, a hug, or a handshake. Why can't we as God's children get along with each other? Thanks for letting me visit with you this Sunday and watch for me to pop into your homes via this newspaper next Sunday. Have the coffee pot ready. If you want to e-mail me, you can at arermdrd@netusa1.net. Thanks for listening.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day

I Remember Mom & Dad

I am usually a litle late in doing the things that should come naturally in line with my everyday life. I try to start my day off the same way each morning and if it takes a little longer to do a task then the next one suffers. But it does get done. That is what I call my daily routine. So it shouldn't come at a surprise that I do the same with days that are set aside to honor someone.
 Probaly, when you out there read this, Mother's Day will have passed and Father's Day is upon us ,or is coming up soon. Being a member of the Day family, I really can't just limit my praises to one over the other. My mother and father were the first Angels in my life here on earth. When I came into being, the two of them had already brought seven children into thier lives and now here I was the new kid on the block. There were four boys and three girls ahead of me, and here I was in thier eleventh year of marriage, and they had room for me. What a wonderful thing to happen to me.
 During my early years , Mom and Dad kept a close watch on me, and they kept me fed and clothed and warm, just like they did for all those before me. It wasn't long before they must of decided that I needed more company, because they blessed our family with six more children, four girls and two boys. We wound up with a family of fourteen children although God called several of them home at an early age. Mom kept all of us under her apron strings until she was sure that we would be ok by ourselves playing games or visiting with our friends. But she was always close enough so that if we needed her, she came running.
Can you remember all the times that your Mom was there to soothe you when you got that cut or bump? After cleaning the sore spot and wrapping it up, she then would wrap her arms around you and that made the pain go away. How about the first time you were in some sort of a play or presentation at your grade school, and you knew she was sitting there in the crowd and she was beaming with pride even though your part was very small? How about when you went out on your first date and she would stay up and wait to let you in the door? She wanted to ask how it went but she wanted you to be the one to talk about it. And the day that you were married and she stood there by your side while the picture was taken, she once again was beaming with pride. All of these are acts of love by your mother aimed at you.
I could talk about my mother and father all day long, because I love them very much. While you are young, you think that just maybe Mom and Dad are too strict, and maybe they don't love you, but this old man can attest to the fact that the strict rules that my mother and father made us abide to, were ones that were used with love for thier children. I can also attest to the fact that if you asked any one of the remaining Day children, if they thought that Mom and Dad were too strict, they would probaly say that maybe they were, but it was for our own good. I can also say that each one of them will tell you that our mother and father loved us very much.
And I also will say this and it is with truth, that I sure miss both of them very much. When I think of my father, I look back to the days when we didn't see him very much because he worked the swing shift at the mill and many times when he was at home we were in school and many times when he came home from work we were already in bed. That man worked very hard in his life in order to be the breadwinner in our family. I must say that there were times when he would go out with me and play catch,or throw the football to me. For a little guy, he was tough as nails. He never showed his real self to others because he was content to be in the background sitting with his coffee and his pipe, It didn't take much to satisfy that man I call Dad. Mom and Dad went through some rough times together but they stayed as one for fifty-three years before he passed away. Mom followed him two years later.
 As we go on with our lives, we continue to lose members of our families, and so we try to put away those items that will help us adjust to our losses. The memories of your parents and your brothers and sisters will always be there in your hearts and sometimes you need to bring them forward in your mind and look at the love that was there between father and mother  with thier children. And all the times that you were taken somewhere special by Mom and Dad, should be in your memory bank to look back on, so that you can pass it on to your children. Time is only a blink of your eye but it can be full of the best fun you ever had with your mother and father. The things that were a part of your life then can still be a part of your life now. But you have to be the one to preserve it. Pictures, and letters are the things that along with your memories, will take your lives and put them on display for those who will follow you.
As I stated before, I can't praise my mother without praising my father too. So I try to remember both on Mother's and Father's Day, because they deserve all the praise that I and my brothers and sisters can give them. Both of them rest now in the arms of The Great Father, awaiting the time when we all will one day be together again. What I say to each of you out there , I hope that your lives were as enriched with love from your mothers and fathers as ours was.  Many times I have watch the show about the Walton family and it sure brings back a lot of our memories of the Day family. I hope that our visit this week allows you to sit back and relive some great memories of your own. I like to look back with the thoughts of bringing them forward into our lives today but I know that those memories will stay in my heart with the hope that someone in the future can say that life in the old days must of been special. And you know what??? It was special. And it has been nice to visit with you today.
                                Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


Remember respect and honesty??

As I was going through the scrapbooks the other day, I couldn't resist going to the pictures of me when I was a baby. My, I was quite a chubby kid, and would you believe that I wore long hair down on my shoulders up to about eighteen months. And the fat on me came in two large rolls. It is really something to look that far back in time and see yourself ,and then take a good look at yourself now. Now I am almost baldheaded. It took over sixty-four years to finally have The Great Father to decide that the head is perfect and didn't need anything to cover it up with. The rolls of fat have finally settled in the middle and is quite becoming too. All those pictures in between the time of a child to now as a old man was very intertaining to look at too.
Pictures of my mother, who was a beautiful lady, holding me in her arms are priceless, and I treasure them. Pictures of my brothers and sisters when they were young, also are very priceless to me. All the money in the world could not force me to give them away.  They are from a time when love of the family was the game we play. A time when Mom was there to hold your hand as you cross the street. A time when Mom would call you to a meal that filled your bellies, and the taste would stay with you until the next meal. A time when Dad would go out and shoot baskets with you, or when he would take you to the pool room and teach you how to play pool. I must say that Dad was quite a pool player , and he loved to get someone in a game just to show that kid sitting there that Dad was pretty good. And there mornings when it had just begun to get light, that dad would haul me off to the creek to do some fishing. He considered himself a pretty good fisherman and I guess he was, because he was the one that caught the biggest and the most,.

