
Ready to speak out

This writer sometimes has to get back up on the soapbox and give a little kick in the rear of certain types of people. As most of you know I do not try to judge anyone nor do I try to tell them that they are wrong, but sometimes I have to change a little to try and even out the anger versus the calm. Hopefully, This will hit home even though the war in Iraq has done what it was intended to do and that is to oust Saddam, and leave Iraq free.
We have been at war with Iraq, with the goal of ousting a regime that is a long way from being humane and at the same time a threat to the free world as we live it here in the good old USA. While our brave men and women are over there trying to get the job done, with the complete backing of our President and the Cabinet, as well as the backing of all the patriotic citizens of our nation, we are hearing and seeing our actors and people in Hollywood and New York telling us that we are wrong and Iraq is right. Where is the name of God do these people get this idea of traitorship, trying to knock our military to it's knees.
These brave people who are trying to keep us free by fighting this war, are at the same time being hated by those who normaly entertain us through the movies and television. Our military is fighting so that we can remain a free nation without the fear of the Iraqi movement of insanity and inhumane treatment. These actors who are doing the talking against us would not of had that right if not for the military fighting for it. Maybe what we should of done was to draft all those traitors into the Iraqi Army so that they would be the first ones that we encountered as we marched toward Baghdad. That would change their tune.
When this war is over and it is won by the American and British forces, we need to sit down and find out which countries are our friends and which ones in Hollywood are loyal to us as free people. In the meantime, I am going to read and work outside for my intertainment. Those guys in those actor studios can show thier stuff to empty theators and turned off tv sets.
Now to add to what I just said, I listened as a few of our senators or representatives in Congress tried to boost thier appeal to the voters by now singling out our president and our secretary of state as being wrong in all that they have done in sending our troops to Iraq. They are now trying to build on what they think will give them the votes at the election booth. I am glad to see that none of them are from Indiana. If those men think they are boosting themselves, they are very mistaken. It is ok to voice your opinion to better the USA but to do it with the goal of getting the people's vote later is just another way of saying that they are in it only for themselves and not those who they are supposed to be representing. That is my opinion and I didn't say it to get your votes. I said it because in this time of a very important war against the devil's henchmen, I stand with my hands held high and with my heart proud of being an American.
Will I remember this when election time comes? I sure will but it won't matter here in Indiana because I haven't heard any of my representatives say any of those things. None of us like the idea of having to resort to war in order to stop those inhumane leaders in those countries, but we have to if we are going to remain as a free nation, regardless of what the United Nations want for themselves. Hopefully the war in Iraq is over when this prints but my message should still hit some hearts here in the land of the free and the home of the brave. Now one more thing to bring up is the loyalty of those governments that we helped in WW1 and WW2. It is real nice to know that they are turning thier backs to us when we needed thier support as we went to free Iraq. Watch how quick they jump on our bandwagon as we finish this war. Just maybe they don't need us when we need them but that idea can play right back into thier laps. Stop trading with those countries and see how fast they start trying to be friends again. We might forgive them but we won't forget that they turned thier backs on us. Thanks to all those brave men and women who protect us.
Until next Sunday, I say God Bless.
Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


"Someone to look up to".

Throughout a person's lifetime ,there are things that have happen that you try to put behind you, or you sweep it under the rug, as a political office holder would say. Those things still hang around in the back of your mind, and every once in a while they come forward as the memory process does it's job. Most of my life as a youngster in a large family, has been a very good one, but you just never get use to losing a brother or sister as well as a grandmother or grandfather.
 Our grandpas both died at an early age in separate traffic mishaps, and most of us never had the chance to know them. One died in an car and an-urban accident, and the other one was killed as he walked along a road near his home. That particular one was sort of one of those sweep under the rug deals, where the sheriff  in that county closed that case real fast. It was ruled an accident right away without much questions asked. Grandmother Day knew better but she kept it to herself.
 Now Grandma Day was a little gal but she was just about the prettiest grandma a kid could have. It was nice when she would come over and spend the day with all of us. She was strong minded but she never tried to force her views onto us. She had the pretty white hair and she always wore a house dress. She wasn't a fancy type of lady but I bet in her young days she was great to admire.
Now with Grandmother Sapp, you have a strong lady who could and would take the honey out of a bear's hands if she wanted to. She lived in the state of Washington and she would send us clothing that she made herself. She was quite a seemstress and she could take a flour sack and make one of the best shirts or blouses that could of been put on a shelf to sell. She would make a trip to see us every once in a while and she came by train. We would go to the train depot and help her bring all those nice gifts that she made for us. And She wasn't short on words as when she was around, she was the elder and we respected her for it. She always talked in a strong voice but with a tender heart. Both of our grandmothers lived to be 94 before God called them Home. So we had some pretty good role models to base our lives from.
And this column is getting another memory jog from the past as I remember an episode in my life that just never went away. One day we were out in our back lot there on Lafountain Street playing and I was being teased by one of my younger sisters and she was really bugging me. So in a joking kind of way, I told her that if she didn't stop, I was going to pick up a rock and hit her with it. She wouldn't stop so I bent down to pick up the rock and she started running away. Well, with our training you don't ever hit your younger sisters with anything, so I thought that I would just give her a good scare. So as she was running away, I reeled back and threw that rock which was the size of a fifty-cent piece as far up into the air so that she had plenty of time to get away from it. You know what happen? She ran right under that rock even though she was running away from it and it landed right on the top of her head. Boy was I scared, because not only did I do the wrong thing, I was also the best rock thrower in the world, and I was going to hear about it from Mom and Dad.
 Sis was ok as the rock only caused a little blood and a little headache. She has never let me forget that I had to aim that rock as I let it go. It was a feat that would never happen twice and thank God for that. I recieved a little in home detention from that memory and to this day, I would not attempt to hurt anyone unless my family was in danger of getting hurt.
 I think that Mom and Dad knew that I wouldn't do that on purpose but they had to maintain order in the family and giving out punishment was a necessary part of the job so that it wouldn't happen again. I could write a lot more about growing up in a large family, and having to do with what we had, but that is something to write about in the coming weeks. I will leave you with one thought and that is to honor your mother and dad, whether they are still alive or they have taken that trip Home . Mom and Dad only happens once in our lives. To remember is to honor them. Talk with you next Sunday.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


"Our future."

Someone asked about my e-mail address, which is arermdrd. He thought  that I must be of arabic desent. He said that with it looking so odd and starting with an a, I must be Arabic. Well this American from the USA , who was born right here in Kokomo, Ind. and proud to tell the world about it. The address  is simply the initials of my grandchild, myself and my wife. I wanted a address that no one could possibly have. So I hope that if any others have questions about the name, they have been answered.

Now , many times it might sound like I am against the young people and that is not true. I just grew up in a different time when you respected all things and you honored your parents. There wasn’t too much chance of getting hooked on the smokes or any drugs because Mom and Dad kept close reins on you. They wanted to know where you were at all times, and they enforced the curfew with  no exceptions. I really love my parents for doing that to us because it gave us the incentive to improve each day and it prepared us for the future. The kids today are in a different world and they are the only ones who can change  that world. The drug traffic is out there in full force and most of the homes have both parents working. So the child has to decide his or her own curfew, and they have to make their own goals. They are all great kids and through the years most will have narrowed their path as they ascend into the world of being.
 This war that we had in Iraq opened my eyes to what these young men and women mean to the rest of us. They are our future and we must work with them if we are to improve ourselves and them too.  I watched on tv at the happenings over there in Iraq, and I saw  the young faces of those fighters that are over there to get the job done and tears came to my eyes as I thought that those are our children over there and they have matured so much just in the few short weeks. My heart hurt when I heard that some were killed and some were held captive. I thought to myself that here were the same types of young people that I have been talking about in relation to those of my time. And when I heard that one had been rescued, I knew that the others would also be coming home soon. Those were my kids over there fighting for my safety and my country even though they were in a foreign land, and I am so proud of them. So there is a lot of hope in my heart that we will be alright with the new generation leading us.
Right now it is a different world out there, and we must not only keep our country safe, we must also take on the challenge put forth by all those people who come to our city to sell their dope to our young people. We must give our children a different path to follow, and we must give those who deserve it the respect that they will pass on to others.  While the youth is our future , their future is in our hands too.  We should instill the right values into them and then be there to help them along the way.  Give the youth a reason for walking the right path, and he or she will show you that they can that straight narrow path to greatness. But if we just sit back and allow the bums out there with their drugs to lead them then just maybe we won’t have much of a future for them.
My training and my love started in my home and with my mother and father and they showed me the way. One more thing to make clear is that in my time there was a draft where all men who turned 18 had to sign up for the draft. When and if your number came up, you had to go get a physical and be prepared to go serve your country for at least two years. Some got the call, while others didn’t. I never received the call, but if it came, I was ready. Back then you knew that the  country needed to be prepared and the men in my time went with knowledge that  they were going to learn how to defend us if needed.  Bless all those who served before and those who are serving now. Those kids are our future. See you next week.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day


“Going home”

Every once in a while, this old man has to go down memory lane, and take a look at what was our home and our neighborhood. You think that it won’t be any different from the way you remember it but that my friends, is far from the truth. Where there used to be houses there are empty lots, or some business built in place of the old home-place, and the places look a little different than you thought they were. You see a few people you knew while growing up and you visit with them for a few minutes and then you ask if another friend of ours is still living close by. You find out that the old friend has taken the trip Home and the rest of the family is spread out over different parts of the city. Then here comes a fellow who takes a long look at you and starts to walk away and then turns and says hello. He wonders where in the heck have you been all these years and how’s the family? You have to inform him that the older brothers are gone and that you are the oldest one left and the list is getting shorter each year.