I remember when we would sit down to dinner, Dad would sit at the end of the table, and the meal didn't start until he was ready to eat. You had to make sure that he had a large glass of water there in front of him, and it had to be in the right spot. If it wasn't, then the meal did not start. Those were just rules set down by both Mom and Dad, and it was part of teaching respect for your parents. If you had company like Grandma, or if an uncle or aunt was present at the dinner table, the same rule applied to them too. We were expected to make sure that they had thier water in front of them before dinner started.  They , like Mom and Dad, were to be treated with respect, at all times. Such was all part of the training that children in my day received as part of growing up. In today's home, a child might make a threat  of child abuse and get away with it. I am not saying that it would happen, but it could because of the silly laws set down by those who don't want resect to be part of the family life. You would not have been able to make a threat like that in the old days, because it would of showed dis-respect for your elders.

Another thing that we, as children, were taught , was to not look at the newspaper until the head of the house had read it first. If Dad wasn't there, then Mom had first rights to it. Mom was always one who loved her man enough, that she always made sure that he was respected as a father, and as a husband. Some might think that maybe Dad was too harsh in the ways that he raised his family, but this oldman can tell you right now that if he was still here, he would be respected for the way he and Mom raised us. As a matter of fact, about all of my cousins were raised in the same way as we were, and they turned out to be great heads of thier homes too.

There are times when we as adults, who were raised under a set of rules that taught respect, honesty, and love for your fellow man, wonder just where did it all go? And why did it go away, leaving everything shoved under the rug, hoping that it might not show it's head, and bring things back to normal? Where and why did we, as the offspring of a great generation, go wrong in our teaching of those rules that worked so well when we were young, yet put off to the wayside today.
Ray Day

"A Response and a Memory"

Well, this writer has finally been drafted in the journalist society, as one of my articles offended one of my readers. Up to now I have been swamped with positive reviews of my writing, and that really makes me feel good. But it seems that I have offended one reader and for that I am very sorry. You must remember that I write from the heart, and I feel that GOD has given me a gift since my heart surgery, and the words just flow out on the screen, as I write for you to read. To Mr. Davis, I meant no harm, nor did I mean to infer that our system is wrong. What I wanted to do was to give you my opinion and not that of any group or any other single person. To say that I might of damaged our legal system is to say I think criminals should go free. I am not saying that . What I am saying is that a person is innocent until proven guilty and that anything said in a courtroom while sitting in the witness chair or by the defense or state does not go away. You will remember it and I will remember it and so will all who are in that room. I am but just one, but there are many more out there who feel the same way. Since that article, I have recieved many reponses that said that it needed to be said.  I am not alone in this , but the stigma will always be there that has been placed on me that I offended you, as is the case whenever someone is said to have done something  without absolute proof. It follows you where-ever you go, but that will not bother me.  It is of my own opinion and you have the right to yours. Thank you Don, for refering to my column, and thanks for reading it each week. I welcome feedback, whether it is positive or negative.

That brings me to a topic that I won't spend too much time on, and that is the stigma that follows someone who is said to have done a bad deed, but was found innocent due to no proof or to a mistaken identity. Even though he is innocent, he still carries the burden of being suspected. People remember and they talk among themselves about that person. That is where the so-called judging comes in. Even though he or she is innocent, someone will think otherwise because the seed was planted, and they will pass on their thoughts to others who knew nothing about that person to start with and the first information they recieve about him or her is a negative one. And so the story goes on with it building up so high with no proof, with the burden of it heavy on the shoulders of the innocent person. Yes , people judge every day, and they pass it on like a chain letter, and that , my friends is not right.

Now, lets get off  this topic and go to one that is one of  my favorite topics and that is talking about my children. Ramona and I were blessed with two pretty daughters, and as they grew up into beautiful ladies, we were so proud to be their parents. Both were very good in school, and both were in the honor society. They went places together and were not only sisters but best friends. Sometimes they dressed alike, and they liked to do the same things. To have gone through life without them , would of  been not having a life. To live with them was the best part of my and Ramona's life. As I sometimes sit watching tv or just resting, I recall all the good times that being with our girls were, and how they would always give us both hugs and sit on our laps, and play games with us. When we would go on a trip, they both were so happy to go somewhere so that they could tell all their friends about it when they got home. And looking through the scrapbooks at pictures of all the relation, they would laugh and ask questions. Both of them were always asking about things that they knew Dad and Mom knew about.

One of the things that I remember about them is the way that when they were asked a question, and how they answered. They would take the time to squint their foreheads and what they were doing was to look back into their memory bank and see what the right answer should be. We always told them that they were given a memory bank that has room for al the files that they would need for a lifetime. We told them that everything that they would hear or see, would be filed away into their memory bank and whenever they needed to remember, all they had to do was to sort through their files. They ,through life, used that gift that GOD gave them, and we were so proud of them. Patricia left us at the age of thirty-four to go HOME, and during the five months that she had left here , she ,many times, went back into her files of memories, to relate and remember the good times that she and her sister Deborah had with Mom and Dad.

On Feb. 29, 2002, which does not fall this year, she would of been forty-two years old. Deborah, who is our oldest , remembers having a sister who was also her best friend. Deborah goes about her everyday duties working at Whites Meat Market and enjoying camping and taking trips with her man, John.  So as we go on with our lives, we will never forget those glorious days when you heard those precious words, "I love you daddy, and I love you mommy". What can a person want any more in life, than a memory of thier children while they were growing up. As I write this, it is a good thing that it is on a screen, because I would be dropping tears of love on a sheet of paper. I will admit that this old man has a soft heart, when it comes time to talk about our two daughters. But then, so do you when you go back into your memory and think about those great days. I will leave you with this thought and I hope that you will remember it when you read my column each sunday. When I speak and when I write, and when I do, it is "straight from the heart", and sometimes my heart will deal out to you some things that normally would not be remembered, if I didn't have you to read it each week. So thanks for allowing me to go back in time, while I am still here in the present. Thanks for allowing me to visit with you this Sunday morning and if you will, say a little prayer for me as I can use it.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day-

"Snow Days"

As I sit here thinking about what to write, I remember the days when snow was a treat and not a hindrance. When you are young and full of you know what, you don't worry about how deep it is or how cold it is. You just want to get out there and play in it or drive in it. There is no fear and you can do all the things that you can think of and not get hurt. But as you grow older , you grow wiser, and a little fear comes into that hard shell, which tells you that you are not only putting your life in danger, but also that of any other driver or person walking. Taking those chances just to have fun , just doesn't feel like fun anymore. When you get out on that snow-covered road  , you have to remember that you could be responsible for another person's life. You could be that nail in thier coffin. So with age , comes experience and good judgment, and with that little fear, you have that respect for the other driver out there. So ends my sermon about driving.
And that brings me to some of the things that I experienced when I was young and full of  it. I remember one night after work at the mill , I was driving home on Road 22 to New London. I remember that it was snowing so hard that you could hardly see the road and as I passed Molinos, I went into a tailspin and after about three spins, I was able to straighten up and continue on my way. After going about a mile, I noticed that I was hitting lights that you wouldn't see if  I was going the right way. It turns out that when I got out of that spin, I wound up going the wrong way. So I turned around and started back on my way home and as I drove on  22, I watched for those things that I knew were there  and as I past Shilo church, once again the visability was pretty close to zero and I couldn't use those markers to find my way home. Well, after driving longer than what I should have, I decided to get out of my car and take a look at where I was at and what I had to do to get home. I found that I had traveled about five miles too far and so I turned around and headed back to the New London Road. Once on there, I headed south and I could see better due to the way the snow was blowing. Well, I finally reached those friendly confines of home and guess who was waiting at the door to greet me. Dear Mom waited up for me because she was worried about this young fellow and she couldn't sleep untill all of her children were home safe. That was the way that our parents were. It didn't matter how old you were, they still worried. That ,my friends ,is the way that parents are and our mother and father were no different.

Now if this would of happened today with all the traffic on the road, there would of been wrecks caused by my spinning, and the hospitals or mortuaries would have new occupants. But back then there wasn't that much traffic and along that road there were cornfields and not too many homes. The chance of being hurt without someone to help you  was a large percentive. But we don't live in the past. We live today where travel and traffic are out there in large amounts and you have to try and drive defensively, and not only drive safely but also look out for that driver who has no respect for the other driver. That is the difference from the old days and now.  Once again you have allowed me to visit over a cup of coffee and this newspaper. I leave you with this thought; "Don't ever forget about Julie Johnson". Thanks for listening and we will visit again next week

Ray "Uncle Ray"Day


"How to care about that customer".

 Sometimes I wonder what my next article will be about, because frankly I never know what I will write about until I sit at the computer and start writing. Sometimes it is a subject that one of my readers asks me about, and sometimes it is about a current event. So in my thoughts, there must be someone that is feeding my brain with my thoughts of today. I feel deeply in my heart that "The Great Father" above is sending me a message, telling me what to write about. It just seems to flow as I write it and then after taking a  look at it, and moving a section around to another spot, I find that I have written another article for you to read. I really can't give you any other reason for it, because I haven't taken any classes in writing, nor have I really had the desire before to do so. So, as you read this article that I have for you today, be aware that it comes straight from this old man's heart ,with the source being whatever He wants me to write about.

There is one thing that I have had training in and so my  thoughts today, deal with what I do each day at my job, and how I go about it. Being in sales, I meet a lot of people and I get to talk with them about what is going on in their lives and in mine too. Many of my customers come back and ask  for me personnaly, because they know about me and what I stand for. I won't sell a customer something without finding out what he or she wants to do with it. Then I try to find out what other tools they have to go with it. In other words, I try to qualify that customer to what he or she needs according to what I have to offer them . I won't lie to them, nor will I try to sell them them with lots of promises about what that particular item will do for them. In other words I won't sell  just to be selling. That is because of my training both at home and at the job.

That customer, who walks through that door is there for you to assist, and he or she expects to be greeted as soon as they enter. Sometimes they will only want to look around, but sometimes they know what they want, and they want to get in and out as soon as you can get to them. But you, as the person that they look for, needs to let them know right away that you know that they are there, and that you will get to them as soon as possible. Respect that customer's privacy, and let him or her look around to see all the new items you have. Remember that the customer most of the time is there to check out what you have, so that they can let thier loved one know what they want for that special day in thier life. If they know what they want and are ready to pay for it and go, then take care of them and get them on thier way. Remember that thier time is just as important as yours. If they ask for advice, give it to them as per the experience you have with the product. Never tell them anything that you really don't know to be true. If you can't answer thier question, tell them that you will find out and let them know. If there is someone else there that can answer the question, go to that person and ask for help. The customer will respect you more for doing that. That is what I call "taking care of the customer".