While you are standing there ,your friends see another old friend and they call him over and the whole thing starts over again. Before long you have spent several hours  at your old stomping grounds with a pretty good bunch of friends that you haven’t seen in many a moon, but it seems like you were never apart. After saying our goodbyes and getting back on the way home, I think to myself that this old man is very fortunate to be able to spend some time with the friends of old. To be able to be apart for over forty years and still have friends remembering you is a gift right from Heaven. I have always stated that the friends that I had when I was just a young pup are forever.

And that is what it should be in that you should be able to go back at least to the friends if not to the old home-place. The friends that I met when we moved away from the old neighborhood, are the same in that I see them more often, both at the place where I worked and at the ballgames too. You can’t have too many friends, but you don’t need any enemies either. An enemy is someone who either back-door-ed you while trying to get ahead or one that didn’t like you from the start. In life we shouldn’t have any enemies, because it is easier to just stay away from them. It is funny how some people will hate you for what you are, yet look you in the eyes while planning their next move on you. Some will be envious of you for what you have been able to do, yet they won’t take that one step forward to try and make it on their own. Some will try to bully you while at the same time belittle you , yet afraid to walk along-side of you. In my case, the people that I have been able to be friends with through the years are those who will watch your back while walking along side of you. They don’t forget you and you don’t forget them. Wouldn’t it a great world if all people could walk together with trust in each other. But then that would mean that we have a perfect world and that will never come to past. There is something in all of us that is good and something that is bad. Those who let common sense and their soul be a part of their thought process will walk hand in hand while those who throw caution and reasoning to the wind will walk behind you ready to make their move.

When will the time come when we can associate with all cultures, without that fear of a back stabing? An old friend named Bill said that people don’t change, their attitudes change. That is one smart friend of mine. So to all my old friends and those who are my new friends, I say that friends are forever , while enemies walk across the street. My, there are a lot of people walking with me today. Now if we could just use that same formula in the whole world, so that there wouldn’t be any enemies, we might enjoy our lives with more love of our fellow man. In life itself we can find harmony just by the memories of a time of friendship with that childhood friend. Look up an old buddy you haven’t seen for a long time and spend a few minutes of memory.  It takes just a few minutes , and it is fun. Until next Sunday when we can visit once more over coffee and this paper, God Bless.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day


"The way it was."


Once again this old man will take a ride through the streets of Kokomo, and look for the places of old that was a very big part of my growing up in this city. As I drive down Morgan Street, I see a meat market where once there was a big stop off for the kids wanting to eat ant have fun. The place was called “Rock Around The Clock” and was owned and run by a policeman’s family. You could spend as long as you wanted to here as long as you conducted yourself in a mannerly way. If you became a problem, you were asked to leave. You could get the best cokes and sandwiches here, and the price was right. Heading straight out west you would encounter the root beer stand where the carhops came out to the car and got your order. The hotdogs and the root beer was great. And the little woman would remind you not to get onions. Heading south on Washington Street, you would head right for The Hobnob, which was a great spot to go inside and play the music and feast yourselves on great food. Still heading south on Washington, you would finally end up at The Lighthouse, there at the point.  Once again great food, great music, and great friendship was the game. Starting back north on the east side, you would run into Vic’s Drive in, and they had a lot of parking space where you could spend time with your friends along with listening to the music of that time. Across the way to the west, you found  Crume’s Drive in, and going west you found The M&G  eating spot. Going still further west on Markland Ave. you found Wofecales.. That my friends was just a few of the places where the young people could go and spend time together and get food to eat. You could go to Dean’s Donuts or Issy’s up on North Washington. Downtown you had the Diner on North Main, Hooks on the same street, Coney Island on Union Street, The Cupboard on West Jackson, & The Uptown Café on Main. And don’t forget Kresges, where they had the best sodas and ham salad sandwiches with Bert and Mary Lou there to serve you. And they had the deli too where probably the first sub sandwiches came to be. There you received a smile, a little laugh and great service, which is very hard to find anymore. Uptown or downtown Kokomo, depending on which end of town you lived, was a place that had all you needed to make your day.

The movie houses were the Fox, Wood, Colonial, Isis, Indiana, & the Sipe Theatres. They always had the candy, popcorn and the balconies. If you wanted to get your food first before going to the movie, you stopped at McClellands  for the biggest bag of popcorn around. Or you stopped at the wagon there on the north side of the Indiana Theatre and got a small bag of hot popcorn or a bag of peanuts just roasted. Or you could go down on Buckeye to Hills’  Snappy Burgers and get the best burgers and fries . In the back of Hills’ there was a pickle barrel and they didn’t mind if you wanted an extra bit of pickles for your sandwich.. There were a lot more places for you to go like the YMCA, or the Seashore, or you could head out to Foster or Highland Parks and just spend the time with nature at it’s best. In my time there wasn’t too much chance in a kid getting into drugs or other trouble because there were things to do and places to go. So why is it that the youngsters of today have so much time to get into drugs and or trouble with the law? Where has the opportunity to just spend time with your friends someplace where you can’t get into trouble gone to? Why are we as the older folk not taking a good look at the problems of the young of today, and making some moves to solve that problem? Aren’t the children of today as important as we were in the days of old?. Yes they are our future and they need the guidance starting with the home and then the schools. The answer is obvious, in that if we keep them busy, they won’t have time to get into trouble. Why don’t we fix up that old Continental site to be a place to go for our young people, so that they have that one place to spend time while walking that narrow path to greatness? That could be a small price to pay with benefits galore coming out of it. As a matter of fact those young people could be the ones to  make that eyesore a thing of beauty, by the city giving them the chance to work at it as a spot that is thiers to meet and to learn how to make it better. It is sure worth a try in my train of thought. Talk with you next week.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day--


"A Parent’s Love".


It seems like when we think that it won’t happen for awhile, another death in the family comes into our lives. Death has no boundries as it can happen in the next minute at a time when everything is ok with the world and the family is at peace with each other. We know it will happen sometime in our lives , and we seem to be prepared to accept it. But when death comes to one of the young children, who haven’t really begun to savor life, we wonder why did this happen. It seems like the world is against you and nothing good has come about for you , and now you lose that child that you thought would be one of those who remain when you pass on. Life, it seems is dealing you a bad hand, and the pain of that loss is , and will always be there for you the rest of your life. Well, this old-man has been there and done that so I know how a parent feels when a child is taken from them so sudden. Let me say this as it is in the deepest part of my heart, and I live it each day to keep me going. There is no worst thing that can happen to a mother than a loss of a child. That mother carried that child inside of her for nine months before anyone else seen it. In that nine months that baby was protected from the outside by the love of that mother , a protection that is far above that on the outside. That child inside of her was and always will be her pride and joy. That child will always have the internal love for the mother who carried and nurtured him or her . There is no greater love around except that of The Great Father who is there all the time. When the child is finally born, then the protection of him or her is needed both from the father and the mother, and the love of that child is firmly planted in their hearts, and it never goes away. God has bestowed on you an Angel that will be yours to raise, nurture, and train to be able to survive when he or she grows up. It is a job bestowed on you as a parent to prepare this child for the outside world, so that when it is time to leave the nest, he or she will be ready to make their own prints in the sand. Whatever happens after that is of the child’s progression in life itself. Will he be prepared enough to accept the glory as well as the defeats of life? Will he take the training he received and use it to make his place in society? And will the love of the parents be enough to keep him satisfied as he walks the road of life? Will he or she meet detours in their road, or blockages that will keep him or her from walking that narrow path in life? Only time will tell, and the only one who knows is The Great Father , who is there all the time. All you have to do is to let Him know that you know He is there and that you know that He loves you. You can’t do it alone nor can the parent go on with life without telling God that you accept the loss and that time will soften the blow to your heart. You will never forget that child nor will you ever heal entirely from that loss. Take it from me that it never goes away and from time to time the tears will flow when you see pictures or you remember the good times you had with that child. That is a part of a parent’s love for that child and remembering sorts of soothes that big break in the chain of love. We take life one day at a time, and we accept each day as one of achievement, or one of a setback that can be improved on the next day. We never look it being a defeat, only one that can get better. Each morning that we wake up and our feet hit the floor first, we have the opportunity to do better, so that when our heads hit the pillow at night, we will be able to say that was a great day. To sit and feel sorry for ourselves , we admit defeat. To continue to admit defeat, we dread what the next day has in store for us. Life is not supposed to be like that. Life is to be enjoyed, and each day is another chance for improvement. The road we walk can be one that is narrow and straight, or it can be one that has the detours or blockages, that will take you away from that road, only to find hardship and heartaches. So my words to you today is that He loves you and He has that narrow path mapped out for you. Talk with you next Sunday.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day




A few weeks ago the wife and I had the honor of attending the nurses’ pinning of the 2003 class of Ivy Tech. The ceremony was held in Wabash at the Honeywell Center. At first we sat there just taking the beauty of the center and thoughts of why Kokomo doesn’t have something like it came to my mind. We have many places that we can go to here in our city but not as great as that city has..

Getting back to the ceremony, we were there because our grandchild, Amanda , was in the group getting their pins. It makes you feel proud when someone has the guts to expand their knowledge as well as putting in the effort to get an education that will be one that goes on and on through their lives.  To see them get their reward for finishing the course makes you proud.. As the speakers took their turns I watched the class and I saw determination and satisfaction on their faces, and I saw smiles from those in the audience as they would say to the person sitting alongside, that that was their child there.

As the group went up as singles to get their pin, their acceptance was read by one of the teachers , praising the help that their families gave to them . To this I must say that it takes someone with a goal to be able to leave their family each day to go back to school to get that education needed to be a nurse or to be in a different part of the medical field. There are times when you have to be away from the family a few hours each day, and there are times when you have to give up that time that you would normally use for fun with the friends. That is where mothers and dads, brothers and sisters, or good friends come into the picture.

 Well anyway when that special girl of ours walked up to get her pin, this old man felt that lump in my stomach, and I was very proud of her. I know that her mother was watching from Heaven, and she too would be very proud. My wife reached for her tear wipers and I could see that she was very proud of how our grandchild has matured and that there will always be tears falling as this young lady goes through her classes to be a RN.

We need nurses for the hospitals, for the doctors’ offices, and for the nursing homes , not only in this city but also in the whole world. I wrote a story several years ago titled “Angels Among Us” and I told what I thought about the workforce of the nursing world. I personally have had contact with many nurses and this old man knows an Angel when I see one. Not only there to take care of me while I was a patient, but also for our daughter Patty who spent the last five months of her life being cared for by those Angels.

A nurse is one who puts in a lot of hours each day on her or his job and many times the chore goes un-noticed by most of us that visit someone there in the hospital. They have to perform their jobs with care, patience, and stamina. They are always in a learning environment, as new ways of taking care of the sick are injected into that field. They are the backbone of the medical society, using the instructions of the doctors, to maintain or help the sick to get well. They are the greeters, they are the rule enforcers, and they are that link between you and the patient. They work the long hours, and they sometimes go home only to be called back in to fill an empty spot.

As one nurse told me, she does it because she cares about those who have to be there to get well. It is not about the long hours, it is about the love of our fellow man. Someone has to care enough to be a nurse. Many a time I saw a nurse with tears on the side of her face as she left my daughter’s room. And before she would go to the next room, that tear was wiped off so that the patient she was taking care of in that room wouldn’t see it. If you don’t think that they care, you are very mistaken. So I have been there , and I really believe that there is a close link between the nurses and those they are taking care of. As with any other profession, you have to be tough in that line of work, and you have to be able to put your personal feelings on the back burner, in order to do your job. But I know that each and every one of those nurses care , and they hurt inside watching someone slowly pass on, and they surely are the “Angels Among Us”. Next time you are in the doctor’s office or the hospital, let the nurses know you care.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day




Having retired from the work force, you would think that there would be some times when you have nothing to do except for sitting in front of the tv and watching reruns. I, so far, have found that there is so much to do that the day is gone before you finish and have to set up your next day trying to finish the job. Maybe it is because when you are working a five day weekly job, you put off what you know you can’t finish until you get vacation time, and you don’t even do it then. After all we only have 24 hours each day and working 8 of those hours added to 1 hour of travel time plus having the evening meal, and resting a little, leaves us with maybe 2 hours of catching up before bedtime, which should be 6 to 8 hours each night.

And don’t forget that you have to get yourself ready in a presentable way before you go to work and you find that there just isn’t enough hours in a day. Now each day that my feet hit the floor before my head does, I usually know what my day will be like as I go about doing all those things that I didn’t have time to do before. I take on a job each day, knowing that with my failing legs, I must give myself some rest time. So after a good cup of coffee, and maybe a refill, I go outside to take in the beauty of what The Great Father has given us and I proceed to start my chore for today.

The grass is getting high but it is so wet that maybe another day might be better for that job. And if it is too wet there than it must be too wet to go work the garden. So I go to the next chore on the list and I go to the flower garden to pull the weeds out. Being that it is wet, there is a better chance that you can pull those pesky weeds out without too much problems. Of course since it is wet, you have to watch what you are doing as to not pull the roots of the plant out as you weed.. Well since that is done and you hear the birds sounding off with their music, you head to the bird feeders and you fill them up so that those pretty creatures will not go somewhere else. As you think about what types of birds you want to play their music for you each day, you look up and you see many of the things that The Great Father has sent us, and you say “Thanks, Father for that.”

By that time you see that there are things in the yard that should be moved once you get the chance to mow and you move them. Sometimes some of those things are not needed anymore and you take them off to the trash to be hauled away. Looking at the back porch where I do some of my wood working, I see that it needs to be cleaned up because I didn’t do it the last time. So that is done and then I think to myself that since I can’t do anymore in the yard, I might as well spend some time doing some more wood work, which really is one of the most rest-full chores there is. I like to work with a scroll saw and make little things to put on the walls, or to give to someone that I know would like it. With a scroll saw you can work a while and then stop for a rest or a meal, if you have a pattern on the piece of wood to go by.. Of course you save the small pieces , because you just might be able to use them later. Never throw something away that is large enough to use later. So after getting through with the wood work, you find that the area that you cleaned up needs to be cleaned again. But then if you really think you might be doing some more work with the wood, you figure you will wait and clean it up tomorrow.

Well, Ramona calls me in to eat supper, which is my only real meal of the day, and sometimes because she isn’t feeling too good, I try to help her do the dishes. Well night is coming soon and a favorite show is on tonight so we sit down to watch it and before long one of us is getting sleepy-eyed, so we know that it is getting close to bedtime. So we get ready for bed and we do our own separate prayer to The Great Father, and we thank Him for that day and we ask for another one. We ask for forgiveness, and we remember those who need some help from Him. It has been a good day for this old man who has plenty to do each day. Live your days one day at a time, and enjoy.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day



Since I have extra time to do things, I thought I would put down in my words the things that bug me, although there is nothing I could do about it. I have met many people in my life who have left an ever-lasting  mark in my memory bank. Most of them are good people who went out and made something of themselves, and that is good. But one thing that really got in my craw was the words of a person who I won’t name, who told me that they don’t spend much on groceries, because they watch the obits in the paper and they go to the viewings and the funerals , even though they don’t know the deceased or the family. He said that they know that there usually are snacks in the break rooms of the funeral homes and most of the time there is a church or family that provides food at a reception after the funeral. No one asks who they are , and if they do they say that they knew the deceased very well. So after the funeral which they attend, they ask one of the family if there is someone providing eats. Of course no one at a funeral will think that anyone has the gall to feed off of misery so they tell them where it will be at and so a free meal for someone who never at any time knew the deceased or any of the family.

That my friends, makes me sick with anger and this old man told him so. Anyone who uses this type of greed should  be ashamed of themselves, and ask forgiveness for doing it. I know that many times at a funeral, I have seen people who I wonder what relation-ship they were to the deceased, but it just isn’t the right thing to ask at the time. Do we as human beings know to what extent one will go to feed off of others, during a time of sorrow? I was told by others that this is done a lot and the way that they do it is to check the obits each day and the reunions in the parks. Talk about the greed of one or more people who lie in order to feed off someone else , you wonder about their training as they grew up. Is this something they were taught to do or was it the only way that they were able to find nourishment for their bodies? I can only look at this as one of greed and not necessity.

Ok ,to bounce off that topic to one that really burns me is the one involving our everyday mail and the charge companies and the banks sending you applications for charge accounts that you or I don’t need nor did we ask for them. First off if it is as easy to get a charge account as they say, why is it not that easy when you go into the stores and apply. I knew a good friend who divorced his wife when he found himself in dept for several  thousand dollars, and he was one who never asked nor did he want  a charge account. He always said that if he needed it he would save for it and then get it. Before he died, he lost his home and all his savings, due to a wife who couldn’t resist the temptation put forth by those companies who send you charge applications through the mail. Now before we get off that subject, how many of you get those blank checks in your statements each month? How easy would it be to use those blank checks by someone other than yourself? Did you ask for those blank checks to be sent to you? What happens if that piece of mail gets delivered to someone who doesn’t care about hurting someone else.

I personally get tired of calling or writing to get them stopped. I tear them up in little pieces and burn them. But the companies keep sending them and one day you are going to find that you are in dept for a lot of money for merchandise that you never order or received. The credit companies will tell you that you are only subject to a small amount of the bill if you notify them right away., but why should you be liable for any of it if you never applied nor received a credit card from those companies.

 I have found that the only cards I need are the one from my former workplace and from the personal bank that knows me by face and name. Deal only with those people that know you and you know them. Don’t fall for the temptation of a new charge account that will only place you further in dept with no chance of finally paying it off. Lets’ get off our backsides and trim our dept down to an amount that is easy to maintain. And one day you can say that you don’t owe anyone anything. Think of it in a way of finally being cost free, and enjoy it.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day


"The Reason I Like Kokomo"

Since I reach a lot of people through this column, I thought that I would impose on you to listen to some of the things that are going on here in Kokomo at this time. One of the things that we see in our paper  is the fact that the tower that has meant so much to all of us in my generation is going to come down due to the expense of the upkeep on it. I have to say that when I am coming north towards this great city, I watch for that familiar sign of that tower and I know that I will soon be home. But that tower means more than that to me as it is something that you just don’t see  in other places and that makes it a landmark. The tower and the land around it could be given to the city and  they could try to put it on the historic list as one from the old days. Now I realize that it has only been here since 1954, but soon it might be the only one left in the world. As we are known as  “The City Of Firsts”, why not be the first one to save the tower.