There are many things that I, as a salesman, do not know about what to do with a certain tool or how to do a certain project, but I keep notes and when one of my older customers or one of my friends in construction come in, I sort of have ways of getting knowledge from them that I can relay on to the other customers. In other words, my customers help me sell to my other customers. Knowledge is only wothwhile  if you use it. Asking for that knowledge is another story. Make sure that the person that you are asking, really knows what he is talking about. Remember that once you pass this information on to the other customer, you are responsible for it.

I must say that I am really proud of the customers that I have had in the fifteen years that I have been in sales. There are many out there who started with the idea of it being a hobby and they are doing it as a vocation now. They are either making money for themselves or are using thier skills to make items for "We Care", and for that I am proud to say that I was a part of it. One such gentleman who built some wooden trucks and bulldozers and helped "We Care" with it as well as selling in several states is no longer with us, but I know that he will always be looking at us from his place with "The Great Father", with love for his fellow man. Another, who takes his time each year to donate his product to" We Care", does it out of his love for his fellow man too. So George and Kenny, I take my hat off to both of you for doing what you do each year. Giving to help another is a way of doing the work that The Great Father sent you here to do.

Now getting back to selling, the only thing left to say is this. Be honest with that customer. Be courtious with them, even though they might be going through a rough day. Protect thier privacy, by letting them know that it is ok to look around.. Be there to answer any question, regardless of what that question is. Remember that no question is silly. If they didn't need to know, they wouldn't be asking. Do what you would want a salesman do to you. Success in any job depends on your honesty and your sincerity. I wrote this because I know that with the present working conditions here in our city, there are those who will be taking new jobs in sales and I hope that the words I brought you today helps.

Until the next visit or until the next message is relayed to me by The Great Father, I bid you so long with this thought. Don't let any chance at life go by, for what if tomorrow never comes. Think about that until we visit once again. Uncle Ray

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day-----

"Seatbelts and the pros and cons"

Well, This old man has another first on the books. I was given a ticket for a seatbelt violation by a trooper who saw me two blocks from home adjusting my strap under my arm, but he waited until I got on the bypass after waiting for the light to change, and then he put the lights on. After a rash chewing out without letting me explain that I wear the belt across my hips and the strap under the arm to keep from irratating a chest scar, he gave me a ticket instead of a warning even though I had never been stopped before. He said a court date would be set up but I could send a fine of twenty five dollars in to the Clerk and not appear in court. And of course I had to admit to being in the wrong. Well, I didn't want to miss a day at work and lose my pay so I paid the fine and that was it. Now I find out that if you have truck plates or if you are in a truck or farm tractor, you are exempt. Also I found out that if I had been stopped by an officer on straight time I would of gotten a warning. Sounds like this seatbelt law has loopholes that you could live in. This law is one that should be taken off the books as being one which can target certain individuals and abuse the right of others. Now I don't speed, I don't run red lights or stop signs, and I don't drink and drive because someone including myself could get hurt or killed. But wearing a seatbelt only affects the one using it. Point made about a law that was built on theory and not true facts. Seatbelts are ok for those who want them and I agree that children should be fastened in, but this old man wants the freedom of being able to depart from that car on my own and not that of a stretcher, after they pry me out. But until this law has been repealed, I will go with the law and fasten up so that my hard earned money doesn't wind up in court costs. And I will continue to use common sense while driving, so that I won't hurt someone who is out there driving the same road. By the way, a funny thing happened the same day as I was leaving the spot where I was stopped. A car pulled right out in front of me and the trooper just stayed there . I could of gotten killed yet it was not important enough to him to go after the other driver. Oh well, things seem to work out for the best, and even though I have some sour feelings for the one who stopped me, I want everyone to know that we would be in a bad mess if we didn't have those great people who work in the Police, Fire, & Sheriffs Depts. They put thier lives on the block for us each day and they do a great job of protecting us. My heart goes out to those men and women who do a job well yet they recieve no thanks. We take them for granted too many times, and we give them heck all the time but think what it would be without them. I get some great smiles from most of them as I see them, even though they might of been the subject of someone's hate. Keep up the great work , ladies and men because Uncle Ray appreciates you. And to the one instance that I hope never happens again, lets start all over and get along, because life is too short to carry a grudge, and just maybe one day you might need me to pull you out of a wrecked car after we find a way to cut the seatbelt off you. And I would do that for you because we are all brothers and sisters and love of our fellow man is eternal.. That said, it looks like a landfill will come about here in Kokomo. The ground that was supposed to be heavily contaminated is now only three percent. So now they say it is safe, which is what I have been saying all along. But who listens to one who knows? One day that landfill will be used by everyone around Kokomo. Another first for Kokomo. And think about the rats that will make thier home there. That is my opinion on both of these items. See you next week.
Ray"Uncle Ray" Day