I know that there is a gentleman who lives near the tower who is trying to save the tower, and I thank him for at least stepping out to say his view. More people need to look at what is going on these days, as we tend to forget where we came from. All things that happen , soon becomes a part of history. History is the recollection of what did go on before us or during our early years, and that my friends is where we came from. I hope that the tower will be saved either by the gas company or by someone who wants it to continue to be a part of history. We as the common people can only voice our opinions, which many times goes un-noticed, but at least we do it with the hope that there is someone out there who cares enough about historic sites , who would try to save that tower. I can only write about it hoping that I wake one of those men or women who donates money to a cause dear to most of us here in Kokomo.

Now to get to another subject that we hear in Kokomo hold dear to hearts is the  “We Care” work that many do without wanting their names recorded. They go about their way of helping anyway they can to help those who need it. They work throughout the year so that come Christmas time , they can witness the smiles on those who have benefited from their help. We see things going on at several places who’s main goal is to be able to donate something to a worthy cause. Come that time of year we see the lights coming on at We Care Park, where you will find one of the greatest bunch of Wyant’s and their spouses going about giving back to the people of this great city. Although it is a lot of work that really starts after Christmas is over and proceeds to the next Christmas. My heart says that this family is someone to be proud of.

And the neighborhood where Mike Wyant lives goes way out to blend in with the park. To go down that street and witness one of the most beautiful sights around, you feel the heart pumping and the stomach churning and the eyes all taking in that sight. I hope that you will take the time to go to that north end of town starting Thanksgiving night, and see the Angels working, and give to a cause worth it’s weight in gold. I guess that is what I like about Kokomo, and is the reason that this will be my town until The Great Father calls me Home. The people care enough about their fellow man to give whatever they can to help someone else. We see that in time of war, the brave men and women take to the field of battle in order that others might be free to live without the fear of  oppression. We are learning to love our fellow man regardless of race or religion. We go about our ways doing what we want to as long as it is legal to do so.  But the one thing that we haven’t learned to do is to preserve our heritage. We want newer buildings, and we want easier ways to get around.  But to have those things we must give up on those things that meant so much to us. Why can’t we as Americans preserve our heritage?

I live each day remembering things about growing up in an era when it was really great to see smiles and get hugs from friends and family. I guess I am just an old man with memories more precious than gold. When it comes that time to go Home, I hope that others will remember the man with memories too dear to forget. A little soul searching doesn’t hurt  once in a while. Talk with you next Sunday.

Ray ”Uncle Ray” Day


"Sudden wealth"

I wonder what people  are thinking about when they either come into some money or when they get their first charge card. Do they think that their life is going to be full of wealth, and they can just throw caution to the wind and just blow the money or build that charge account up to an amount that can never be paid off due to the interest being more than the payment each month? Don't they know that there is a bottom to every container and a bottom to every pocket or purse? Has the sudden wealth  caused them to be blind to the probability of a sudden downfall? Do they know that just maybe they should put some away for that sudden  illness or just for the time when the paychecks stop coming?  Do they care?

Well, one person cared enough to ask for some advice. And so here it is in a nutshell. Those are questions that I have heard from people who are my age or older who had to work for what they have and they know the worth of money and they know that to save for a rainy day is a good plan  to work on. One friend that I knew had a loved one who had thrown caution to the wind and punished the charge system to that effect that without some sort of assistance and a harsh close of accounts, they would  never see the light of day. The pocket had  been reached into too many times without putting something back in. That, my friends is a terrible thought to have when you realize that some of these people don't really care where it is coming from, as long as it keeps coming. To have a charge account, or a savings account,  abused by thoughtless spending you might as well have none at all.

You go back to those days when there was a soup line here in Kokomo, and there was a depression, and you had to have food stamps to get the sugar, flour, and other foods because we had a war going, and  you looked  forward to the days ahead when things will get better.  You know how hard it was and you value the life we have today. Will that time come again when you and I will have to stand in line to get food and stamps? I hope that we never see it happen because  the country as we know it, which was built by hard working men and women, who sacraficed everything they had to make it work, will suffer. That is a hardship that will hopefully never be done again because to rebuild something that has been torn down, you have to be willing to make a sacrafice.

 While we are here on this earth, we must look at what has happen in the past, what is happening today, and what to look for in the future. I have seen bad times and I have seen good times, and I know that situations will and do change. How we make those situations work to our advantage is up to us. Will we just sit back and let the loved one drown in the big hole they have dug with all the bad judgement, or do we pull them out and give them advice on how to correct the problem? Do we then watch over them and guide them in every decision until they are on their way to stability? The answer to those questions can only be answered by you.

 Can you afford to help another while at the same time lose your life savings doing it. That answer is no, because you have to know where to draw the line. You can throw a rope into the hole  and tell them to pull themselves out while asking themselves how and why they got there in the first place. And remember that the rope you throw into the hole has to have one end tied to some form of stability. So, to my friend about what to do about his problem, I can only say what I would do. I would remember that life is what you make of it. To continue to throw caution to the wind in finances is to bury yourself and others in a hole too deep to crawl out of  . And that hole could have a bottom too far down to reach them .

I guess that is why I have fond memories of the old days and my mother and father. Both were hard working people who knew that one day there might not be enough food on the table for the whole family. There were the ones who stepped back and let the kids eat first.   Mom and Dad will always be in my heart until the day that I go Home to see them. I know that you out there feel the same way about your parents, and that is good. God did good sending us to them.  We can only hope that our children and grandchildren will feel the same way. Thanks for inviting me in this Sunday morning and I will see you next Sunday.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


"Here is year 2003"

 Well, those who stated that we would not enter into the twenty-first century were a little off base, as we enter the third year of this century and really not too much has happen that would tell us that we won't make it through this year. Sure, we have seen the terrible sadistic terrorists try to take us down by that terrible 9-11 tragedy, and we had the scare of the terrible white powder episode, and we will probaly see a lot more, but we are Americans living in the good old USA, and we don't back down from the threats from those who would want to topple us into a frenzey. But we need to know that those who want to come here to live will respect our way of life and be respectful too. We need to let those who come here to plot our downfall, know  that they will be punished in not only a physical way but in a way that those who rule thier country will think twice about sending thier people here to take us down. We need to make sure that the terrible thing that happened on 9-11-2001 will never come about again. And we need to make sure that they want to come here to be free and to live in harmony with all of us. America is the land of the free and the home of the brave, and through all the years since the first group set foot on this land, there have been brave people who have come forward to fight for us and to make the laws that would ensure that freedom.

Think about how it would of been for us if we hadn't had those brave men and women who gave of themselves and thier lives so that we might stay free. Think how it would be under the power of those heads of other countries, where you live in fear each minute of your life. Think about how it would be if you were so hungry that you would eat dirt to stay alive. Think about the mass graves of those who were of no more use to those in power and were killed and buried all together. Think about being so cold that your fingers and toes would fall off. Then think about how nice that we as Americans in the USA, have it here in this country. We do ok and we need to thank those people who every day of thier lives are ready to keep us that way. Bless all of you in the Armed Forces, in the Police departments and in the Fire departments for doing your job well. Where would we be without you?

Now with the new year here, we see all the resolutions coming out of the woodwork long enough to be stated and then back into the hole. Why make a resolution that you know you won't keep? Why not just ask for peace in the world and work toward that goal? Why not give a little food to those who are without that food? Why not take the time to talk to that friend that you haven't seen in a long time? And why not take time to look at yourself and then thank God for allowing you to be here? Well, you do what you want but don't make a promise that you know you won't keep.

Now before I end this column, I have to get this off my chest and address those companies that have those recorded messages, that ask you if you want it in English. This is America and in the USA our spoken word is English, so ask if they want it in Spanish. Have we been taken over by Mexico and not told of it? And to those same companies, get rid of the computerized message and put someone live there. Let's get the personal part of business back so that our time and yours is not wasted by us sitting there listening to all the options available. That live person once called the operater, could do all that in a lot less time and do it better. After all, our time is just as important as yours.

Another thing that I want to say is that those who we elect to office ran as part of a party, but once they start thier term, they should be a representative of the people who elected them and not the party. How much time is wasted by those elected , who vote as a representative of the party, and who fight among themselves to get on committees, and who vote according to what that committee wants? We elected you and we expect you to represent us. If you don't then maybe the quickest way home is in store for you. That is what we as Americans need to know. Are we being represented the way we should be. A lot of great men and women fought so that we could send our representative to speak for us.

Don't let that part of history die. Until next week, when we visit together again, lets be good to others even though they don't do the same.

Ray "Uncle Ray" Day


"Meeting a reader."


I met a man the other day who is a loyal reader of this column and he thanked me for all the memories that I brought back to him and his family. He was surprised when he saw me because he expected to see a dried up old man who couldn’t get around and do the things that I do each day of the rest of my life. He was in wonderment at the size of my garden and at the way my property looked. I told him that the garden is my own work because it is the one place that I can be and feel the presence of The Great Father. I can work in it until I am tired and then I sit a while over in that chair in the corner of the garden. I am really at peace out there and He and I have some good conversations, although I don’t hear his voice. It doesn’t matter because I feel it. That is my little place in nature that will be with me until the day that I go Home and then just maybe be asked to tend to His garden.

Now as to the grass being mowed, the trees being trimmed, and all the real heavy work, I have to say that my good neighbors, one of which is my brother, takes care of it at least until the next time that I go see the heart doctors. I get out of breath a lot and the nitro is needed several times. I have to admit that without those neighbors, I would have to pay someone to do it. I guess that just maybe The Great Father has asked them to help me. Getting back to the new friend I met, I informed him that I was just a common man who grew up in a large family and who never envied what someone else is able to have. I live in a modest home that is mine and there is no need for me to spend my money on a big home that I would never get the use out of. The wife and I don’t drink, we don’t smoke and we don’t party around. We are content in our way of life and someone else can keep up with the Jones’. My hobbies include the garden, working with flowers, doing my woodwork, and sitting at the computer each day , picking up more information for this big head of mine. If you old people out there want to help keep your brains active, then take up the computer and do a lot of searching on the internet. There is so much information that you can spend hours at finding the facts.