Well folks, I decided to take a week off from work to rest those tired legs and feet , part of the negative side of working on cement floors. And you know that the first chance I get, I am going to catch up on all those things that have been shoved over in the corner to do later. I know, I am supposed to rest, but if I don't get to them now, they will just build up and won't ever get done. The yard needs mowing, but it is raining so that job can wait. The flower garden has a lot of weeds in it, and being wet, I can pull those weeds. But if it is too wet, then I might pull out a plant and ruin it's root system. Maybe I better wait on that until it gets a little dryer. Hey, how about trimming those branches that hang down so low when it rains and scratches the car as I drive up the driveway? But I need someone to pull them down so that I can cut them as high as possible, and there is nobody here to do that. So that job didn't get done either. Well, there is one thing that needs done inside and that is vacumning the carpets and moving the furniture and I can do that while the good lady is gone and I will surprise her. Wrong again, because we are out of the cleaner bags and my back just started hurting. Man, here I am on vacation and I can't get anything done. I guess I will just rest my body this week and schedule another week to do those other things. One thing I would like to mention here. My father, who worked at the steel mill, never took any vacation until he was past sixty years old. He kept chugging along trying to make ends meet for his family. Thanks Dad, for working so hard for us to live with full stomachs and warm clothes. He was quite a man.

And so to another topic that I like to talk about and that is the raising of children in the old way when honesty, respect, and family togetherness was the basis and the rule of bringing up your child. Today, they lable it child abuse, but in my day it was teaching you to respect your elders and all the spankings we got were for things when we showed disrepect for the rules set down by those who were raising us. We were not abused, we were trained. Today, it is letting them find their own thing in life, whereas in my day our parents showed us the way and were there to help us get there. Today, the young folk are into the drug habit because it is cool and the others are doing it. In my day, about the only bad thing that our parents might catch us at was lighting up a smoke, which I am proud to say that once was all it took for this little guy to never do it again. Today, the kids are out running around at the age of ten or lower with the gangs, getting in trouble. In my time, we had walking policemen who walked their beat and if they caught you out late or with the wrong people, they took you straight home and guess who gets a spanking?

But don't think from the words I write that I am down on those young people because that is not the fact. Those young kids are going to be our leaders one day and they will be the ones who will make the decisions that will help us in our everyday life. Just think about it for a minute. Would you like your leaders to be drug pushers and ones who didn't respect their fellow man? Don't you want this country to remain free, led by honest, respectful men and women, who will work with others in the decision making process? It is never too late to re-instate the rules and training of old into todays training of the greatest resource we have, our young children.

And to those youngsters out there who would like to e-mail me , my e-mail address is arermdrd@netusa1.net Thanks for the visit.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day-

Salute to Mom And Dad;

Many times in my life, I have feared the happenings of that time in life and thus my faith gets me through. Through my early years , I had Mom and Dad to guard my life and to help me through my fears.  They were always there for all of us children to lean on and to hide behind if someone  tried to hurt us. That is what Moms and Dads are for. They have been entrusted with the responsibility of not only raising their children, but also to protect them until that time in life when the child has grown up and can stand on his or her own two feet. But does it end there or does the parent still share in the son or daughter's life as to be there if and when the fear is so great that he or she can't decide on a path to walk on.? I would say that a parent's responsibility as long as they are still on this great earth, is there for the asking.
 There is nothing wrong in going to Mom or Dad for advice, as long as you who requests it are going to use it. Now there has to be a line drawn as to what you ask for. If you have done wrong and are trying to get away with it, then asking for someone to hide behind is a form of dis-respect for your parents. If you are deeply in bills created by silly spending or betting, don't put Mom or Dad in hock just to get you right. In other words, don't expect Mom and Dad to get you out of a hole that you kept digging for yourself until it got too deep that you couldn't climb out of. That is your fault and you should get yourself out of  that hole.

You and I were given to our parents by GOD to raise and nurture until that time when we are able to leave those arms of love and begin our lives in the same way that they did. It is a circle that keeps going until the end of time. It is a circle of love that grows on you and you pass it on to your children. When you are ready to leave those arms of love and go out into that mystery of life, you have to do so with the code of self respect and love of the family way of life. It is a different life and yet is a copy of the life that you had growing up. Life is like the blooming of a flower in the spring, only to dry up in the fall, yet to rebloom in the spring again. Life is what you make of it, remembering all the things that Mom and Dad taught you while you were under their direction. Those my age were youngsters when World War 2  was going on and if it hadn't been for my parents who were there to hold us in their arms to protect us from the fears of war, just maybe this old man would of been a mess of nerves. But they were there and thank God  for that.

Sometimes in life, we as the adult, are given the task of taking care of our Mother and Father, because they have undergone a sickness or they just have trouble getting around due to age . That is where we repay them for bringing us up and instilling into us the respect of others. How many times have you who still have your parents here with you, taken them out to have a nice meal? How many times have you just called them or gone over to see them? If they are in a nursing home, are you taking the time to visit with them on a regular basis? And for those who have seen their parents take that wonderful trip to HEAVEN, do you visit their graves out of respect for everything they did for you? My parents have been HOME with THE GREAT FATHER for many years, and I visit the gravesites of them and the rest of my family as many times as I can, and while there, I tell them that I love them. Do they hear me? I know they do, because they are in HEAVEN and GOD lets them hear those words. It only takes a few minutes out of your life but it is sure worth it. I sure miss my mother and father, but I know that they are in a much better place now and both of them deserve it. I love you, "Mom and Dad", very much.

This old man likes to talk about Mom & Dad, because through the memories of being one of their children, I have been greatly enriched with love for everyone. Through them, I was given the gift of respect for all, and the gift of feeling for those who need someone to care. Mom and Dad didn't have much in the form of money, but they had much more in the love for all their children, and the chore that GOD gave them when he sent fourteen children to them to raise and nurture, was performed with satisfaction by all of us.

Give Mom and Dad a call today or take time out to visit the graves and tell them that you love them, and while you are there, tell them that I love them too. Until next week, when we visit through this column, as always say a little prayer for me tonight and GOD BLESS ALL.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day-

My young days.

Thinking about the days of old ,and the memories of my family and of my friends, I have to sigh a little ,because I miss those days and I miss my family and I miss those old friends that have been called Home, and so I will never see them again until that time when God decides that Uncle Ray has been around long enough and I have endured enough pain in my body and my heart. Until that eventful day, this old body and heart will continue to go back in time to those days ,when Mom and Dad were the ones in charge and life was great with rules to follow and love spread out through the family was abundant.

If you were silly enough to get into trouble, Mom and Dad were there to help you out of trouble and then trouble really began. In those days you learned your lesson quick and to the point. There wasn’t anything called child abuse back then, because they called it education. And if there were chores to do, you knew that if you didn’t do your share, then it was time to pay the piper. And Mom didn’t wait till Dad came home because she lived by the rule of taking care of business herself and not leave the job for her man who would be pretty tired by the time he got home from work. He deserved to be able to rest a little before sitting down to some food cooked by his love, which was some of the best around. Dad worked a lot of overtime because the money meant that his family would go to sleep at night with their bellies full and their bodies warm.

Mom was the one we were around the most because her part of the homemaker duties was to take care of us kids and to be a friend as well as the mother. Mom could entertain you with her stories of old and her piano playing, and friends from two blocks down would be sitting there on the porch listening to her as she told some of the best stories around. Some got to be scary and Mom knew that once it got bedtime she would have to check our rooms and under the bed because her stories sort of got you thinking . Dad used to comment that mom knew how to keep her children’s trust. Those two had a lot of experience and also a lot of love for each other even though it wasn’t said very much. Our time together in those days was mostly at the dinner table and then all of us sitting on the floor in front of the radio listening to our favorite shows. Dad and I liked to listen to the fights between some great boxers, and also we were big fans of the Chicago Cubs, which still is our favorite baseball team. Sometimes, Dad would hit a few balls to us in the back lot and sometimes we would go over to the Globe parking lot where there was more room and that was where Dad showed all of us his power behind the bat. It didn’t matter how far he hit it because there was always someone inside the Globe watching in case the ball went inside the locked in area.

I really enjoyed my time being with Dad during our fishing at the Kokomo Creek. But I really have to tell you that the most enjoyable time I ever spent with Dad was when both of us worked together at the Steel Mill, because that was where I found out that Dad was not only a father but a best friend too. Working alongside him was an eye opening experience because it was then I found out how much work he had to do to keep his family well fed and warm too.

With our mother , we had the best of care and we never went to bed hungry, nor did we go to bed without first getting that little hug that only a mother can give to her brood. With mom, we knew that she was our protector when Dad wasn’t there. She was the one who made sure that the clothes on our backs were clean, and she knew where we were at all times. I remember mom going out to the chicken house on the south part of our property and picking out two chickens and then chopping their heads off, and then putting them down in boiling hot water to pluck the feathers out. Those two heads would flop all over the yard before finally stopping. Believe me folks, I think that is why I get deathly sick at the smell of chicken being cooked. I don’t eat chicken either probably for the same reason. Mom would take that chicken and make her family some dumplings to go with it and the family would go wild . This old man was one lucky person to have been part of that family. My memories are happy ones.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day

"Thoughts From The Past"

  My life as a youngster was one that prepared me for today. We respected our parents, and especially our elders. The elders, who have been through all the hard times, are able to instruct you, on what is the best way to follow. Most of them were of the most credible type of person to look up to, and to follow in their footsteps. Most of them were already through most of their life, on this great earth, and the experience that they had, would greatly help those who would listen. Many times, the head of the family was the grandfather or grandmother, who had brought up your parents, and instilled in them the value of living a good life. And many times, they would say to you to take a good look at your parents, and follow the same path that they are on.

                    Not having our grandfathers because of death early in their lives, our grandmothers were the ones to talk to. I was truly blessed with having two grandmothers, who not only had lived a full life, but also had knowledge of all the hard times of life, as it was. So we were truly blessed with not only great parents to follow, but also great grandparents too. Respect those older than you are, because they know how it was. Today, as we live each day to the fullest, I look back and wonder where did it all go?? Where is that respect? Why is it, that a man's word is not good enough? Why do we allow our young to get on drugs? And why are the young children of today filing lawsuits against their parents?
Back in our day, it was the radio that we used, to get most of our entertainment from, in the house. We would sit by the fire, and listen to all the great programs of that day, and in our minds we would have the picture of what was going on. We would visualize the cowboys and the romantic stars, as they would do the scenes, in our heads. And what we visualized was based on how we were trained. In other words the scenes were of the clean mind. Today, it is what we actually see on the television screen, that paints a picture in our minds.

                   There is nothing to the imagination any more, as it is right there in front of us. It is killing, drinking, using drugs, and lurid sex being displayed, that has made the impression. Today, you can't discipline your children with fear of being put in jail. The "child abuse law" was started to protect the young, from abusive people. It should not limit the parents and the teachers, from using discipline to instill values and rules. But it has gone there, because of the courts, and some of the silly laws. There should be no fear in taking a child to the doctor or hospital, when they might have fallen and broken an arm, or bad bruise. But the doctors and the hospital, by law have to inform the police of these injuries. So right away the parent is questioned, and looked bad upon, even though they are not guilty of anything. And so, there is that stigma there, that the parent is a child beater. The doctors or the hospitals, and the police are doing what is required of them by law. So what has happened in today's world is that we have taken the right of bringing up our children from the family, and the schools, and given it to the courts. That is not what the "child abuse law" was intended for.