Watching tv these days is a real waste of my time as the reruns and those stupid reality shows are about all that you can find. The recent NBA fiasco between the last two teams standing was a real waste as the pro teams have slowly gone from bad to worst. And think about this; when you can buy and trade people at will, and keep some in limbo playing them only because the crowd calls for them, I wonder if slavery isn't still active. Of course the real blame has to go to the agents because they are the pimps of professional sports. You think that the owners and the players are the big money men, but in reality the agents are the people who are making the good money promoting slavery of those who they represent. Well ,getting off my soapbox and having my feet firmly on the floor, I said goodbye to a nice man named Eric, who took the time to see who was the writer of my column. It was a great experience for me to meet him.

Now I want to tell you of another time when I was sitting at a ballgame and a gentleman came up and introduced himself to me and he informed me that his lovely wife was a avid reader of my column until she started having the degenerative eye problems and she was not able to read it. He said that every Sunday morning the first thing he has to do for her was to read my column to her. I feel very blessed in knowing that this lady wanted to continue hearing my words. What a wonderful bunch of friends I have out there. Thanks to all of you for reading my words each week. Someday I hope that maybe we can put it all together in a book called “ The Days Of Old”. Maybe if that doesn’t happen in my lifetime someone will do it and the memories will be at the fingertips of all of you out there. As far as pictures, who needs them when the memories are right there in your memory bank to bring forth each time you speak. Remember that words are the windows to the heart. Don’t shield them with the blinds. Tell the world that you are content with freedom and that America is our home. Hope to sit down with you next Sunday over coffee and this paper.
Ray “Uncle Ray” Day


"Taking care of the employee"

In my years of labor and management in the places that I have worked, I have seen many things that I don’t think should have been started in any situation. I have seen workers who were known as featherbedders who did only the work when a supervisor was present, and then just what they had to do to keep the boss off their backsides. I have seen others who take up the slack so the job can be finished and maybe still have time for a break before leaving for the day. I have seen groups who worked the whole day without a break and then go home without the benefit of getting cleaned up first. And I have seen supervisors who were let go because of the actions of the people under their supervision.

I have seen in my time at work in the steel mill the best workers ever who knew what their job was and they did it. I have seen strikes by the union both while I was a member and also when I was on the other side of the fence as a supervisor. Many of these times the strikes were unwarranted and more talk between both sides could of solved the problem. But the worth of the union was great. But many times we see where someone has tried to get unions started in places where there is no reasoning to have one. Many businesses cannot afford to have their people under a union representation so they treat their employees with respect and try to keep them happy. Otherwise they would have to shut down if outside forces have a voice in their everyday activity.

I liked the union in the steel mill because it actually helped most supervisors, because of the rules and regulation of both sides. In my sixteen years of supervisory work, I only had one greivience filed against me and that was solved without further action because we sat down and talked about it. In my fifteen plus years in the union, I never had any problems with supervisors because I knew what they wanted out of me and I did it. One think for sure is that no business can be run without a supervisor who knows his people and also knows that to be able to prosper, you have to be productive. But you need to get the rotten apple out before it spoils the rest of the barrel . That is only common sense and that is what that supervisor is there for. A good friend of mine who is a supervisor in a big business told me that to be a good supervisor, you need to surround yourself with good workers and then you let them do their job. And he is a great supervisor.

Now to get to how the employees of any business should be treated, my thoughts go out into left field because in order to voice them without any comeback, I need to take the full look at the situations that may prevail. I have to say that any time a business goes to a point system in any situation, they are taking advantage over their good employees and letting them know that it doesn’t matter how long you have been loyal to the business, because if the ball drops in front of your feet, you are gone and no chance in hell to turn it around. One such system that is going on now is the point system where you are given points for absences from work regardless of the reason for it. Why should anyone be given points for having to go to a doctor, or for staying home because you are too sick to get out of bed? Why should anyone be given points for attending a funeral of a loved one? To punish the good employee while still letting the bad employee get by with being a habitual offender doesn’t make good sense. If a business has those offenders who are constantly laying off from their jobs and really doesn’t want to improve the situation, they should be let go and people hired that want a chance to work and feed their families. But you don’t punish the good employees that are there each day to keep their head above water. You take care of those people who are there to do their job because that is what they were hired to do. No one should have to be looking over their shoulders to keep their job. No one should have to worry about getting enough time in to retire before the ball drops in from of their feet. That is not the way any business should be run. You start the day with a smile and you end it the same way.

If you as an employee can hit that time clock with satisfaction of a day with good results, of if you as a supervisor can go home that night with the satisfaction of your employees getting their job done, then you will find that the doors will open the next day.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day



Sometimes we sort of take things for granted and we never acknowledge those people who have been a big part of our growing up years. Well today, this old man will tell you about a lady who changed my diapers and was there to help my mother with me and the others in our family. She is a cousin but she also is the same as an older sister who loved my parents as if they were her own. Her name is Julia Marie and she is the daughter of my mother’s sister, Julia.
We were over there at her home and we talked about our parents and many pictures were displayed, which showed her love for her own family. She and her husband Chet , are the parents of a group of boys who grew up with the same discipline as we did. The training starts in the home, and it looks like they did a good job of instilling in their kids the importance of respect, honesty, and loyalty.

Well getting back to the story of what she means to me , I will relate to you a story that she told about one of her visits to my parents home. She said while at an early age in her life, she was visiting our home and my mother was ironing a pretty lacy dress for her to wear, . She said that Mom dressed her up in it and was so proud to see how pretty she looked in it. Well, it seems that Dad was going down to the grocery store and he took Marie with him. Dad decided to buy Marie some ice cream. You guess it, because when Dad and Marie reached home, that pretty lacy dress was full of chocolate marks from the ice cream. Boy ,was Mom mad about that. After all that ironing so that each part of the lace was pressed and the dress was something to behold, it only took the love of an uncle to change that appearance. Mom didn’t stay mad too long because having Marie around made her day and nothing could change that.

Marie being just a little older than our older brother was the daughter that Mom and Dad didn’t have due to the early deaths of the daughters born to them. Marie and Ernie were like brother and sister and the trend never changed. Ernie passed away from cancer but his cousin Marie was his “Sis”, and she still is like a sister to me too. Marie is a solid part of her church and she lives it each day. She won’t pull any punches when she talks about religion.

What I have just written about this grand lady is the truth, and she is what we in the old days call a winner. She knows where she came from and she uses that education to walk that narrow walk of life. But you know, all of us could learn a little bit by listening to this lady and by taking that same walk . All of us including myself could profit by  following the advice that this grand lady could give you. But you would have to ask for it because she is not one of those people who try to run other's lives. She tends to her own flock and she does it well. Ask her sons what they think of their Mom and you will have to sit down while listening to them praise her. Ask me what I think of my “sis” and my cousin and you could write a short book on it. I guess that she must be one of those Angels sent by The Great Father at birth to enrich the life of our family and her family too.

I don’t usually get this long winded about anyone other than Mom and Dad, because we come from a large family and our story would be like the “Waltons”, except we wouldn’t have enough time to say goodnight to each and everyone of us without it being morning already. But isn’t it a wonderful thing to be able to sit back and remember all those things that were a part of us in the “Days of Old”. Memories are and always will be my windows of the past brought forward into the present, and preserved for the future. Do you have some memories that you want to share with me and the world? Do you remember things that you hold dear to your heart? Why not share them with the readers of this column or with a letter of your own to the paper. Life is not to be forgotten. It is to be remembered.. Why not open up your thoughts to the rest of us? See you next week.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day


“The Storm”

This old man has seen just about everything now with the recent rains, that fell here in Kokomo. I was sitting there in my easy chair watching some tv show that was about as boring as watching the weeds grow . As the storm really took shape and the young trees outside sort of touched the ground ,what with the force of the wind, I thought that this is really going to be a great show that can be told about if I lived through it.
I was alone in the house as my lady of forty-six plus years was out camping with her brothers and sister. Now I have never been one to be scared of a storm, and I don’t worry about lightning, although I have been hit by lightning in the left arm which shattered the bone there. Only a scar is there now thanks to some great surgery from Dr Choi back in the late seventies. So I take a storm in stride and look at it as another act of nature that you and I can not do anything about except for going somewhere safe.
So I took a seat there where I could look out the window and I watched this storm work it’s steam off on all sides of my property. I even saw the neighbor’s trash barrel go flying by and there was a pile of limbs moving in the same direction. The sky really didn’t get too dark as this was a storm that was moving too fast to let the sky adjust to it. I thought about getting up to get a cup of coffee, but I didn’t want to miss anything, so the coffee could wait. It calmed down a little and it looked like our storm had run it’s course so I stepped out on the back porch to access the damage, and here it came again. The trees were leaning over, the onion plants with their big tops had leaned over so far that some broke off. My hollyhocks seemed to be destroyed , and my tomato plants were going under for the count. I didn’t think that the garden was going to survive, and today, my fears were correct. Out of forty seven tomato plants, only eight of them probably will survive. I can only hope that the onions will make it as they can take a lot more punishment. The cucumbers and the squash look ok. The hollyhocks will live to see another day as will the sunflowers. So it isn’t a total loss as hope for recovery is still there.
 We had rain for seven days , and it looked like maybe the ark would be needed soon. But one thing for sure is that the results of such a storm will be seen in the clean-up of the things destroyed, and yes there will be a lot of grass mowing in store for those with lawns. Many people were without power and many have been left without a home to live in. I feel for those who lost things that can never be replaced, and I salute all those who tried to help one another in this time of need.
At a time like this you find out who your true friends are and you thank God for having them there to help you. We like to think that problems such as those who lost a lot because of that storm will not come looking for us but it can and it might be something that is so bad that you think that you will never survive . But you will, because when the things in life look so bleak, you will find that friend with all his friends there to pull you back up, at least to where you can see daylight.
 I remember in 1978 when we had the big snow blizzard, and things were at a standstill unless you had a snowmobile or one of those snow breaking trucks. I was called into work to get crews so that the mill wouldn’t have to shut down. It took me one look out the window and then the use of the phone to call and get the right people in there. Some of those who were working stayed and they maintained the furnaces with the work needed. When I finally was able to get in there two days later, it was for 72 hours. But we did it and life went on. So it really doesn’t matter what the situation is, you can put up with a little hardship if you want to. Things will happen in our lives that are a test , and how we do on that test is up to us only. We can gripe about it which gets us nowhere or we can take it in stride and continue on in our journey of life. Sit back and enjoy the changes before us. Talk with you next Sunday.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day


"Then to now"

Living back in what my generation calls “The Good Old Days”, life was good but really not full of all the things available to the generation of today. The radio was the main source of entertainment in the house. Television was a rich man’s tool of pleasure and there really wasn’t that much to watch as there was only one channel and it went off at night and came back on the next day. Dad bought us one in 1950, but he didn’t watch it much because he was too busy working or resting after work and watching tv was a waste of time. Mom was the one who got the most out of it because she like most mothers were there in the house cooking , sewing, ironing, or cleaning up after a house full of kids. At no time did I ever hear her gripe about all the things that she, like most women had to do each day to take care of their family. Mom was the cog that held us all together and that was her mission in life. She did a great job of doing everything needed to take care of her man and their children.

 She was really in on the soap operas, what with “ Search For Tomorrow“, and “The Guiding Light”, being her stories to watch or hear as she went on with all her duties of being a great mother. We as kids really didn’t care what was showing, because we were ready to watch whatever the world outside was showing us. To this day, the magical way that waves can be sent from one place to the other amazes me. My gosh, even the radio is still somewhat a mystery to me too. Nowadays, you can watch just about anything you want because of the many choices there is with that little box in your hand which changes channels without you getting up. You can really get lazy watching the tv, and if you have that little women there that will get up and get you some goodies, you could live your time out watching show after show , only getting up to go to the bathroom.

 Another of the big changes from then to now is the coffee making. Mom would put water in the coffee pot with some egg shells in the bottom and then place just the right amount of the “Eight O’Clock” coffee grounds in the pot and put it on the cook stove to boil for just the right number of minutes and then take the pot off the stove, let it sit until the grounds sank to the bottom with the egg shells. That way you didn’t get much grounds in your cup. That “Eight O’Clock" coffee was gotten from the “A&P Store which was managed by one of the greatest men around Kokomo, Bert Rounds. Boy if you wanted some great foods, the “A&P” had it.

Another thing that has changed through the years is the clothing. What we wore in the old days called overalls, is now called denim which is far more costly than back then. We wore overalls back then because it didn’t cost a lot and it was about the most durable cloth around. Now you spend a lot more for the same thing only it is made so that it has a look of a lot of wear. You now see a lot more women wearing the bib overalls , where back then most women wore dresses. The change of times continues to bring to the front a new style that really was used many years ago as a regular way to dress. So if you have some old clothes up in the attic, you might hold on to them because the grandchildren one day will want to wear them because it is the new style going around.

Also back then if you wanted to go to a movie, you had several to choose from, what with the “Indiana”, “Sipe”, “Isis”, “Colonial”, “Fox”, and “Wood”, being the theatres here in Kokomo. I remember sitting in the Wood watching a movie and something was nibbling at my feet. I looked down and there was a mouse looking for something to eat. My feet stayed up above from then on until the show was over. You could go to a movie, get some popcorn and a drink and it didn’t cost a fortune. Try that today and you better have a second income as the cost is too much for what you get. The same is for sports as back then you could go to a game and even bring your own goodies. You better not try that now as the concessions are where they make their biggest profit, and they don’t want to see you bringing in your own food. There are a lot more changes from then to now and through the next few weeks, we will sort of remember why that “The Days Of Old” were memories not to be forgotten.

Ray ”Uncle Ray” Day


" AdviceFrom The Heart"

Today, I will use this column to bear my soul. I have been having some problems with the old ticker, even though I went through 5 bypasses in Dec. of 98, when I had 9 blockages. Most think that there will be no more problems once you have the chest opened up and the arteries bypassed. But all surgeries that are needed at the time to save your life are not guaranteed that you won’t need further help later. You have to adopt a new way of living and you have to exercise and you have to eat the right foods. Most of us including myself , as soon as we start feeling better, go right back to the old ways and sooner or later we pay for it.

Recovery from bypass surgery is a life long battle and you have to be willing to fight that battle using the right tools. You have to be willing to follow the instructions from the doctors. And you need those friends and family members there to help you abide by all those conditions. It sure isn’t easy but you find it worthwhile to make that move to live a longer life.

 In the past few months I have been having jaw pain and a heavy chest, and so I pop a nitro under the tongue and it goes away. But then later that same day while relaxing in my easy chair the same problem comes up again. So the end result is that in that sixteen hour period , I have used five nitro’s even though I wear the patch during that time. I took it as a little problem that could wait until the next time to see the heart doctor. Folks, that is the wrong way to look at a problem that could in a split second send you to the Promised Land. You need to find out what is wrong and do something about it.

So I went to see my doctors at The Care Group, who oversees my heart condition and they checked me over, took the usual EKG, gave me a nuclear test where they test what your heart does under stress, and then they advised me to have a catherazation done in Indy at the new Heart Center. So I had the cath done and then the doctor advised us of what he found and what to do about it. He said there was an artery on the front part that goes to the back side and if he could open it up even though it was almost completely close., he could add a stent there that might fix me up. The chance of it working was about 80 percent, which was a lot better percentage than the one in Dec. of 98 when I had my bypasses.

So we went home that evening with the intent of coming back to The Heart Center to have the angioplasty and the stent work done. On the next day we entered the revolving doors to a new world as we witness one of the greatest patient waiting rooms around. Everything is very organized and the patient/ staff relationship is very good. After the paper work was checked again I was sent to another room escorted by the nurse, my ID checked and the tests checked as to what will be done. My nurse then hooked me up to an IV, and took my vitals, and I was told that my next move would be to go to my private room, where when it was time, they would come get me and the surgery would begin. So then I met another group of very professional people who did the balloon on me and the stent put it. There is not too much discomfort during this operation and they are asking you if you are ok the whole time. I soon was taken back to my room to be with my wife Ramona, my daughter Deborah, and my brother who also is my neighbor and my best friend, Russell. Without them being there I would of been afraid, but with them there and The Great Father with His Hands upon my body, I was not afraid.

If you have family and you keep the faith, you can just about do anything. I went home the next day tired but glad that I had myself checked. So my words to you today is that if you come across a pain in the chest or your jaws, get to a doctor and be checked. And if you do have to have work done on your heart or any other part of your body, you always have The Great Father watching over you. And if you need to talk, I am available. Thanks for all the prayers from those who asked God to help me. I hope that what I went through will help someone else. Hope to continue visiting with you each Sunday. You are the greatest.
Ray “Uncle Ray” Day



Have you ever had that night where you were so tired and so sleepy that you couldn’t keep your eyes closed? Yes, I said closed. Well this writer has them just about every night, and lying there with the usual pain in my body, just doesn’t get the job done. Just about anyone who knows me knows that I am in pain almost all the time, but I still try to do whatever is needed to do.. The legs hurt, the back aches, and many times it hurts just putting my arms under the pillow. So just lying there , not getting the needed sleep, is a useless waste of time. Why lay there feeling bad when you can get up, go read a book, maybe watch a little television, or do what I do and that is to get me a hot cup of coffee and go surf the web on the computer.

You would be surprised at all the sites on the web that have inspiring stories about people who feel worst than I do. They don’t let the pain take them down. They use their pain to help others who need that inspiration to keep going. I go to a lot of sites about people who have had heart problems, and many others who are fighting their battle with cancer. Just about in all of those sites there is a message of hope, and faith, that keeps them going and it sort of sticks to you as the reader, letting you know that out there in this vast universe, someone cares. Someone cares enough to tell their story about their battle with pain, and it helps them to be able to know that they are being heard. They know that they are not alone at any time with their suffering, because they know that someone out there has asked The Great Father to help them.

In my lifetime, I have seen men and women with no legs. They may have been born that way or they might of lost them because of illness or accident. They still get around, and they ask for no pity, because they know that life goes on. I was a friend to a nice fellow who lost his ear to cancer and for awhile he sort of stayed in and didn’t want to be around others because he feared that people would notice. He came into the store to see me and he told me that losing the ear really bothered him. I told him that I saw him as my friend and I didn’t even notice the missing ear. He said that he looked different without the ear and I told him that he was the same friend that I had before the loss and that was it. A smile came to his face and from then on until his death, we talked and laughed many times. Another good friend came in one day and showed me that he had lost three fingers off his right hand in a table saw accident. He said it looked bad not having them but he still had two and he would just have to get by with it. Another friend who has since gone Home, came in one day to buy a table saw. He was blind so I asked him who he was buying it for. He said that it would be for him, and just because he was blind, it didn’t mean that he couldn’t own something that he could loan out to a friend. At least he could dream that he could operate that piece of equipment. He even wanted to get a tractor that he could sit on and act like he was the operator.