                   In today's world, the right to employment has been set aside in favor of quotas, to make it accessible to all. That law started out ok, because we should never keep someone, from being employed, because of race, greed, and religion. Etc. But today, our young have to compete with people who are not residents of this country, and thus they are without good jobs, and have to flip hamburgers. To me, that is not right. All citizens of the "USA" should have the same rights, as to employment in positions, that they have the knowledge for, regardless of whom, or what they are. I must make this one note, towards that summation, in that I am not aiming at those doctors, and other positions, that we have to go outside to get. Many of our great doctors are from the other countries, which have given up their homes, in order to come over here, and be our medical doctors. I say thanks to all of them.
It used to be, that we wore patched up clothes, because that was all we had, but today that is the style. Back then it was overalls that we wore, and today it is jeans. Things happen because we allow it to. We need to take back respect and use it. The past is gone but we should learn from it.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day


"A good friend."

Well, it is another week gone by and time for this old man to visit with you today. In my years here on this land created by The Great Father Himself, I have been blessed to have known many great people, who in turn have made me a stronger person because of them.

One such person who I want to tell you about today, was named Tom. We all knew him as Uncle Tom, and he was my wife's uncle. Here was a man who served his country in the Armed Forces, came home to his family and raised some pretty good kids. Tom was one of those guys who meant what he said and he always had a little joke to play on you. I met him right after he came home from service and we became friends right away. He was my best man at our wedding, and of course he had to play the lost ring trick, but with a big smile, he handed me the ring, and everything was good. Though the years Tom stayed in contact and always with a trick up his sleeve.

Through all these years he was our Uncle Tom, and like the rest of his sisters and brother, he was family. This family and thier mother, Grandma Budd, treated me with respect and with loving arms. But one day, we found out that our youngest daughter was diagnosed with ovarion cancer, and the world started spinning and things that always seem important wasn't really that important anymore. Patty was our main concern now and we put our lives on hold in order to help her combat this terrible disease. Who was in the back waiting to step forward to help us in this time of need, none other than Uncle Tom and his wife Carolyn. Here was a man who had very bad lungs with not too much chance of living very long, yet he had enough time to come be with us and to help our little girl. They didn't miss many days being there, trying to be that father figure for Patty when I wasn't there. Patty would tell Tom that he needed to take care of himself and not worry about her but in Tom's heart was a love for Patty that usually you don't get from an uncle. They would joke around and laugh at each other and they both would have tears in thier eyes knowing that both of them needed the other.

After we lost her, Tom started slipping fast and for a little over four years fought to stay alive. He was about gone when I had to have heart surgery and that was the time when he reached down into his soul and stayed alive until he knew that I survived the surgery and I was home safe. He passed away without me being able to see him, but I know deep in my heart that he was ready to go meet his master. His name was Tom Budd and he was my uncle, my friend and my brother. Such is the love that one man has for another. Tom was a man who wasn't afraid to hug another man because it is that love that holds us dear to being close to God.

I sometimes think while out in the garden how he would always ask if we had any tomatoes for him. And I always look back to that time when I needed someone to help me , and there he was. I feel him when I am alone out there working in my garden, because I know where he is. He is at peace and he is Home. Why can't all mankind be at peace while still here on earth? Why can't you out there give a hug to someone instead of trying to fight them. That answer is for you to tell, because you have to live with yourself. I really miss you my brother and we will see each other again. There is an old saying that you reap what you sow, and for our family to have had Uncle Tom with us , we know it to be true. To have known him was to love him. Thanks for listening to an old man tell you how it is.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day

"Talk about the mill."

As most of my working life was in the steel business, both as a employee and as a supervisor,and after 31 1/2 years dong my job in conditions both hot and cold, I feel that I know a lot more about that place than any person who did not work there. That factory was the backbone of this city of Kokomo . When other companies were down, the mill was still working. Steel making was not a job where you could shut down for the weekends or for the holidays. Shutting down for one day cost too much. So this old man along with many others did not have the chance of spending Christmas with the kids. It was our job and we had to keep it going. You don't mind doing that because it fed the kids and kept them warm, and someday you could retire and live your last years taking it easy with a good pension and insurance until the day you die. But along came a group of people who needed something to milk dry in order to keep thier cement business going. And they did that to the extent that the mill went down for the count along with the benefits that we all worked for all those years. And now after almost 17 years, the bare land sits there while others milk the superfund dry, and our city fathers pay groups to come in and milk the taxpayer dry. Where does it all end? This writer has stated many times that I would not be afraid to live on that property, because the things that they tell us are dangerous are only that on paper. The elements they use to get these findings are everywhere, and not just on that land. The lead samples that they found actually come from the flaking of the paint that those houses have had on them these many years. Paint at one time had a lead base but finally they used something else. So it really gets me riled up when I see things like this brought forth by those people who are out to create jobs for themselves. After all it is all there on paper what they found. No proof needed because we the average persons would not know otherwise. We believe what we hear and we don't question it. Anyway there is a nice lady down in Indy that used to live here, and she keeps in contact with what is going on here. The following is in her own words." I read the Kokomo Tribune almost every day. There was an article about what to do with the Continental Site and I have a few ideas that I have seen here in Indy that might interest you. Here in Indy we have the public conservatory at Garfield Park, the Arts Garden and the White River State Park and many other family oriented activities. I also know that many of the flowers are supplied by the local greenhouses in this area. But hardly anyone knows of the greenhouses off Kentucky Av. located by the dump that is operated by the use of all natural waste. It is huge and supplies loads of flowers and starts for many of the greenhouses in this area . Now how can this help Kokomo?.Take a few days and come down and check all this out. Most of this is free to the public and the ideas you will take out will amaze you. Next check out the cost of what all this would be to start in Kokomo and how much of a profit you can make off these ideas. For example the greenhouse at the dump costs little to maintain and sells what it makes. They even throw away the excess. And that would be a cheap way to start one in Kokomo using the excess from here and using their ideas to create a greenhouse like it in Kokomo and even bring in new businesses to the area. Next a Conservatory like the one at Garfield. It is a year round summer visit for us. Even has a butterfly garden and again they sell starts from their plants,give tours, hold weddings and etc. It is located next to a huge park, library and a huge outdoor garden and fountains. Indy has some very good idea's to work with. Amanda (my daughter) and I explore all the time and that is how we discovered the greenhouse at the dump off Kentucky Av. We were given some of the plants they threw away a few years back. Also at the White River State Park and the new Indiana State Museum last week, there is a large exhibit of Continental Steel. There are old tools, machines and a detailed history of the plant." Something to think about.. see you next week.
Ray "Uncle Ray" Day