So life as it is goes on without stopping for someone to get off. You don’t give up on life just because of the situations that come about. You hold your head high, you pull that shirt collar up around your neck and you tell The Great Father to bring it on because you can take it. You know that He is there for you, and you know that one day, He will call you home. But until that day, you take life as it is given to you, and you put the pain on the far side, and use yourself as one of His servants trying to ease the pain of someone else. As we walk that narrow path of life, we will be witness to many detours designed to sway us to another path that only promises us a easy way of living, but without the chance of reaching The Promise Land.

So as this old man goes on with all the pain, I know that someday it will be time to enter The Gates Of Heaven, so just maybe the pain is just a test for me. We all will at one time or another meet up with a test. I feel blessed knowing that I am being tested. Talk with you next Sunday.
Ray “Uncle Ray” Day


"Friends Forever."

                   It seems like whenever I open the paper each morning, I see where a good friend has passed on to the “The Promise Land“. The people who have been part of my memory bank have gone Home, and I still remain. Many times I know that the friend has been sick and the possibility of them making it are very slim. But sometimes I see where one of them has passed on without me knowing that they were sick . People do pass on without being sick one day of their lives and the pain that the family has is surely hard to take. Just in the past few weeks I have seen where several of those good friends have gone Home and I was busy trying to find out what was wrong with the old ticker, and thus not finding out about them until they were laid to rest. That my friends , hurts a lot because I was not able to go to pay my respects to the family of that person. But I know that those families will forgive me because of the fact that they are my friends and friends are forever.

                  One of those who passed was an old mill buddy of mine and he had been sick for some time and his brother in law kept me informed as to how he was doing. But the pain of lying in that bed slowly came to a halt as my good friend Kenny finally was relieved of all his pain and was taken to “The Land Of The Great Father “. Another one who passed on was a lady who I hadn’t seen in many a year but I had asked my friend Claude about her each time we met. Her passing on was a great blow to my heart, because we knew each other way back in the good old days, when we were kids. She came from a great family, and she always had a pretty smile that told you that you were indeed friends.

                 One thing that I have always said is that those people I knew back in the days of old were part of a memory more precious that all the money in the world. I also saw where two of my old mill buddies, Hubert and Claude passed on.. Hubert was a friend that I saw once in awhile when he came into the store. He was a friendly sort of person who just didn’t know an enemy. That friend was liked by all he met. Claude was a steel pourer in the melt shop at the mill and he was a quiet type of person who just did his job and did it well. Those four people passed away and I didn’t know about them until after I came home from the hospital, and that my friends is very hard to take. But you know we have friends both from the past and the present who have gone Home without us knowing about it for several years.

                   I remember one time when I saw a friend from the past who also worked at the mill and was a good friend to my dad, and he asked me how “Dink” was doing. “Dink” was a name used by all of dad’s friends. I had to tell him that dad passed on five years before. Of course there was this person’s fear that he had hurt my feelings and I told him that he didn’t because he didn’t know about it. I still think about another of dad’s old friends, who’s name was Raymond, and this great friend became my friend way back in time as he was the giver of a bike to me when I needed one for my paper route. It was a Speed King and this young fellow was sure happy to get it. Raymond passed on a couple years back but he remained a friend to me and my father all his life. I could go on all day with stories about the friends that my father had and became my friends too.

                  And that is what we here on earth need to do . We need to remember where we came from and we need to remember those who were and always will be our friends. Just because we don’t see each other for several years does not mean that we stopped our friendship. If you just take the time to stop and smell the roses, you will find out that maybe a friend from the past is smelling them too. And when you get down on life because it is not going your way, ask a friend how his or her lives are . You will find that the friend might have that little bit of go power to get you going in the right direction. Friends are like that because they care enough to give the very best of their hearts. So as we leave this earth and we go Home, our memory is left in someone else’s memory bank.
Ray ”Uncle Ray" Day



Are you a worry wart? Do you sit and worry about things that you can’t do anything about? As most of you know, this old man does not let the little things in life worry him. The only sure thing that you and I have going in this life is being born and going Home to the Great Father. Everything else is what you and I make of it. Our early years in this life are training ones by those two people we know as our Mother and Father. They, through their type of training, do not give us a chance to worry about any little thing because they are there to do our worrying for us. We go out on our own, and then our time to worry starts . But we don’t just worry, we carry it too far so that we hurt those who love us, with all those little things that happen to all of us, yet we think we are the only ones that it happens to. It can be controlled. Worrying about something that you can’t do anything about can be controlled by using your time doing different hobbies, a little extra work around the yard, maybe growing a garden, or just reading a book that interests you. You and only you can change your habits in order to stop the needless worrying.
Another thing that I came in contact with was seeing people taking something without paying for it or asking the owner if they could borrow it. While working in retail, I could just about tell when someone was about to pocket something without paying for it. Young people are mainly the ones who will shoplift items , because they can and will sell them for the drugs they want. But shoplifting isn’t just done by young people as there are a lot of the older generation that have been doing it for years . For them most of the time it is a disease that controls them and they just can’t leave a store without first slipping an unpaid item in their coat or pocket.

I remember a story , told to me by a good friend who was in the know about shoplifting. Many years ago there was a man from a rich family who went through the stores with an overcoat on and he would steal things . The people in the store knew about him and they would watch and write down everything that he took and then the family would pay for them. The power of the family protected the man, who otherwise would have been arrested or placed in an institution. As I stated this was told to me several years ago and I don’t know how long he did it before he was stopped. Shoplifting is a terrible way to get something regardless of why it is being done.

And honesty really takes a back seat to many people who can’t resist stretching the truth in order to get some sympathy from another family member or friend. A person can go to a doctor and have a checkup and then tell everyone that he or she is really sick and their time is limited here in this life. The doctor can’t tell you otherwise because that is between the patient and the doctor. So you start to help them without really knowing just how sick they are. It seems that you have been helping for a long time and they are still as sick as they were before. As a rule of thumb, most people who are really sick just don’t talk about it because they don’t want your sympathy. They appreciate the help but they really want to do as much as possible on their own. And that is good because the time they spend helping themselves , keeps them from feeling sorry for themselves.

This writer could go on and on about the things that we come across in our walk of life but it just comes down to how you or I want to spend the rest of our life here on earth. If we are honest with ourselves, as well as with the people around us, and if we go about our day without worrying, and if we treat all others with respect, we will enjoy a life enriched with the training of our parents, and with the faith that The Great Father instills in us. Three words tell it all “Faith, Hope and Charity”. You and I will someday take that trip to The Promise Land, and we will reap the rewards of walking that narrow walk of life. You and I are the ones who will determine our destiny. I hope that we will be able to sit down next Sunday morning and visit again over this paper and a cup of coffee. You take it easy now.
Ray “Uncle Ray” Day




                      When I walk into a store, I usually have it in mind as to what I am there to buy , so most of the people who work in those stores know me and they let me know that they are there and then they leave me alone. They know that I will let them know. when I am ready . That my friends is knowing your customer and showing him some respect. Most customers want to look over everything even though they only are there to purchase a certain item. Not too many want to have someone looking over their shoulder the whole time they are there. Some customers will want to have you there so that they can ask all the questions even though they are not going to buy anything. Some customers look for a certain salesperson and if not there they will see when that person will be on the job. That my friends is the customer showing respect for the salesperson. And then there are those customers who will take up a lot of a salesperson’s time and then come back and buy that same item from a friend or another salesperson.

                       When you work in retail you run across a great many types of customers, and you learn to read them like a book. Although I am not in the retail sales business any more, I miss those people who respected me and I respected them. This old man finally decided to give the old body some rest and hung it up last March. I could tell you stories about the kinds of people who I had met through my tenure as a salesman, but that is between me and those great people who took the time to look me up in order to buy the right tool or just some advice on how to use it. It gave me great pleasure knowing that the customer respected me as a friend as well as a person in sales. If you are in commission work, that is a big plus because it means a little more money in your pocket. I worked on commission for most of the time that I worked in the store and I made a good wage. But sometimes sales were a little slim, and the paycheck just didn’t pay the bills. So when the chance at a hourly wage was offered , I jumped at the chance because then I could regulate a budget better. If you know each payday what you will be getting, you will use some common sense when you want to buy an item.

                      And if you have a great bunch of people to work with and have some great managers to work for, you feel like walking through those doors each morning, because the first thing you hear is hello and with a smile to boot. I really enjoyed my almost seventeen years in the retail field because of the great managers there. One manager told me that in order to be a good manager, you surrounded yourself with good people and then you let them do their job. And he is a great manager. I still have an option to go back one day if I want to. The memory of working at the store was a pleasant one due to the workforce there. I still have those good customers who trust me to give them advice on where to buy and what to buy as to their need for a certain tool. So if you are retired or if you just need a job, you need to look around for one that will fit your preferences. And then if hired, remember that you went looking for that job and you owe it to the company to do the best you can.