"The Taxpayer"

Once again, we visit this Sunday morning over a hot cup of coffee, in this new year of 2002. It is still hard to realize that we have been in the new century for two years now, and yet the doomsayers are still in the past century, with thoughts of 2000 never getting here. Please understand that I am not running those people down, because they do have the right to believe as they choose. The only fault that most of them have is that they don't keep it to themselves. Only The Great Father can tell us when this world will end ,and only through His words, should we abide. So until we hear from Him, lets' make the best of the situation and enjoy life to it's fullest. We should find out what is wrong, attempt to correct it ,and then live with the results. Let's glorify this great land with pretty flowers and plants just like He does each year in the proper season. And let's tell our fellow man or woman that we love them, and help them in times of dispair.

Now, to get on with this column, I want to address something ,that I had not realized until it was brought to my attention. I have driven through the north end of Kokomo for all these years, and I had not realized that there are so many areas here in Kokomo that have no sidewalks. From Apperson way going east on Gano, there are no sidewalks all the way to the by-pass. Why is this true? Don't those people, who live in the homes on that street pay taxes? I am sure that they do, and they should have the sidewalks just as those who live in the rest of Kokomo do. And this isn't just Gano which is left without sidewalks, because you can drive up and down many streets up in the north end of town and witness the no sidewalk problem. And there are areas in the rest of this great city that have the same problem. So this old man is going to ask this question once ,and just maybe the people who have gone without sidewalks all these years will ask it too. Why aren't there sidewalks in those areas?? Why have we continually gotten grant money and nothing is done to the far north end?? Where is thier representation and what have they been doing for all these years. Kokomo is a whole, not just a part that needs the attention of all concerned to correct that problem. Maybe the people who represent the city of Kokomo, have done the same as I have and that is to not see what is right in front of us. Do we wait until some child is killed before we act? So now as I drive through this city I call home, I am going to take a closer look at what is there and what isn't there. You, my friends should do the same.

Now, getting to another area of this great city, I look to all the money spent on the old steel mill site, and I wonder just what can we do to take it from a new eyesore, to something that would give all of us something to be proud of. I say new eyesore because after the superfund was milked dry by the group working out there, they say that it still is not safe for human use. Why don't we go out there , build an outhouse there , call that group and say that because we can't get more than one person in there at a time, we have to liquidate and they will run in and tear it down because funds will be available. Does that seem silly? Well ,so does the fact that millions have been spent at the taxpayer's expense to clean that area up and you still can't use it. As long as there is not anything there, this city will not have the money raised from taxes paid by the land owners that could and should have some sort of business there. Some will say that the only reason that I bring this up, is because I worked there so many years, and I can't get it out of my system. That would not be true, even though my family and many thousands of families were fed and clothed because of that mill which was the backbone of this great city for such a long time. Do you think that the other factories would of been here, if not for this being a steel city? People who want to relocate a business look for stability, so that they can stay there for many years making a profit, as well as giving the people a place to work. They want to know that the people want them here and that the place they hold in the city is one of  honor and prestige. The main reason that I am writing about this is because I am a taxpayer just like you, and it doesn't look like all of us are getting a fair share. Think about all that I have written about this week and react to it. Start asking questions , find out why all this is true, and then do something about it. I personally know many of our people who represent us in office, and most are good people who just might have not seen what is right there in front of them.

You in the next few weeks are going to read some words about what you are getting out of your taxes, out of being a resident of Kokomo and out of the theory approach of combating crime. There are those out there that will be very mad at what I will say but remember that it is of my opinion and not that of any group or of this newspaper, so keep reading because facts are on the way.

Getting that out of my system, I want to thank all of you who let me know either by e-mail, letters or visits to the store, that you read my column each week and I will continue to write about the past, present, and what the future might bring to us. Any comments , questions, or topics that you might have, can be directed to this newspaper or to me at  uncleray64@writeme.com  or at uncleray@skyenet.net.As I have stated before, you are the reason that I write and The Great Father guides me in the words that I use. So as this new year rolls by one day at a time , so does Uncle Ray, as I wish all of you prosperity, love, respect and honor. My this day be a happy one and may it be filled with lots of joy.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day