                      That is what keeps a company afloat. A business can only be as good as the people working for it and the customers coming in the door because they respect the people working there. And remember to leave your troubles at home because they don’t belong in the store. Do I miss working there? I sure do and I miss all the great people working there still. I hear from them at times and I go in to say hello as much as possible. Many times while there, a customer will come up and ask when I will come back to work. And they will ask for advice on how to get the right tool for what they want to do with it. I feel real good when this happens because it is a showing of respect on my behalf. We see changes every day on people moving from one store to another and you wonder why. The answer to being able to keep the good worker is very simple. Treat them with respect and do things that will make them respect you. Do your business like it is your home. Those people are your family and a good close family sticks together. Will I go back one day? Maybe I will. Right now I like retirement.
Ray “Uncle Ray” Day


“Our Memory”

           One thing that this young fellow of 66 years plus likes to do and that is to write and talk about the days of old and all the parts of it that were and still are the basis of living a good clean life. If I am somewhere and someone brings up something about the old days, they might as well sit back down because this old man will take the floor and tell to all how it really was back in those times of old. And if someone wants to join into the conversation with some memories of his or her own, time will pass and before long we will have said enough to write a book . Someday maybe that book will be written, but for now we get it out of our files that are stored in our memory banks.
           Of course there are those out there that, due to that terrible brain disease called Alzheimer’s, have no memory of how it was in their time. That is a real shame because when the power of the brain goes away, the person left is in a world of their own. We, who still are able to remember do not know how that person feels. It must be a terrible thing to lose your memory and not be able to know where you came from and where you are at the present time. Those of us who only have pain in our bodies, are nowhere close to the agony of a lost mind. The Great Father gave each of us the greatest computer ever made and that is the human brain. It controls just about any action taken by your body and without you having the benefit of that brain, you just don’t have the will to go do for yourself. A good friend of mine had a wife in the nursing home with that illness and he told me that even the breathing has to be part of the brain function, and he sometimes had to tell her to breathe. The families of those stricken with this illness have to be very compassionate in order to maintain their own lives while taking care of their loved one. That is where the love of one family member to another is very important, because without that love, the one that has lost his or her memory is all by themselves. Have you ever thought about how valuable your memory is? What would you do if your loved one came down with this illness? Would you have those true friends that would come to your aid and help you in this time of agony? What if you came down with it? Would there be someone there to take care of you? There are many out there that only have themselves and they just don’t care to have anyone else telling them what to do. But my friends, it is a good idea and just common sense to have that one family member or a good friend ready in case you enter into that lonesome world of that terrible disease called “Alzheimer’s “.

            Now after saying my thoughts on that subject, now I want to get up on my soapbox and ask what are we doing to fight this disease as well as heart problems and cancer. As a matter of fact what are we doing to fund the research on them? And why are we sending our money to those countries that ask for our aid when we really need to keep that money here and use it for our own medical problems? Are we going to cure those countries so that they can take us down one day? Or are we going to use our money to at least fight the very things that are taking us down now. Most of the time the money sent to those countries never see anything but the inside of the pockets of those in power. Everyone that knows me knows that I am a solid American and I try to back whatever our president wants to do, but folks there is a bottom to every bucket and we need to tell our leaders that we need to take care of our own before taking care of people who could care less about us. We give health care to the outside, but not to our own people. We fix up the land of the outside, but not our land. Someone needs to say it and this old man is here to tell you that we need to take care of ourselves before we do it for those on the outside who are laughing at us for being so nice. Don’t we deserve to come first in who to take care of? Don’t our lives count just as much as anyone else? By the way those countries that get our aid are usually governed by a dictater. He says “Thanks”. See you next week.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day


"Steel Mill Talk."

             A reader said that she enjoys what I write especially when I say something about working at the mill. She said that most of the time when the name of Continental Steel is mentioned, most of the remarks are negative She said that I always write positive about the people who worked there. She wanted to know why there are so many negative things said  by those who have never worked nor been in the mill.. Well my answer is right here for your eyes to see and believe if you so desire. I spent 31 plus years in that place and it fed my family , put my kids through school, put clothes on their backs and  a home to live in. Why say anything negative about a place that did all that not only for me but my father and his family and thousands of others?
             Sure it was a dirty place to work and the heat was almost un-bearable, and the winters were all you could stand, but out of that place came some of the best people that this city will ever have. I, and people who worked there for sixty years, were witness to some of the finest and  friendly people from all over the world. There were people from Italy, Russia, Greece, France, Scotland ,Britain, Ireland, and parts of Asia, Africa, who blended together with the ones from The Good Old USA, to make a crew of steel-making workers who did their job well. You knew the people, you knew what they believed in, and you always had them backing you up when you needed help. And on those days when most are at home enjoying the holidays, we were working at our jobs and enjoying the company of all those friends we call steelworkers. And the food they would bring in was out of this world. You could ,on those holidays ,go home a lot heavier than what you were when you came in.

            You see, time does not stop for those who are in the steel making business. It was a 24 hour, seven day  job that someone had to do. You didn’t shut down just because it was a holiday. You celebrated the holiday while sweating or freezing your backside off. I saw accidents that took lives, and some that ended their careers as workers, and I saw the hurt of those who lost a buddy on the job. Many times when you left home to go to work, you knew that maybe you wouldn’t return. Working in the steel mill was a dangerous profession, that many today could not or would not do. But you survived and at the end of the day, you went home to the family that meant so much to you. Sometimes it would take two showers to get all the dust off of you but the mark of friendship never washed away.

             During my  years there I saw more of the workers than I did of my children, but they understood that I was the one who made the wage to take care of them, and their mother was the one who spent all the time with them, and did all the things around the house and gave them all the support needed from a parent. That is the only thing that I regret about working at a steel mill. The time lost between a father and two of the prettiest angels around. Patty during her last five months said to me , “Daddy we know what you had to do and we forgive you for that” My oldest, Deborah, knew why I had to work and to this day she has been a strong mind in having to work for a living. She has a mind of her own and lets you know it.

             So to say that negative things are floating around about working at the steel mill, I would ask you if you know how many of our civic leaders ever worked in that mill. Many of them worked the summers there because they knew that there was always a job waiting for them to help them get the education they wanted. Would they want to go back if possible to sweat their backsides off? No they wouldn’t but they were thankful that the opportunity was there when they needed it. So to end our little trip back in time, I want to say this about the contamination from that mill. If you noticed, once the money stopped coming, the fears stopped also. I wouldn’t be afraid to work their another 31 years because they haven’t ever really proved that it was as contaminated as they said.  Now it sits all by itself waiting for more funds to waste , when it could be used right now for whatever wanted to build there. Enough said.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day


"Back In Time"

                     Sometimes I go back in time and remember those old movie stars. They were  part of the outside world with intentions of giving others a little time to just sit back and relax while entertaining us with their talents. Remember Roy Rogers and Dale Evans who showed the world that two people could love each other till death did them part, and after too. And Gabby Hayes, who I really thought would make anyone the best grandpa in the world. And Trigger, a horse of beauty who did tricks out of this world. Remember Gene Autry , who until the day he passed on was not only a person to love and a beautiful singer, and he was one to live his life making others happy. And  Smiley Burnette who had ties to Indiana.  Remember Ken Maynard, Johnny Mack Brown, Lash Larue, Bob Steele, Andy Devine, Tim Holt, The Lone Ranger, Hopalong Cassidy, and Hoot Gibson. It was fun seeing those cowboys when we were young and we saw ourselves being one of them when we were out playing with our friends. They treated their horses with respect and you never saw them kissing the ladies in the shows. You saw them riding off into the sunset at the end of the movie telling you that today’s trip with them was over but there would be another one next week.
                     You can still see some of these stars in their old movies on the cable , but there just isn’t enough of them. We need to bring back a channel that only shows the old-time cowboys and their sidekicks and then be able to sit back and relive those old days when it wasn’t important to show sexual scenes in order to get people to watch it. The past is the past but the present could sure use a lot of cleaning up in what we watch on television or at the movie houses. Will our future be one that shows every part of our bodies to all who wants to see it? Will we in the next few years turn our backs to modesty and morality, and be a world of filth, destined to be condemned by those who try to live a clean life? I think that we already have, as we sit before the tv set and watch the commercials that leave nothing to the imagination. Wait a minute, they do make you imagine yourself as one of them as we see in the news that the reality shows are flooding our homes with their filth. Now you can ask why I don’t turn the station or better yet turn off the tv, and I will tell you that I do that very thing. Why should I let them fill my mind with ideas contrary to the training of our parents? Why would I even go to a movie that I know will have scenes that I just don’t want to see? You say that I am a prude, and I will answer that just maybe I am. It has to be our decision to stop filling our heads with the preludes of sex and violence and not the duty of another to do it for us. I am not perfect and neither are any of you. We all have that one bit of time that we would like to change but it just cannot be done.

                    We have to ask for forgiveness and then go on with our walk along that narrow path of life. I guess my favorite television shows were “Touched by an Angel”  and “The Waltons”, but there were a few more that met the standards of yesterday mixed with today. But have you noticed how many have to deal with sex in order to tell the story? And the police dramas and their new ways of finding the guilty person are really way out in left field. Many of the so-called forensics are not even part of the real police work. And the lawyer shows , where some sleazy lawyer finds a way to set his client free regardless of if he was guilty or not. The way of a lawyer asking a question and wanting a yes or now answer really gets me mad. If a lawyer would ask me a question and then tell me that I could only answer yes or no, I would tell him or her to go to a hot place pretty darn quick.

                    Yes things have changed since that day when  The Great Father sent me to my mother and dad, but the training that I received from those two great people have set me free, and I can use my memories as a way to blend in with what we call the present day and the way it is. Hope I made a little sense today.

Ray “Uncle Ray” Day